Republic Story Guide
Republic Story Guide
Aktualisiert 9 months ago von CWolfPilot

Welcome! This guide is for the Republic Story Speedrun of Zoids Battle Legends. This guide is largely based off of this run (with some differences because i’m a dummy and make mistakes):

This was made by CWolfPilot with help and Contributions from Zaraphira.

A few tips for speedrunning this game before we get into the missions.

  1. Hit start to get through cutscenes quicker (You have to hit it twice between 4A and 5 for some reason). 
  2. Mash A on the “Mission Complete” screen.
  3. There’s 2 different kinds of ranged weapons: “H” and “S”. “H” weapons have an H on their icon and have the homing property. “S” weapons have an S on their icon and fire straight along the vector of the barrel. S weapons tend to do more damage, H weapons are generally easier to hit. Learning to use both will help you go faster.
  4. In general, grouping up enemies is faster than separating them out one by one. Knock one down, then move to another. The better you can do this the more your potential time save is.
  5. Focus on improving gameplay when getting started. Optimal menuing can only save so much time comparatively, and will come with time.

From the main menu, select “Mission Mode”, then “New Game”, then “Republic”. Time starts when you choose “Republic”.

Mission 1

1v1 me Bro. Under "Entry", swap zoids to the Cannon Tortoise. Under "Setting", go to "Option" and equip the booster. You could also equip the armor under "Sub Option" but it's not really needed here and I prefer to equip it next level with the rest of the sub parts. Back out, scroll to mission start.

You'll spawn at the south entrance to a base. The Atak Cat Noir will spawn in the eastern side. Boost towards it, firing your back cannon as you approach to deal some chip. When you get in range, you want to stun lock him with the first attack of your melee. This takes a little getting used to as you have to slightly adjust your aim between hits. I've found that equipping my little lasers and attacking when both the reticles turn to circles helps me find the aim and timing. If he gets away and uses his shield the little lasers are good for breaking it as well. Once he's below 500 hp a full 3 hit melee will kill.

Mission 2

Base invasion, kill 5 enemies. Go to Settings. Under “Weapon” equip Flexible Booster to slot 003 (I forgot to do this in the run linked above, but at this point it’s not a big deal). Under “Sub Parts” equip every part you have. Mission Start.

You’ll spawn in the middle of a base. Boost to the south, shooting your back cannon when you’ve got a lock. Swap to the flexible booster to deal with the Sea Strikers up close. Once the Zaber pulls up, you can stun lock it like you did the Atak Cat in the previous mission. The goal is to kill at least 1, hopefully 2 Strikers before the Zaber pulls up. That way after you kill the Zaber the Strikers close to you have started to respawn and you can knock them out quickly to get to your 5 needed. If this doesn’t work out, you may find yourself chasing strikers all over the base.

Mission 3

Escort the Hover Cargo. Straight to mission start.

You’ll spawn in a wasteland with a road through the middle of it. The Hover Cargo rolls down the road as Molgas and Sea Strikers attack it in waves. You can’t really save time here but you can sure lose it. If the HC takes too much damage it can stun for a moment, and the level runs laggy overall. The best way to do this mission is to kill the waves as fast as possible and then stare into the distance with no sprites on the screen to reduce lag. Once the HC reaches the base the mission will complete.

Mission 4 A

Molga infestation. Choose to side with Rottiger (the top option). Straight to mission start.

You’ll spawn on the north side of a canyon with a ravine across it. Reiner and the Molgas will spawn on the other. Your jobs is to kill all the Molgas.  If Reiner dies, you fail the mission. First things first, turn to the right until you get a blue circle on the Molga directly in front of Reiner. Fire 4 shots from your back cannon. Then, turn to your left and jump and boost across the canyon. If possible, you want to knock the Molgas away from the ravine so that Reiner doesn’t chase dead ones into it. Flexible booster and melee should make short work of the worms.

Mission 5

Run away! Straight to mission start.

