What is the longest possible run that would be verified?
1 year ago

i wish to know what is the longest possible run that would be verified for celeste

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Runs can be as long as you want if you can upload a video of it to a video sharing site, but they do have to be a reasonable attempt at being fast. We don't reject people for just not being as experienced with the game and taking a long time to beat the game. However we reject runs for fooling around and trying to be slow on purpose like standing around for an hour. This does not include challenge runs as long as you try to beat the game fast with the restrictions placed upon you

y Lyren les gusta esto

how does one become a mod for celeste or any game on this site for that matter?


have experience with the game and the site

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2024 Any% Open starts this weekend

The 2024 Any% Open starts this weekend! Make sure to catch the action live on the .

Signups are closing in 48h of this news being posted. So if you want to play in the tourney, make sure to join the [Celeste Community Event

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