A (very) new runner has appeared!
4 years ago
Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Hi! My name's Arix (or Cptspok).

I've been watching speedrun for a longtime, but what really got me into it was Summoning Salt's videos. With the latest iteration of the SGDQ, my youtube recommendations are filled with speedruns, so I thought about giving it a shot. I'm a halo CE lan player so I'm going to run the game I know best. I don't know shit about speedrunning setup : I plan on using CE on computer, timing with Livesplit and as far as streaming, idk yet but maybe OBS to record and stream. I use a portable unit equiped with a i7-4th gen, 12gb ram, GTX 950m,1080p 60Hz screen and run the game on HDD (not the best setup, I know, but it runs Halo easy)

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
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