Running on ScummVM
2 years ago
New York, USA

Hi all, I have been learning this speedrun using the current version of ScummVM (2.5.1) which supports AGS titles. I only just noticed when trying to submit my latest runs that emulators may be banned. Just wanted to check that this is the case as it's not listed in the rules. The reason I have been running on ScummVM is for crash prevention and the fact it has room load times that seem to be equal to the ones already on the board.

Totally happy to abide with whatever the community answer is here, but wanted to check before submitting.

United States
Super moderadorSlyfincleton
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
1 year ago

Just realized I forgot to respond back when this was posted (I'll also admit I was less familiar with ScummVM then than I am now). Considering how annoying it can be to run these games on modern hardware/OS I see ScummVM as a much more accessible way to play the game with no unfair advantages and don't see a reason to ban it.

Anyways this was probably obvious with your ScummVM run on the leaderboard for months but wanted to make it clear for anyone passing by.

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Publicado 1 year ago
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