IL Strategies
IL Strategies
Actualizado 8 years ago por Nathacsa

The objective of this game is to guide all the Chirps or Piopios (chicks) to the exit door. The enemies, Tigers/Nyannyans and Iggy/Choro, kill Flicky in one hit, so avoid those at all costs. When the Tigers touch the Chirps they stop following you, so you have to gather them again. Iggy doesn't affect Chirps nor does it appear until the 10th round. Both enemies can be temporarily killed as you throw various objects/weapons at them, but they respawn after a few seconds (walk through an object to automatically grab it and jump to throw it). Keep in mind that the stages all loop in layout, but your position can trigger path changers for the enemies. During bonus rounds there are no real objectives, as the level ends after all the chirps stop falling. Credits to Ptorflaxendrosis, Speed0 and Smosism for some of the strats.

Round 1 Just proceed to the right jumping upwards to every new platform. As you collect the last Chirp, fall to the right and head towards the exit for an easy 10 second mark IGT. I've seen people make 9 seconds here, but have yet to replicate that time.

Round 2 Walk a little to the right and jump to grab the first Chirp and fall to the lower floor. Keep doing the same until you hit the bottom ground, where you must simply jump to collect the Chirp and jump up to the next platform, never releasing the Right button. Grab the weapon and throw it at the Tigers, releasing Right for a couple frames, then jump changing the direction to the left to reach the uppermost platform where the exit door awaits. If your last jump went perfectly around the platform, you can get 13 seconds IGT, otherwise 14 seconds is a good mark.

Round 3 The first bonus round. Keep in mind that the round ends as soon as you catch the last row of Chirps, so jump to reach them earlier. If you miss one of them, you'll have to wait until it goes offscreen so that the round can end, wasting time, so watch out for that.

Round 4 Jump to get the two lower Chirps as you proceed to the right, making sure you catch them at the END of your jump. This gives you a little room to keep running until you can do a long jump changing direction to the left and catching the nearest Chirp in the upper platform without having to peform a second jump. If your timing is correct, merely keep running to the left and you will collect the next Chirp. Jump to the next platform and make sure to grab a weapon. Throw it at the Tiger coming towards you in a way that you can collect the next Chirp in this platform as you land, then immediately do a long jump changing direction to the right. As soon as you land in the uppermost platform, jump to grab the next Chirp. Keep going to the right and jump in a way that you can collect the last Chirp and fall directly to the door in the lowest floor. If you did everything correctly you can get 14 seconds IGT, but 15 is fine too.

Round 5 Just run to the right until you land on the ground level. Go fast so you can get the lowest Chirp with sunglasses. From the ground climb two platforms to the right, then turn left from the platform with a enemy spawning point, jump up to the next two platforms grabbing all the Chirps on the way and get the last one at the top landing on the exit. Easy 11 seconds IGT.

Round 6 Immediately jump to the right as soon as you have control, grabbing the Chirp and falling in an lower floor, from where you must immediately turn left and jump again for another Chirp and landing lower down. This time, just release the Left button and momentarily hold Right just before you hit the wall to fall down. Be careful: if you hit the walls head on they bounce you back on the opposite direction (more on that later)! Keep going left on the lowest floor and try to grab the farthest Chirp here at the end of a jump, so that you can quickly turn right and jump as high as you can to reach the Chirp near the next platform, landing on this platform at the end. Optimally, you want to grab that Chirp WHILE you reach that upper platform, without having to jump twice. this is only possible with a good timing, as the Chirps slightly float up and down as they wait to be first gathered, and you can only grab this one in a single jump if it's on the lowest position of his animation. You want to do the same thing with the next Chirps as you go upward to the exit. Jump as few as possible and don't get bounced back by any walls so you can get 12 seconds IGT.

Round 7 The second bonus round. The pattern changes, so be careful not to miss the last Chirps.

