Bigger changes, very important, please read.
4 years ago

Changes all around to every facet of the leaderboard.

Categories: Any% will just focus on the 8 main levels, the Limited version will still be present. But the Challenges are a problem. They aren't a part of the main game and therefore are not a part of Any%, but having an entirely separate category that is just Any% + Challenges doesn't feel very fitting since that and Any% will be almost identical. I do not know how to resolve this. Please do speak up and tell me you own opinion on how this should be handled. Whether there should be a 100% category that is almost identical to Any% or whether such category should be miscellaneous or if only Challenges could be a category. Any thoughts are welcome.

Rules: I am going to rewrite the rules to IL's and Full-game categories to make them more clear in their intent, especially Limited.

Runs: I have deleted all of my runs leaving only 1 run of afnannen. I am going to submit runs with times better than those deleted ones.

IL's: Challenge IL's added, any future IL submissions will be submitted with miliseconds. The timing method changed to start the time upon clicking the level icon instead of the "start game" in the main menu. That one afnannen run was retimed to reflect that.

Please do not hesitate to mention any ideas, complaints, questions and comments you might have about those changes. I want to make this leaderboard the best it can be, and leaving feedback is the best way to make that happen.

Thank you for taking your time to read the aformentioned changes.

Editado por el autor 4 years ago
Lyren y afnannen136 les gusta esto

Thanks to extensive feedback from afnannen the categories are now set up as is. I believe that this is a quite good way to have the leaderboard setup, but if anybody has further suggestions, then I still will gladly hear'em out. Whether it has to do with the category setup or the rules.

Lyren y afnannen136 les gusta esto
Estadísticas del juego
Últimos hilos
Publicado 4 years ago
2 respuestas