SO when will Q10 solo get a category split between v40 and v45+
7 months ago
Saskatchewan, Canada

I'm shocked it hasn't happened already! In a 3 hour run the differences are IMMENSE and it isn't fair in the slightest to have runners who want the easiest version to run against those who want to play the present build of the game. They aren't even comparable.

Ontro y NaiveStorm les gusta esto
United States

q10 solo is hard enough, that needs a split. it makes previous records practically impossible to beat

New York City, NY, USA

Check the Speedrun discord and leave some feedback in the "how to handle version types" discussion - some valid points have been brought up already

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New categories and recent changes

Hi everyone!

Theres been plenty of changes on the leaderboards recently! Firstly, we've recently added the Ironman challenge as a speedrun category to the main leaderboards! There's two different variants of this challenge. In Classic Ironman you land on each moon only once, while in *Hardcor

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