Round 8 After just a couple steps to the right, jump to the uppermost platform grabbing the Chirp in the process. Jump at the edge of this platform and regulate your fall so that you grab the two Chirps standing in a column before you hit the ground. Run to the right and change direction as soon as you stand below the farthest Chirp. You should be able to retrieve it as it hits the lowest position of his floating animation. Run to the left and jump through the opening, grabbing the next Chirp by the same method as the last. Take a couple steps right and jump at the edge of the platform, changing directions to land on the upper platform to the left. Run to the left, jump at the edge and turn right to land on the upper platform where the exit stands. You can get 12 seconds IGT here, but 13 is also fine.

Round 9 Run to the right and jump to the upper platform, quickly climbing up the intercaleted platforms and getting the Chirps on the way. When you reach the background butterfly, jump up to the top level rightward and grab the Chirp up there mid-jump. Keep running to the right, then fall from the top floor getting a Chirp on the way down and make sure you land on the lowest platform to the left, not on the ground. Climb back up for the next Chirps, get the Chirp you left on the uppermost platform and jump one last time to drop exactly on the exit. With this strat it is possible to obtain 15 seconds IGT, but 16 is also acceptable.

Round 10 The debut of Iggy, so watch out for it. Immediately jump to the left as soon as you have control, landing on a higher platform where you can grab a Chirp. Run to the left and fall at a lower platform below the exit, grabbing the Chirp by standing below it and changing directions as you did at round 8. Head right and jump to get the nearest Chirp. Here, it's important that you jump and hit the ceiling before you quickly change direction and fall on the lowest floor, grabbing a Chirp in the process. Go to the left, jumping to get the next Chirp. Now, to reach the next platform on the upper left, there's a neat trick: if you jump towards a platform and stop diagonally down to it (that is, release the directional pad for an instant when you have a small latitudinal and longitudinal offset to the platform), hold the same direction again and you'll be able to reach the platform without ever gaining the appropriate height. I'll refer to this as a Pseudo-cancelled Jump. Grab this Chirp, jump up to the next platform and then jump right towards the exit. You can get 12 seconds IGT here.

Round 11 Another bonus round. The pattern here is a bit tricky at first, but you can still grab the last row with a jump at the end.

Round 12 Run to the left and do a long jump for the first Chirp, falling straight into the second Chirp. Jump to grab the next one and land on the very edge of the platform to the left, from where you must jump a bit higher to reach the last Chirp of the bottom area and land on the edge of the higher platform. From here, you can execute a precise jump to the left and land on the long platform higher up, otherwise you'll have to jump at the smallest platform first. Reach the uppermost platform and grab the Chirp as well as a weapon. Keep going to the left as you fall and you'll need to use the weapon to get rid of a Tiger and Iggy. Just fall down to the platform where the exit is and leave. It's possible to get 14 seconds IGT here if everything goes perfectly, but 15 is also great.

Round 13 Immediately jump up and move just a bit to the right to grab the first Chirp but land on the piece of platform to the left. From there, do a long jump, holding your forward momentum a bit near the end. The idea is to land at the platform above the window while grabbing the Chirp in the process. Jump and turn right to get to the uppermost platform where you'll get a Chirp and a weapon. Jump from the edge of this platform grabbing the three Chirps lined up to the left, hopefully hitting a Tiger with your weapon. Try to land on the platform just left of a yellow window and jump to the right to get the Chirp wearing sunglasses. Fall to the lowest platform in the middle and get the last Chirp to the left. Be careful with the Tiger as you go to the exit. 13 seconds is a good time here, but perfect movement earns you 11 seconds IGT by avoiding the point in the enemie's cycle where they stand exactly between the door and you.

Round 14 My favorite stage: the under-10-seconds swag! First, there's a faster and very risky strat: Immediately jump very high holding LEFT and you'll grab one of the Chirps standing above the door. Without releasing left, land on the lowest platform and turn left as you stand below the further Chirp, collecting it. Jump between the upper platforms to the right platform higher up, then jump again to the left in a way you get the Chirp right above and also lthe two other ones floating higher up, landing on the high platform with a yellow window and a sunglasses-Chirp. This jump is VERY precise, but if you manage to make it just fall from the left side of this high platform grabbing the last Chirp during the fall and landing on the exit. This allows you to get 8 seconds IGT!!! Now, there's also a safe strat that loses 1 second IGT: Immediately jump very high holding right and you'll grab one of the Chirps standing above the door. Without releasing Right, land on the lowest platform and turn left as you stand below the further Chirp, collecting it. Stand below the opening between the upper platforms and jump to next platform higher up to the left, then to the next one grabbing a Chirp with sunglasses in the process. From this platform, position yourself to jump in an arc to the right that will allow you to get the three remaining Chirps and land exactly at the exit in 9 seconds IGT. <3

Round 15 An easy bonus round, no problem here. Just make sure to catch the last row as soon as possible.

