Is Ikkitrix Route slower then the Official route?
7 years ago
Colorado, USA

Above question.. is his route faster, the extra arrows, weapons, and elixir potential is cool, and clearly he got WR (by 3 seconds) but was curious if that route is marginally slower or not.


We are not sure to be honest. His route is definitely interesting, but the castle part is obviously slower. The question is if getting the +3 potion saves enough time to be worth it (and if the difference is enough to outweigh the RNG part with the banana).

I am actually trying to compare both routes right now.

OGskystrider les gusta esto
Colorado, USA

Cool thanks for all your hard work! I watched it and had almost the exact same thoughts, Clearly castle is slower, but are the extra arrows and elixir power worth it.


So from my timings it cuts like super close. They seem to be within seconds of each other, especially now that we found out that you can skip Zelda's study cause the bow you get there is not needed, just makes the fights faster.

I only have segments from runs to go off though, so I am far from saying this or that route is faster, but from the first few comparisons, it seems old route has a slight advantage (and less rng)

Oxknifer y alumni les gusta esto
Colorado, USA

Right on, thanks for your knowledge!

United States

Old Route has no chance of being faster. Castle split can be done in 5 minutes flat and thats slightly faster then old route. Or you can do the route and go to zeldas study which results in a 5:40 best possible castle time thats 30 seconds slower, but makes for insane fast calamity phase1 and overall faster blights by like 20 seconds compared to +1.


Old route can skip study too though, so that's not valid. Also 5 flat sounds pretty optimistic

I will time it properly and get back to this. Too bad none of you actually shows any timings and just assumes. Banana rng has to be taken in account and the fact that you can randomly get +2.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
United States

The standard old route doesn't skip study, it is needed for weapons. I haven't seen a single run skip study thats not weeks old, not even the most recent amiibo runs skip it. Maybe it can skip study but mostly everyone doesn't so I wouldn't know why it would be a good idea.

The new castle route Pydoyks found that uses a tree launch. Ikkitrix finishes it in about 5:15 it depends where you split and where you do your inventory sorting. If you sort in fights its shorter. Also Ikkitrix's run could be about 10 seconds faster but its a pretty good overall split. Still a harder boss fight on calamity on slightly on blights then if you went to study but can save almost a minute.

Even then +3 saves over a minute compared to +1.

And yes this run relies on RNG. If you get +2 then this route could be slower but probably around the same time as old route even since the castle route is so fast now. the chance you don't get a banana for +3 is about 50%. And that can lose about 40 seconds.


What speaks against using tree launch in old route?

United States

Nothing but you would still need good weapons. Tree only saves like 10 seconds then without. New route has the weapons without the study if needed. It was always close to whether you should skip or do study, but with tree it made it slightly better to skip.

I can not say for the old route, unless you find a route that can skip study with good enough weapons and how much time it costs to get other weapons and if the fights will be slower.

It's not really relevant anyways since for the new route skipping study only saves roughly 20 seconds at the most. Study still makes for insane boss fights and would be faster then old route. The only possible way it wouldn't be faster is if the +3 along with double royal guard bows that fire twice as fast as royal bows and 25% more damage doesn't end up being over a minute faster then old route.

Just the double royal guard bows make study roughly 30-40 seconds faster then skipping study on the new route. For the boss fight.

You can run the old route without amiibos but it won't be faster, at least it wont be faster as long as you get the 50% at the banana :)

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Colorado, USA

This guy likes bananas.....


Didn't see the new log boost in Hyrule until today, this changes quite a lot. Still timing, but i tend to agree now - it can actually compete with Amiibo-Route timewise, which is insane.

Editado por el autor 7 years ago
Tigame les gusta esto

Finally did proper timings.

So Any% with amiibo is 15-25 seconds faster than banana route (this big variety is due to the fact that you can't properly compare the fights since weapon set changed between runs on ikkitrix' route). Btw: The Log Launch after the bomb arrow chest to sanctum doesn't seem to be worth it. You just lose too much time to calamity and blights.

The Banana% route is around 40 seconds to 1 minute faster than the old No Amiibo route though. So if you don't get banana, it's probably still ahead or at least breaks even. I'll write down the route for ZSR and SRC soon.

AidanMse y alumni les gusta esto
United States

Ikkitrix knows he loses a lot of time by skipping the study but it still saves 40 seconds on castle. But then you lose like 10 seconds on blight + up to 30 seconds or more on calamity. It all depends on what you are better at it seems.

The best first phase Ive seen with study on calamity1 is around 50 seconds, compared to 1:25 without study.

So it's really hard to judge. There is actually another tree that is faster then the tree launch he used but it's much harder to pull off but it saves 10-15 more seconds if done well. If that tree becomes consistent he would probably go back to skipping study.

Skipping study makes weapon durability cutting it really close along with a risky tree launch so for now think hes going back to study.


Yep, fits my timings. Probably not worth it.