Boost and Jump. Follow the arrow in the top left of your screen. You want to stay on the canyon floor for the most part to avoid getting caught up in the level geometry, and some bobbing and weaving to avoid damage. Once you get to the open area on the western part of the map you’re home free, but make sure to follow the arrow to hit the level end trigger.

Mission 6

A Kill em all mission. Go to "Settings". Under “Sub Parts” equip Reenf Protect Arm, SB Gener, and Beta Plug Z. Back out, mission start.

You’ll spawn in the open area from the previous mission only bigger somehow. 2 Sea Strikers, a Lightning Saix, and your Ally in a Desert Liger will spawn with you. Keep mobile and focus on the Sea Strikers. Your goal is to knock those 2 out, then the 2 others that spawn after before you kill the Lightning Saix. If you kill the Saix with the Strikers still alive a second will spawn. It is very dangerous to sit still for too long in this mission as the Saix can hurt you badly with it’s melee and back cannon.

Mission 7

Protect the Hover Cargo. Straight to mission start.

You’ll spawn in a hilly desert. The HC and a Red Horn, Dark Horn, and Molga spawn to your southwest. Boost over until you get a lock with your back cannon, preferably on the Molga, the spam away. The Molga respawns once, so once both of them are dead you can either spam one of the horns with the back cannon or move closer and hit it with the flexible booster. Once theres only 1 horn left, you can stun lock it with melees. Be careful of the mines left by the dark horn, they’ll knock you down and hurt you pretty good.

Mission 8

Elephanders Must Die! Straight to mission start.

You’ll spawn in another hilly desert along with 2 Elephanders and a Bloody D Saurer. You can totally ignore the D Saurer, if you’re fast enough you probably won’t even see it. Turn to your east and boost until you get a lock. Spam ya back cannon until it dies. Turn to your left. Hopefully the other Elephander has come close enough for you to get a lock. Spam ya back cannon. Boom. Mission over.

Mission 9

Boss Fight v Bloody D Saurer. Reset the cannon Tortoise. Swap Zoids to the Liger Aero. Under “Weapon” in Slot 002 equip B-Cannon S, equip the booster under “option” and under “Sub Parts” equip Super Z armor, Gamma Plug Z, and Hgh Out SB Gener. Back out, Mission start.

You’ll spawn in an area similar to the last mission with the Bloody D Saurer and 2 allies. Boost towards the D Saurer until you’re within lock on range. Spam B-Cannon S while side hopping to avoid damage. Biggest damage attacks are the charged particle gun (easily dodged), the forehead lasers (less easy to dodge), and the underbelly lasers (hard to see depending on positioning). Just keep shooting until it’s dead.

Mission 10

Iron Kongs must Die! Straight to mission start.

You’ll spawn to the south of a base. 2 Iron Kongs will spawn inside. Group em up and knock em down with B-Cannon S. If you can coax the Kongs out of the base the mission runs a little better, but it can be tricky to get them both to come out. Keeping them grouped in the base saves more time than fighting one outside and one in, but its a strat to keep in mind. The turrets do so little damage they can be completely ignored.

Mission 11

Kill em all. Straight to mission start.

You’ll spawn to the south of a city. 2 Rev Raptors and a Geno Breaker spawn in different parts of the city. If you run straight up the main road in front of you almost all the way you should run right into the Geno Breaker, hopefully with a Raptor too. The Raptors love to run away, so you want to take them out while damaging the Breaker (I try to knock one down and then hit the other as it recovers). After you clear out the north side, run back south down the main road. One more raptor should spawn at the main intersection. Kill that one and the other roaming one and you should be good to go.

[Edit] The order you kill the raptors in matters. Kill one, then kill the one that spawns, then kill the other original one. If you kill the second OG before killing the spawn you'll get an extra spawn.

