New Skips
11 months ago
Oregon, USA

Over the past few days I have discovered a few new skips, two of which save roughly a minute and half each. I also discovered a glitch with the moveable objects. I've linked some videos with some explanation, so have at it. (Names can be under discussion, I just randomly named them)

Movable object glitch explanation: Saves about 90s:

Saves about 80-90s:

Saves about 15s:

Saves about 7-10s:

United States

My man you are putting in WORK. This is nuts. Completely insane.

Thank you for your contributions. I can’t even believe how low the time can get. I’m gonna be trying tonight if I don’t get home from work at 1130 haha.

This wouldn’t be possible without your efforts. Congratulations my man, job well done.

DillyDogz19 les gusta esto
Oregon, USA

I have found another skip in Tombaugh (wow what an area). This is right after the second big skip with the battery in the MPT reactor room.

Correction: I believe the pulsing actually starts at the top of the stairs, not the bottom.

United States

That’s super neat, I tried a few things with that door but never for very long. The pulsing was always a bit annoying but from enough experimenting I found out (I think it’s in my current wr run) that you can run through most of it. If it’s not in my run I’ll try to make a video tomorrow.

I really do think that since they added Tombaugh into the game after, the spent way less time play testing the area which is why we find all these skips here waiting for us. We’ll see what happens next.

United States

Ok so reviewing my video, I don’t do the faststrat but I can explain it a bit here first. I run past the pillars and take the blast a few times because it isn’t fatal but you’ll see me waiting especially long after I reach the next one to avoid the next blast. I learned that I can keep running and, by taking a tight line, make it behind the next pillar before the blast, and by then you’d have fully healed up to repeat the cycle and get to the end.

United States

I hate this room so much. Found a way to skip through it.

Oregon, USA

Oh this is great, I hate that room as well. Reloading with hostile ASE's in the area is wack, but I'd rather not die to RNG like usual.

Oregon, USA

Heres another glitch I found today. You can click on screens while in the pause menu from afar. This could potentially be very useful as you can also click on screens during cutscenes, but I haven't found any yet that will save much time because either the screen is behind the menu, or the cutscene isn't long enough to click through each button.

I have also tried clicking through objects, but that doesn't seem to work, so I believe you have to have direct line-of-sight with the screen for this to work.

Update: You can also click on screens without pausing by click while in alt-tab. This was almost really huge in Reinhold, however, you get stuck watching the cutscene while you quickly lose all of your oxygen and it reloads.

Another area:

Editado por el autor 11 months ago
United States

An interesting addition to the boing glitch. This video is from a month ago so it’s pretty new. This seems to be caused by the player being just below the fuel cell, like it’s on the slightly raises part of the floor which may cause it, as evidence by the fact that it didn’t happen when they were on the same part of the floor. Could be useful maybe not, we’ll see.

Oregon, USA

Of course right after eewalktub posts a whole run tutorial I find something. Here is a slight update to the pause click glitch. You can instead hover over the button in the pause screen and unpause and the game will believe you are still in the screen while still being about to move around. It comes with some downfalls that prevent it from saving even more time. This video shows you how to do it and theres a few clips to show where it is useful. There may be others that I haven't thought of, but most of the other places I've tried either are very glitchy or don't really end up saving time.

The Copernicus clips might seem kinda confusing, but basically you just spam space and wait for the cutscene to play because you can't get into the vehicle until after.

From the clips I've posted, I believe it's around 15 seconds of total time save

Another thing to note is that if you end up accidentally clicking out of the screen, the button will still be lit, so the only way to press the button is to do the glitch the normal way or to actually interact with the screen (so DO NOT CLICK OR PAUSE while doing this glitch).

Editado por el autor 9 months ago
United States

this saves way more than 15 seconds

can this be used after rheinhold to activate the cutscene?

Editado por el autor 9 months ago
United States

You cannot use it after Rheinhold to start the cutscene early (yet)

BUT using it in Copernicus to activate the monorail, on a lesser pace, saved 17.5 seconds on it's own

Editado por el autor 9 months ago
Oregon, USA

Oh yeah I tested it for Rheinhold and it's really unfortunate that you die in the middle of the cutscene. The only way I can think to fix that is to either find a blind setup for getting the oxygen, figure out how to see while in the cutscene, or find a way to trigger the cutscene earlier.

United States

I couldn’t even get it to trigger at all. What did you do?

Oregon, USA

Also, the reason I don't believe Copernicus actually saves that much time is because you waste 9 seconds just waiting to press the button outside of the tower, but you save around 13-15 seconds from not having to go into the station, so all in all it's around 4-6 seconds. The cutscene and the panning back to the player thing still plays in both scenarios, so that time stays the same.

Oregon, USA

Oh and for Rheinhold, you can trigger the cutscene by alt tabbing and pressing the button. It's much less convenient than the pause glitch, and you might have to resize your window to get to the button, but it works. Unfortunately, the cutscene that plays with Sarah is much longer than the cutscene of the tower falling down, so you get into the low oxygen part while the cutscene is still playing and it just reloads to the oxygen part when you die.

United States

Do you think if we time the cutscene of falling down we can get control of our character while the Sarah cutscene still plays?

United States

I’ll time the cutscenes when I get home and see if I can move at all, probably no camera usage so a blind setup would have to be keyboard only

United States

Yeah doesn’t work. (Yet). “Movement” starts 1:15 after cutscene starts and I hear the timer but can’t press f to get o2

United States

I found a new way to get oob in Tombaugh entry, it's not fast but it's a good backup if you mess up the regular way of doing the trick. The movement itself loses 15 seconds to WR.

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