Episode 1 and 2
8 years ago

The game has a DLC (Episode 2) which adds some more levels. Playing the game in a single sitting (Episode 1 + 2) is possible because there isn't any kind of transition screen or presentation of the game, it's a continuation of the story and to my knowledge there's no way to start at episode 2 unless you use the Level select feature. Knowing this I propose these 2 new categories: Any% w/ DLC and NG+ Any% w/ DLC

Also, adding individual levels leaderboard would be a good idea since we have level select.

Zarifi y Theguesst les gusta esto
New York, USA
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

The question with IL's is should we use IGT for these?

Yes we can certainly add categories for the other 2 times. Only thing so I myself am not versed with episode 2 or the timings for it.


It nice to see the new categories for the dlc.

About the Episode 2 timing, i think there no last hit boss, because it goes : run -> battle -> run -> battle -> run -> final cutscene I would prefer end the timer at the beginning of the final cutscene, since it the last input the player can do and that you can still die during the last runaway

Editado por el autor 8 years ago
Theguesst les gusta esto
New York, USA
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Thank you for the correction, I will state that.

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Publicado 8 years ago
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