Verify sleep breaks
3 years ago

Hi everyone ! I'm thinking about running my first hundo run whithin the next weeks (or months if I cannot find time for that). As I will certainly register it without streaming, how do you verify the sleep breaks rules ? Is it possible to upload 3-4 videos and let a second timer run during the breaks, or is it necessary to register the breaks (with all the failure risks when registering a 50h+ video in one go) ?


Video series with overlap are typically accepted, video series with gaps are often not

pTiplouf les gusta esto

Ok, so does it mean that registering 1 video/day plus 1 video/break with overlaps is fine ? And I think it requires 2 instances of a registering software running at the same time for overlaps, is that even possible (I'm using OBS) ? Unless there is another way to do so ?


So far if you are doing your run offline. We would prefer if the recording is one uninterrupted take. Obviously it can be break into parts for the youtube upload

pTiplouf les gusta esto

Ok thanks. But this leads me to ask another question : if it's better to record an uninterrupted take (and then split it for the upload), can a accidental shutdown during a sleep break be a major issue for the whole verification ? Since as you can imagine, restarting a 3-days run because of that is a bit annoying.


This would definitely be an issue if you're missing several minutes/hours of the footage

pTiplouf les gusta esto

Ok, thanks for the advice !