Round 16 Immediately jump to the left and fall hugging the platform so you can get the two Chirps around the blue painting on the way. Fall near the enemies' spawn point and proceed to the right, falling really close to the edges of the platform to grab the Chirps as fast as possible. From the lowest ground, walk right and do a long jump to grab the Chirp and land on the very edge of the platform just ahead. From there, jump and change directions mid-jump so you can grab the Chirp above the yellow window just to the right and land at the edge of the platform with two yellow windows, to the left. Jump to the upper platform grabbing the last Chirp on the way then quickly jump up to the left where the exit is. With good movement you can get 11 seconds IGT and avoid all enemies.

Round 17 Start running to the left and, as you fall from the platform, hold right to cancel your momentum and get both Chirps below while also landing on the platform that stands exactly right to the blue painting. From here run left, grab the Chirp wearing sunglasses and repeat the strategy of falling canceling momentum to get the Chirp wearing sunglasses and land on the ground. Keep going left and turn right below the next Chirp. Do a Pseudo-cancelled jump to grab this Chirp and reach the platform just below the yellow window. From here, jump right to get the next Chirp. Now, you can either: 1. with a perfect jump, land on the upper platform below the exit and do a small jump to the right to grab the last two Chirps, which saves a bit of time; or 2. land on a lower platform and make a longer jump to grab the last two Chirps and then jump to the exit. With perfect movement you can get 10 seconds IGT here, but 11 is acceptable.

Round 18 Immediately do a long jump to the right and grab the top Chirp before landing on the platform where the Chirp without sunglasses is. Jump to get him and fall into the opening, grabbing another Chirp on the way and landing on the bottom ground. From here, the fastest thing to do is jumping one more time to get the Chirp on the left and keep running left to get past the enemy spawning point before the Tiger comes out (slightly jump above it if necessary). Jump up at the opening and land on the platform to the left of the exit's direction. From here, quickly jump in an arc to the three Chirps and land on the right, now jump up to the platform on the right and immediately turn left to perform a Pseudo-cancelled jump that will allow to reach the exit. It's a neat trick, don't you think? 13 seconds is a good time here, but it's possible to get 12.

Round 19 Another easy bonus round. You know the drill.

Round 20 Things start to get a bit tricky and movement needs to become more precise. From the start I walk a bit to the right and jump to get the first Chirp, changing direction mid-jump to land on the platform to the left just below. Jump immediately from where you land to get the Chirp here and turn right mid-jump, trying to land closer to the right. Fall to the ground down below and jump to the left over the obstacle. Jump back to the right to get the Chirp and observe the Tiger carefully. Here I have two options, so remember this position. The harder strat requires you to be very fast up until now, so the Tiger running above you must NOT have jumped down yet. Keep the momentum from the last jump and jump againto reach the lowest platform above you. Run to the right and, near the wall, jump ABOVE the Tiger back up to the left. Land left of him making sure he didn't touch none of your Chirps so far and jump from the edge of this smaller platform, turning right mid-jump to reach the long platform above. From here, get the lower Chirp without sunglasses closer to the door, then jump up to the left to get the next Chirp and go right at the top platform to get the last Chirp, landing on the exit just before the incoming Tiger can give you trouble. Applying this strat perfectly gives you 15 seconds IGT, just like the TAS. Now the backup strat: starting from the position down the ground level I asked you to remember. If the Tiger above is already jumping down, jump to the same platform as him and land juuuust behind of his hitbox. Walk to the right behind him and kill him with the weapon as soon as you can, trying to get the Chirp floating to the right and land back on the SAME platform. If you can't and fall, you'll have to jump back up and lose time. From that platform run to the left and jump from the edge turning right mid-jump and landing on the platform above. From here, get the lower Chirp closer to the door, then jump up to the left to get the last two Chirps at the top as you go right and land on the exit before the Tiger gets too close. Applying this strat perfectly gives you 16 seconds IGT, which is not bad considering it's safe. If you don't get that precise landing I mentioned earlier, 17 seconds is an ok time.

