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Tutorial - Peace
Tutorial - War
Becoming a Generalissimo - Disrupting enemy schemes
Becoming a Generalissimo - The Holy League
Becoming a Generalissimo - Conquest of Italy
Becoming a Generalissimo - Saving Turin
Becoming a Generalissimo - The Siege of Belgrade
Roundheads vs Cavaliers - The Battle of Edgehill
Roundheads vs Cavaliers - The Struggle on the East
Roundheads vs Cavaliers - The Battle of Newbury
Roundheads vs Cavaliers - Raising the New Model Army
Roundheads vs Cavaliers - The Battle of Naseby
Cossacks gain fame - Rebuilding the Zaporozhian Sich
Cossacks gain fame - War in Inflanty
Cossacks gain fame - The Fall of Kafa
Cossacks gain fame - March on Moscow
Cossacks gain fame - The Battle of Khotyn
In distress and cold, on the Tsar's employ - Repelling the Tatar Raid
In distress and cold, on the Tsar's employ - The Siege of Vitebsk
In distress and cold, on the Tsar's employ - The Defense of Mogilev
In distress and cold, on the Tsar's employ - War at the North
In distress and cold, on the Tsar's employ - War in Livonia
Dawn of the French fleet - On Hospitaller service
Dawn of the French fleet - Expedition against Gigelly
Dawn of the French fleet - Helping Messina
Dawn of the French fleet - The Struggle on La Manche
Dawn of the French fleet - Stopping the Invasion
Three wars (bonus) - Turkish invasion
Three wars (bonus) - Fight for freedom
Three wars (bonus) - Thirty years war
Summer mission - How Cossacks get to the fair.
Holiday Season 2016 mission - How elves saved the reindeers
(DoB) Pro Fide, Lege et Rege - The Assault of Kokenhusen
(DoB) Pro Fide, Lege et Rege - Lifting the Siege of Riga
(DoB) Pro Fide, Lege et Rege - The Skirmish of Klushino
(DoB) Pro Fide, Lege et Rege - Saving of Pochayiv Lavra
(DoB) Pro Fide, Lege et Rege - The Battle of Vienna
(DoB) Scenarios - Konotop
(DoB) Scenarios - Clast at Nordlingen
(DoB) Scenarios - Stuart Restoration
(DoB) Scenarios - Peasants' War
(DoB) Scenarios - Landing in Brittany
(RtG) Huge gambles and Great achievements - First Silesian War
(RtG) War of the Austrian Succession
(RtG) Huge gambles and Great achievements - Battle of Kesselsdorf
(RtG) Huge gambles and Great achievements - Ahead of the Curve
(RtG) Huge gambles and Great achievements - Against all Odds
(RtG) The Lion of the North - The Ingrian War
(RtG) The Lion of the North - The War in Prussia
(RtG) The Lion of the North - The Battle of Breitenfeld
(RtG) The Lion of the North - The War in Germany
(RtG) The Lion of the North - The War for Armistice
(RtG) Scenarios - Second Northern War
(RtG) Scenarios - Great Northern War
(RtG) Scenarios - Franco-Dutch War
(GotH) The heroic struggle - The Bishops' Wars
(GotH) The heroic struggle - The Battle of Marston Moor
(GotH) The heroic struggle - Scottish Civil War
(GotH) The heroic struggle - The Jacobite rising
(GotH) The heroic struggle - The Battle of Falkirk Muir
(PtG) St. Jacob with us, Spain! - The Spanish Road
(PtG) St. Jacob with us, Spain! - Siege of Ostend
(PtG) St. Jacob with us, Spain! - On enemy land
(PtG) St. Jacob with us, Spain! - The War in the Palatinate
(PtG) St. Jacob with us, Spain! - The Rescue of Genoa
(PtG) In the Service of the Grand Vizier - Restoring order.
(PtG) In the Service of the Grand Vizier - Fourth Austro-Turkish War
(PtG) In the Service of the Grand Vizier - The Siege of Candia
(PtG) In the Service of the Grand Vizier - Wars in Ukraine 1672-1681
(PtG) In the Service of the Grand Vizier - Battle of the Pruth River
(TGA) Oranien boven! - New Holland
(TGA) Oranien boven! - Capture of East Indies
(TGA) Oranien boven! - Raid on the Medway
(TGA) Oranien boven! - The Disaster Year
(TGA) Oranien boven! - Glorious Revolution
(TGA) Scenarios - War for Brazil
(TGA) Scenarios - War in the Caribbean
(TGA) Scenarios - The Portuguese War of Independance
(TGA) Scenarios - Siege of Dunkirk