How can moderators streamline things for speedrunners of a game?
2 years ago


I'm the moderator for Eye of the Temple on

Some people are speedrunning this game who have no previous experience with speedrunning. E.g. they're new to and they don't know LiveSplit, etc. I want to make things as simple as possible for them and not overwhelm them with technicalities. I'd love tips on that. I should say I have very limited speedrun experience myself and am learning as I go!

So far I setup the game and categories etc. and also made an autosplitter for Eye of the Temple which can read the in-game time, and made sure LiveSplit knows about it so it can be fetched just by typing in the game name.

This is the current guide I have for people:

It's reasonable simple but still a few more steps than I'd like. Is there any way I could setup more things to be handled automatically, or are there any steps that could be simplified?

(Note that for now there's no actual splits needed for this game which luckily simplifies things a bit.)

Also, is there any overview over what kind of online integrations LiveSplit has? I know it can pull autosplitters from a GitHub repo, and it can pull categories from I've made use of both of those things. Can it pull layouts? Game icon? Other things? Where can I read about these things?

Editado por el autor 2 years ago

w/ all the technical questions, I'm sure someone else that can answer them will come by this thread.

For the others, I'd consider making a visual guide on things, since many people hate reading.


Thanks for the feedback!

I added images to the guide to make it more clear what to do without having to read the text as carefully.

Also, I found out it's possible to make an autosplitter automatically show a dialog offering to switch to game time if it's not set to that already, so I implemented that for the game's autosplitter. This makes the setup a bit simpler and the guide a bit shorter as it doesn't have to tell how to manually switch to game time.


Also, is there any overview over what kind of online integrations LiveSplit has?

Layouts should be personal, but you can always offer a fun and nice layout and splits already in the resources tab, which would be .lss and .lsl files.

As for "setting up", a video could definitely help, but there already are soo many "start speedrunning" guides over the internet, even in the Knowledge base of

Consider pointing new runners there, or the video you will make that's specific to Eye of the Temple. Or the text guide I just saw you linked :P