Round 21 Run to the right, jump up to the platform, keep running right. Jump to the edge of the next upper platform and from here turn around to get the Chirps to the left, landing on the same level. From here you can perform an extremely precise jump to the higher platform that has the enemy spawning point, getting a Chirp on the way. This allows you to get a weapon, proceed to the left, fall through the middle opening and change directions to go to the exit, firing your weapon at the Tiger and Iggy just before you land. Run towards the exit, getting the last Chirp and ending the stage in 13 seconds IGT, possibly 12! Alternatively, observe the two Tigers on the ground floor to time your last jump to after they've gotten out of the way. I'd say 14 seconds IGT is pretty consistent here if you wait for the last jump.

Round 22 Another easy one. Go to the left and jump up to get the Chirp. Then jump up to the platform on the right and then up to the small platform on the left, grabbing the Chirps in the way. From here do a long jump over the '7' structure to your right in a way that you get the two top Chirps and land on the rightmost platform of the --|_|-- structure above the exit. From here, quickly jump up to the small platform on the right then jump again to get the Chirp above and fall on the lower Chirp right of the red window. Now just run to the left, holding your momentum near the walls (so you don't get bounced back) and reach the exit in 12 seconds IGT. EZ every time.

Round 23 Bonus round. Next!

Round 24 Run right and jump up to get the sunglasses Chirp enclosed by the wall and stairs. Land back on the ground and jump to the edge of the stairs on the right. Quickly turn left and do a long jump, grabbing a Chirp and landing on the second step of the stairs to your left, where a weapon is. Climb to the next step, grabbing the Chirp, then do a long jump going to the right after you reach the Chirp just above. Land on the middle of the right stairs and climb to the top. Now fall between the walls. If you hug the left wall after getting the Chirp in the way down, you can land without hitting the exit's hitbox. Walk to the left and jump to get the last Chirp enclosed between the walls. This strat gives you 18 seconds IGT.

Round 25 Start by running to the right and jump at the edge. Fall directly on the two Chirps floating near the elephant painting and land on the bottom ground. Run to the left, jumping to get the Chirps in the way. When the opening comes, jump up to the platform on the left. Run left and jump a bit before the Chirp, grabbing it mid-jump and immediately changing direction to land on the higher platform next to you. Just run to the right and don't care about the opening, run past it. As soon as you step on the other side, jump up to the next platform, collecting a Chirp. Keep going right and, like before, jump a bit soon to get the Chirp and land on the higher platform left of it. From here just go up to where the last Chirp and the exit are. Good movement gives you 15 seconds IGT here. 16 might be ok.

Round 26 Run to the left, climb up the steps. Wait before the last steps, until the Tiger from above jumps over you. Keep going up, get to the top and fall to the right, near the wall, getting the Chirps on the way down. As soon as you land, go left and jump up to the enclosed area in the middle, where all the weapons stand. Get both of the Chirps here in a single jump, the from the edge of this platform jump up the highest you can to reach the last Chirp. Fall on the ground and run to the door, earning 17 seconds IGT.

Round 27 Here's a tricky bonus round. The game will try to fool you with the pattern here, but make sure you jump for the last row of Chirps like always.

Round 28 This one's easy. Go left, jump at the edge, get the Chirp, fall, keep running left past the Tiger spawning point. From this platform, you'll want to turn right as soon as you touch the Chirp with sunglasses. Now just run right for a while, keeping the weapon you get on the way. As you're falling to the ground at the very bottom, you'll have to fire the weapon just as you get within range of the Tiger's hitbox. That is, you'll almost hit him head on and die, so don't miss! Keep going right to get the two Chirps at the bottom. When you get to the opening, jump up and turn left to land on the platform you were just under. Keep zig-zagging to the top. I find this doesn't save nor lose time, but manipulates the enemies' paths so that they don't bother you on your way up. You can get 18 seconds IGT here.

