LiveSplit won't open?
5 months ago

Hello, i'm pretty new to speedrunning and to the site and i have just started experimenting with stuff. Today I downloaded LiveSplits, it opened, I messed with it for a little while and closed the program. When i went to open it for the socond time, it wouldn't start. I ran as administrator and still wouldn't open. Any advice?


Zanum les gusta esto
Somerset, England

Could you provide a bit more detail? Was there an error message? Or try following some guides online or search for your issue online

Zanum y phi1 les gusta esto

Yeah of course. So there is no error message or anything. Just no matter how many times i try to run it, it won't open. I've tried running as admin and everything. Searched online but noone seems to have the same issue. I might just reinstall the whole program. Thank for your time, sorry if something aint clear English isnt my first language.

Zanum les gusta esto

OK I figured it out. I'm just kinda dumb. Thanks still lmao

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