Discord Server
8 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Recently I just made a discord server for people who are interested in doing speedruns of Code Lyoko games and so that everybody can interact and ask questions in a live chatroom. Just_Samu and I are also happy to answer questions there as well as here


LeonRoxas les gusta esto
Florida, USA

Does this discord server still exist? I'd love to join it.

United States

Yes the Discord Server is still active, and the link posted above should still work!

Florida, USA

It doesn't work for me unfortunately. May I get an invite link for it please? I'd love to start running Glitchless of this game.

United States


This is a permanent invite link for the Code Lyoko Speedrunning discord server. It's open to everyone, and also has channels for Code Lyoko (DS) and Code Lyoko: Fall of XANA.

Estadísticas del juego
Corridas recientes
Nivel: Ice Spider
Últimos hilos
Publicado 6 years ago
4 respuestas
Publicado 2 years ago
1 respuesta
Publicado 7 years ago
1 respuesta