Round 29 This is kind of a cool strat of mine: run right all the way and hit the wall head on while falling. As it bounces you back, hold left so you can get the Chirp with sunglasses before you land. Land on the very edge of the platform and fall to the right for the next Chirp. Run to the left and get the bottom Chirp at the middle of your jumping, turning right again immediately. Go right and climb back up the platform. Keep climbing up, get the Chirp below the enemies' spawning point mid-jump like before and go back left to keep climbing up. From the last suspended platform jump left as soon as you can to reach the platform where the exit is, as it's closer than jumping to the right. Get an easy 15-second mark here.

Round 30 Run a bit to the left and jump holding right a little so you get the first Chirp as you turn right. Climb up to the top getting your Chirps along the way as fast as possible. Fall from the top and start holding left to get the Chirps before you land. Go to the left and grab the Chirp mid-jump, immediately turning right afterwards. If you got both Chirps during the fall, you can quickly jump to the edge of the next platform and immediately jump around the Tiger to keep climbing up. Doing this perfectly gives you enough time to fall from the top again directly towards the exit in 16 seconds IGT without touching any enemy, though it's VERY precise. You can go safe here to avoid getting killed: after you had to fall from the top for the first time, you can hug the wall at the base of the stairs, wait a bit and jump as soon as the Tiger jumps down, avoiding collision with him. Then just climb back to the top and fall on the exit section again, dodging the Tiger before you leave. I get 18-19 seconds IGT here playing it safe, but it's up to you if you wanna risk the faster strategy.

Round 31 Another bonus round that tries to fool you. Same as before, basically.

Round 32 Go left and jump to get the first Chirp, immediately turning right after you touch it to land on the platform higher up. Jump to the right as soon as you reach the opening, getting another Chirp, land on the higher platform and turn back left as you stand exactly below the Chirp here to grab it. Start running left and jump to the edge of the middle platform of the 'E' structure, immediately turning right again and jumping to the top of the structure on the right, collecting another Chirp in the process. Keep going to the right and fall between the walls, be careful not to get bounced all over. As soon as you land jump to the left to reach the lowest platform again, then quickly jump left once more to the 'E' and get another Chirp. Depending on your movement so far you might be able to get this one without jumping, too. Optionally you can get the weapon here to throw as you climb up the 'E' to the very top, getting rid of a Tiger on the way. From the top just fall between the walls to the left, grabbing the last Chirp. 18 seconds IGT is a good point to reach the exit, thought it's possible to get 17 with really good movement.

Round 33 I really hate this stage. Immeadiately jump from the start an land on the right edge of the top platform. Keep going right to get the Chirps and a weapon. Jump from the 5th last tile of the grey floor and fall through the opening TOUCHING THE CHIRP WITH SUNGLASSES on the way down. That requires a relatively precise jump, because you'll land right of two yellow windows and want to just keep going right to get the next Chirp with sunglasses, without jumping. So your timing has to be very good. But there's more: do a long jump to get the next Chirp and hopefully you can also get the higher Chirp left of the exit during the same jump. Land on the bottom floor and turn left. Run to the left jumping to get the last two bottom Chirps and jump back up to get to the exit. If you couldn't get the Chirp directly to the left of exit before, jump from the very edge of the lower platform but don't hold right to reach the exit afterwards, as you'll probably just bonk on the side of the platform. Instead release the right for a bit as you start falling and peform some sort of Pseudo-cancelled jump (pressing right again after you get just a tiny bit below the platform). If everything goes right, cherish your 13 seconds IGT. If not, 14-15 is acceptable. ALTERNATIVE STRAT: From the start, take a tiny step to the left and jump to get both the Chirp floating straight ahead and the one below. Land on the lower platform and keep running left. Just after you pass the nearest sunglasses-Chirp hitbox (collecting it), do a full jump towards the next platform (the one with the exit) and as soon as you touch it jump again to reach the uppermost platform. If you hold left this entire time you'll be able to make this jump. Keep runnin left to reach the weapon just in time to fire it at the Tiger. Proceed towards the opening, fall from this platform and land on the ground floor. From there, keep going left jumping to get the last two Chirps, then as soon as you get to the opening again jump up turning right, holding the higher platform as much as possible, then jump again from it to quickly reach the exit. This can also give you 13 seconds IGT and, even with so many close calls, I still find it less stressfull than the normal strat.

