New categories?
4 years ago
Wielkopolskie, Poland

I know this game is dead enough but still its very different to get the deep sleep ending and good ending, so adding categories for different endings sounds reasonable. Any one would run them? Does it really make sense?

daucorshe y HedgehogBravo les gusta esto

I'll think about that. You can offer your ideas. Feel free to text me about new categories.


Hey ! I know this thread is old. But :

I've been running a "perfect ending" for sometime now, offline and just on my own. I'm somewhere around sub 40 min, and it's more complex (and fun in my opinion) than the Any%

Basically the goals are : Lead the revolution, bring peace by giving the nuclear weapon, and flee the country with all members of your family.

I'd be interested in submitting a run !


Ok, just recalculated my run and I'm actually just above 30 min. Still very interested in inaugurating the category !


please new category i like this game