2 more questions:
7 years ago

I still got questions. There are just a couple things I'm not aware yet. Then I promess you guys this is gonna be my last asking thread.

For instance;

1 - How the community works on game runs submission? Each game has it moderator to verify the runs? So If I wanna play some specific game I have to check first if the moderator's been active lately?

2 - If I have the first 2 best times, I will be in first AND second? Ow I just can have a Best time at a time on board? (stupid question)

Thank you again!

Vienna, Austria
  1. No. When a Moderator is not active, you can request to remove him as mod/request to get mod yourself for that game here: http://www.speedrun.com/The_Site/thread/63nr7
  2. No, only your best run is taken in consideration for that (Except if done on different platform or something like that and the Game's LB wants to separate it)
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United States
  1. Mods that understand the run for each game verify any submissions. Don't worry if a mof isn't active, if you try to contact them after submitting a run and they're inactive for a few weeks, you can post on a thread in the forums to request being a moderator. But this is only as issue for obscure games.

  2. Only your best time is shown.

WeaponLord les gusta esto

Thank you so much!