Round 34 This is one of the most dangerous stages. You have to be very quick or else you'll have trouble with the enemies. Start going left and climb the high structure with three Chirps using only its own platforms. As soon as you get the third Chirp, jump above the smaller structure on the left (where a Tiger you'll be, so watch out!) and fall between the walls to get the next Chirp. Now, this part is crucial: near the bottom of these walls, you'll have to bounce from the left wall to land behind the Tiger on the ground. If you fall straight down, you'll hit it directly. The Tiger will walk to the left, so keep going just behind him until you can climb up the next tall structure. Note: there is a chance the second Tiger might get hit by a weapon you could accidentally throw earlier, depending on the frame you'd performed your previous jump. Either way, make sure you quickly climb the second tall structure to the top, from where you just need to fall between the walls and land at the door. This strategy can give you 15 seconds IGT here.

Round 35 Easy bonus round. Nothing new to say.

Round 36 This one is really easy. Immediately jump to the left to grab the first Chirp. Walk to the right and jump just before you hit the exit's hitbox to get the Chirp on the right side. Get close to the door again and jump up to the platform on the left. Jump over the obstacle and get the Chirp to the left. On the way back, jump from the right edge of the obstacle to get to the platform on the right, where another Chirp awaits. Go back to the opening and jump up to the platform on the right side. Again, use the left edge of the obstacle to jump towards the platform on the left. After you have all the Chirps just be careful while you fall towards the exit so you don't get bounced by walls, this could make you hit one of the enemies. You'll easily get 17 seconds IGT here, or 18 which is also ok.

Round 37 This one can be dangerous, even though I try to go safe. Immediately jump right from the start and up to the small platform, getting a Chirp. From here jump up to the next platform and keep going left. From the edge, do a long jump towards the Chirp wearing sunglasses up in the distance. Focus only on getting this one for now and land on a small platform just below which has a weapon. Fall through the opening towards the ground level with that weapon, quickly face the enemies' spawning point and throw the object at the Tiger that's about to get out. Be careful with the Iggy spawning right after and the other Tiger that'll be landing near you and jump up to the platform on the right side. Quickly jump up back to the area where the exit is, grabbing all the Chirps you missed before. Get the last Chirp near the exit as you fall towards it. You can get 15 seconds IGT if everything goes right, though 16 is also fine.

Round 38 This one is also easy but can become a real pain if you screw something up. Take a step to the right from the start and do a long jump getting the sunglasses-wearing Chirp nearest to the door and a Chirp without sunglasses further away (yes, you'll skip a Chirp in the middle of these two for now). Land on the small platform to the right of the one with the enemies' spawning point, run to very edge and jump far to the right towards the exit platform, grabbing the normal Chirp on the way. From the platform with the exit, immediately jump to the left and get the two Chirps floating high up here. Land on a small platform you were just on and jump back up to the one with the exit. Now do another jump to the right, getting two Chirps wearing sunglasses and landing on the ground level. Dodge the Iggy and run to the left. Jump from below the last Chirp and land on the small platform that has the spawning point, from there immediately jump up to the exit. Voìla, easy 12 seconds IGT.

Round 39 Bonus round. Piece of cake. Don't miss the last row.

Round 40 For some reason I tend to screw this up a lot. But it's really easy: run to the right and jump heads on the wall, using it to bounce you back to the higher platform maintaining momentum. Run to the left now and jump normally to get the Chirp and land on the higher platform. Go to the right and get the weapon, throw it when you're already next to the Tiger that's about to spawn and immediately jump towards the wall, bouncing back left and reaching the higher platform. Go left. Here there's another Tiger which you must hit with the weapon before quickly jumping and bouncing off the wall. Go to the right and jump to reach the two Chirps at the top, first the right one then the left one. Now just fall between the walls and land on the exit. You can get 17 seconds with good movement, I think 16 is possible but I haven't gotten it so far.

