Game Mechanics & Knowledge
Game Mechanics & Knowledge
Aktualisiert 3 years ago von Nordanix

[section=Game Mechanics]

  • You always respawn as Werewolf (as of patch 1.0.4) So if you're going for Death Warps, you can just die as Human if needed.

  • Pausing doesn’t affect gates being activated by buttons.

  • Taking damage gives back 1 mid-air jump (excluding Lamp Guy Damage).

  • Boxes respawn if touch a spike.

  • Human & Werewolf Transformation info

  • 0.5s to transform (both has the same length)
  • 5s cooldown (after transforming from Human → Werewolf)
  • You can only use it while grounded or airborne state, while also not in the middle of a dash.
  • Transforming while holding a Box will drop the box.
  • While mid-transformation you cannot perform any actions at all (not even change direction in the air)
  • Robbed Lamp Guy Information
  • ~1.7s from being seen to taking 1 damage.
  • ~5s cooldown for Robbed Lamp Guy to rev up his lamp again and start moving.
  • You are significantly slower while caught in the light. Likewise is your jump height lowered. You also can’t transform to Human during that period.
  • Knights can double hit you, be aware!!

[section=Obscure Game Knowledge]

  • To finish a level you either need to hold “Up”, “Up+Left” or “Up+Right”. As long as you hold up in some form, you will enter the door.
  • Level 0 respawn time varies (RNG?) Sometimes faster, sometimes slower (compared when doing nothing until land, in runs won’t impact at all since want to instant dash anyway so)
  • You respawn in the same direction as you died in.
  • You can move during the blackscreen after dying.