Mission 12 B

MAKE SURE TO SELECT NOT TO WORK WITH ROTTIGER. The missions are different and they’re apparently freakin’ impossible. I dead serious hold down from the second I see “Mission Complete” so that the second the options come up it scrolls down to the correct one so I have less of a chance to pick the wrong one like a dum-dum. Anyways. Back to the guide.

Boss fight vs Death Stinger. Reset the Aero Liger. Swap Pilots to Albane and Swap Zoids to the Konig Wolf. Under “Weapon” equip AZ 5Msl Pod. Under “Option” equip the booster. Under “Sub Parts” equip Super Armor Z, High Grade Plug Z, and Hgh Out SB Gener. Back out, mission start.

You’ll spawn in a hilly wasteland with 2 Sea Strikers, a Death Stinger, and several turrets. Equip your missiles and boost around the area taking out turrets. They should go down in one hit. If you can kill the Strikers at the same time all the better, but they’re not a huge concern. This will reduce the lag in this mission by a lot. From there, find the Stinger, sit at max range with the Dual Sniper Rifles, and side hop your way to victory. If any Strikers come in your field of view it might be worth switching to missiles to try and damage it because you’ll have to clean them up after the Stinger is dead.

Mission 13 B

Boss Fight vs Seismosaurus. Straight to mission start.

You’ll spawn in a desert along with Seismosaurus, 2 Sea Strikers, and 2 Molgas. Use your missiles to take down the small zoids, then sit back at max range with Dual Sniper Rifles and side hop to victory. If any adds respawn they’ll need to be cleaned up before mission end. Some of seismo’s attacks hurt a decent amount or can knock you down but almost all of them are easily dodged.

Mission 14 B

Kill em all. Reset the Konig Wolf. Swap Zoids to Zero Schneider. Under “Option” equip the booster. Under “Sub Parts” equip High Grade Plug Z, Hgh Out SB Gener, and ZGR-Type S. Back out, Mission Start.

You’ll spawn at the south end of a maze-like base with an open area in the center. 4 Atak Cats and a Chimera Dragon spawn in the open area. Boost in there, try to group them together, and knock em down with your Laser Blades. The Cats can go invisible which can be annoying because you’ll lose your lock. Its not too big of a problem to deal with as long as you can keep track of them and run them with your blades. Kill all but 1 Cat, then kill the Chimera and finish the Cats. You should be able to prevent an additional spawn this way.

Mission 15 B

Kill em all. You might consider swapping your sub parts out for an extra plug or an extra ZGR, but you could also go straight to mission start with your current setup.

You’ll spawn facing backwards in a long hallway. 6 Chimera Dragons and the true final boss of the run, a Lord Gale await you. The Chimeras fold like paper when hit by the blades, so take care of all of them first. The Gale takes more hits and hits back way harder. The main thing you need to avoid is getting meleed by the Gale as it’s full combo will hit you for about 1/3rd your health. If you’re REALLY unlucky, it’ll hit you with the full combo without knocking you down, but stunning you long enough for it to get double combo in.

There are a few strategies to deal with it safely, the simplest being only making passes at it when your boosters are active. There’s another called blade dodging that involves dodging it’s first hit then side hopping your blades into it. I haven’t practiced this strat so you’d have to ask Zara about it. Whatever your solution is, once you kill everything in this mission you’re basically home free.

Mission 16 A

Final Boss vs Mad Thunder. Reset Zero Schneider, swap Zoids to Griffin. In “Weapon” equip LR Cannon Eagle. Under “Option” you can grab the shield for safety or skip it entirely. Under “Sub Parts” equip Hybrid Armor Z, High Grade Omega Plug, and Hybrid SB Generator. Back out, mission start. [Edit] I've recently been opting for all Generators instead for this mission.

You’ll spawn in an arena with an ally and Mad Thunder. Spam that Eagle Cannon and side hop his attacks, which are all pretty easily avoided. Time ends when “Mission Complete” appears on screen.

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Veröffentlicht 2 years ago
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