Config ini Edits
Config ini Edits
Actualizado 7 years ago por Californ1a


All config files are located in "%installdir%\Antichamber\UDKGame\Config" (Typically "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Antichamber\UDKGame\Config")

The game must be closed while editing these files

Rebind Esc to Q

Find the following line in UDKInput.ini: Bindings=(Name="Escape",Command="ShowMenu | onrelease CancelExit",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

Replace "Escape" with "Q" so that it now looks like: Bindings=(Name="Q",Command="ShowMenu | onrelease CancelExit",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

Bind Fire to ScrollWheel

Add the following line in UDKInput.ini anywhere under the [Engine.PlayerInput] section: Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollUp",Command="GBA_Fire",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False) This is used to do HS and Warp Glitch, and can be used to pillar up much more quickly in The Chase.

Bind Pick Up to ScrollWheel

Add the following line in UDKInput.ini anywhere under the [Engine.PlayerInput] section: Bindings=(Name="MouseScrollDown",Command="StartAltFire",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False) This one is used for Warp Glitch and picking up cubes with blue gun.

Enable Console

Find the following lines in DefaultInput.ini:


Put a semicolon in front of each of these lines so that they now look like:


At the end of a run, hit Tab and type in "restartlevel" without the quotes to be put back into the Main Hub without having to close the game.

Disable Unreal startup logo

  • Browse to "%installdir%\Antichamber\UDKGame\Movies"
  • Rename all the files located here. Do not delete them.

Remove the 62 FPS cap

This is not necessary, and probably unwanted - Removing the fps cap makes mouse movement smoother, but reduces walking speed. It also prevents you from pushing the large white cubes. This is not allowed in "100%" or Pink Cubes runs since it increases the speed of the pinks.

Line adding LeftAlt to UDKInput.ini: Bindings=(Name="LeftAlt",Command="SetFps 60 | onrelease SetFps 999",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False) Whenever you hold LeftAlt, it will set the fps back to 60, allowing you to push the large white cubes if you're doing a 120 signs run with the fps cap removed.

Changes in UDKEngine.ini (find these values and change them to match what you see here):


This is the portion which actually removes the fps cap.

Original Pastebin

You may find the pastebin easier to read, so the link to it will remain:

There is a list of all our used ini edits here: This includes rebinding Esc to Q, creating a binding for fire set to scrollwheel, enabling the console, and disabling the startup logo.

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