6 years ago
New York, USA

Can you guys explain how you are playing b-cubed so fast. I would like to know.

Anthony_live les gusta esto
Virginia, USA

Now first off, there is a rhythm to how fast you can play. For example, try going in a straight line pressing the arrow key as fast as you can. Sometimes, you won't move even though you pressed the key. The game doesn't allow you to move any faster than every 3 frames. So you have to stick to a rhythm of pressing the arrow keys every 3-4 frames and never any faster. That's the big thing. The other thing is coordination. You will gain this from practicing each level over and over. If your wrist gets sore, take a break and when your wrist feels better you'll be fine. Those are the 2 big things to playing B-Cubed so fast.

simonkhoury y nnmn les gusta esto
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Deleting the Any% Category for ILs

I have now deleted the any% category for ILs. They take no skill to get and are very easily to replicate, therefore leaving no competition. The glitch is still banned for the Level Finished category. The Any% full game category will still hold.

TL;DR: Any% in ILs is incredibly dumb, so I have yee

1 year ago
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