Round 41 Also surprisingly easy for this point in the game. Go to the right, get the Chirp, jump up through the opening above the yellow window. Climb up for the next Chirp and after the third one land on the platform that has an enemies' spawning point. Jump to the platform with a weapon and then up to the one with a sunglasses-wearing Chirp at the top. From here jump your way to the other Chirp on the top level and fall to the right of the platform to get a weapon (just for safety). Keep falling in a zig-zag pattern to get the Chirps, be careful with the slippery floor. When you hit the ground just jump left to get the last Chirp and head to the exit. Hopefully you won't have triggered any path-swapper for the enemies and they won't bother you. Good movement awards you with 14 seconds IGT though 15 is more likely.

Round 42 The hardest round in the game. The problem here is that it requires only high jumps and there are a lot of walls to bounce you all over, not to mention the slippery floor you've certainly noticed by now. Climb the steps as fast as you can, don't worry about getting the Chirps here for now. From the top, fall on the next section to the left, hugging the right walls so you can get the Chirps on the way down. Climb back up to the top and try to kill the Tiger spawning here with a weapon or carry the object for the next area to the left. Fall and collect the Chirps. Now climb back up again and fall on the exit area again, grabbing the Chirps on the way down. Repeat until the last area with the exit. The best time I've ever gotten here was 19 seconds IGT, but it's very inconsistent. The TAS does it in 17 seconds with frame-perfect movement.

Round 43 B O N U S R O U N D

Round 44 Very easy: run to the left and fall over the two Chirps lined in a column. Jump to the higher platform on the left and jump in a triangular trajectory to get all the Chirps around and land on the ground level. Jump up to the higher platform on your right then to the platform higher to the left. Get a running start to the left and jump from the edge to reach the Chirp below the exit, falling straight down for the last ones. It's important to keep momentum for this jump because otherwise you might end up on the platform with the exit by the Pseudo-cancelled jump effect. From the floor, run back to the right (to avoid the enemies) and jump back up to the lowest platform after the Tigers leave it. Quickly jump for the next platform and then to the exit. Easy 14 seconds.

Round 45 One of the easiest stages, seriously. Immediately jump right from the start, land on the small rectangle. Make an arc to the left, keep running past the next platform and fall over the two Chirps lined above the enemies' spawning point. From the floor, run to the right and jump near the rectangle to get the next two Chirps in one jump then jump for the last one. Head to the exit for 10 seconds IGT.

Round 46 Run to the right and jump from the edge, falling over the two nearer Chirps on the way down. Keep going right and climb the smaller structure. You can get the weapon near the spawning point and kill the Tiger as it jumps or, if you're fast, reach the Chirp in the center of the area before killing that Tiger. After you climb up to leave this enclosed area, make sure to get a safety weapon as you go back to the ground level. There might be a Tiger running around there, so use the weapon to get rid of it. Alternatively the Tiger might be coming down from the larger structure, in this case you can just climb up towards the exit because it's easy to avoid him. I can get about 20 seconds IGT here consistently, though it should be possible to get less with very good movement.

Round 47 Last bonus round! Finally! And the pattern is simple, too!

Round 48 Last stage. At least before the credits come up and the game starts looping. Take a step to the right and jump to the top of the square to get the first two Chirps. Get a running start in this small space and jump to the left. Go up and right to the platform with an enemies' spawning point and get the two Chirps at the top of this area. Fall and run to the right, jump from the edge of the platform to the next one on the right (might get the Chirp on the way). Jump up for the final Chirps at the top and just fall down walking towards the exit. Approach the exit from the right if you didn't get that Chirp on the way before. You can get 12-13 seconds here easily.

For the record, after the credits play and the game starts looping, all Chirps are still on the same positions as before at first, but the enemies get faster and faster. Some of these strategies may still apply for stages 49-up, but some may not.

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