Something is up with the top run
3 years ago
Washington, USA

He should have taken damage many times and did not such as 2:13 and in the helicopter level he loaded before the blanket left the screen. Kinda sus.

South Korea

i'm going to look into it.

Washington, USA

thanks and gg on sub 2 minutes

United States

yeah btw plank you submitted it as 1:55 not 2:55 lmao

plank les gusta esto
South Korea

oh shoot lmao

Michigan, USA

anyone active in this? I was watching runs and one seems to start off a save state as well. Also I submitted a run and its been a few weeks. Not sure who to reach out to?

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Publicado 2 years ago
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Publicado 3 years ago
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Publicado 4 years ago
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Publicado 5 years ago
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Publicado 5 years ago
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