Recording Question
5 months ago
California, USA

Hey! I'm extremely new to speedrunning so please bear with me here. Me and my friends wanted to do a 4 employee quota 10 speedrun, but one of us has such low computer specs, she can't get OBS to record properly. Here's an example of what it looks like when she records: (frame frozen, but audio still works as normal). We've tried everything we could computer side, game side, and OBS side to get it to work--it just seems her hardware is just too low.

Is there any possible way we'd be able to still submit a valid run without her being able to record? The rest of us can record just fine, and we would all be able to submit a video, it's just her with this issue. Alternate solution: we were debating, again, bear with me here, having her record her computer using her phone, which we're entirely aware would be the most scuffed submission ever possible, but would that even be valid in the first place?

Thanks for your time.

Editado por el autor 5 months ago
New York City, NY, USA

The google drive video isnt working for me, maybe not fully uploaded yet but I can answer this for you

We do required all 4 POVS

But the host POV is by far the most important

As long as she is not the host, a choppy recording or a phone recording the screen will do just fine. Just make sure the seed generation, version type, and chat text box are all visible throughout the run.

Feel free to join the discord and ask any further questions as theres tons of friendly people and resources there to help you out (:

Editado por el autor 5 months ago
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