Beginner Info
Beginner Info
Actualizado 5 years ago por Californ1a

Route Walkthroughs

If you'd like to watch commentated route walkthrough videos, you can have a look at this guide. The list is kept fairly updated, however there are quite a few routes missing videos. If you'd like to submit a route walkthrough video to be listed there, contact me via Discord (info below).


WydD created a completely automatic timer for Antichamber. It is called AntiTimer; you press no buttons, it has all the in-game triggers set up in such a way that you can select any triggers to automatically hit splits. It also comes with some save trackers/monitors so you can see in real time what is being saved into the savegame.

It has since been updated and improved upon by mkirsch42 and you can find the download link here (get the Redux version): Resources There is a video tutorial on how to set up AntiTimer (some of the initial config is confusing): AntiTimer Config

Config Edits

We have also made a few changes in the config ini files to make it easier to do many runs in one session, such as rebinding Esc to Q and enabling the console so you don't have to restart the game after every run: Config ini Edits


There is a general Antichamber Discord server available here, and I'm always available there. All you have to do is click the link, type in a username, and you'll automatically join the chat with no need to register for an account, download anything, or deal with any chat commands. You can always get in contact with me via this by pinging me with "@Californ1a" in the chat.


The IRC server has been migrated to Discord, however the channel still exists if you prefer IRC. The server is and the channel is #antichamber. If you don't know how to use IRC, then you can use the webchat version over at SRL and then after it connects, type in "/join #antichamber" without the quotes. If you need to contact me specifically, don't use IRC - Join the Discord instead.

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Publicado 1 year ago
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Publicado 5 years ago
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Publicado 6 years ago
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Publicado 6 years ago
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Publicado 6 years ago
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Publicado 7 years ago
3 respuestas