Possible speed running strat for the future?
7 months ago

SO I just wanted to pass this on, might just be a glitch to disappear later but here goes

Unfortunately I don't have video but what happened was this

I was fighting the Mossanda Lux boss, trying to catch him, blue balls are not strong enough so i was using up my giga balls ran out and at this point he is falling down with that slow fall it does and I throw a blue ball to chance it, its next to dead still smacks it away.

Now here's where the possible strat comes in. When he knocked it away, he was YEETED into the distance I seen it lag for a moment with him in the distance then he was gone and it said I killed the boss.

I suspect it has to do with his high level, and my lower capture level not being enough with blue balls and its smack animation, along with its slow fall triggered the effect.

So it might be something useful for all boss runs maybe? hope it helps.

Also if it does become a thing I want it named after Team Rocket. :3

MasterZoran les gusta esto

So we've seen some fun instances of bosses being Blasted Off™️ by so many means, and making it consistent has been a pain. It's a good find though, if you manage to replicate it with some level of consistency that'd be amazing af

MasterZoran les gusta esto
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