Any% Guide
Any% Guide
Aktualisiert 1 year ago von Luna_Transfem

On the 2nd level you can swing from the floating platform, gain momentum, and time your jump so that you can jump up on the first block entering level 3, saving you like maybe a second

On the 4th level, from the very bottom left, you can theoretically hook onto the floating block while falling, even though it would need to be very precise, because you go very fast which means you would need to react really quickly to unhook fast

On the 5th level you can hook the block above you just when you walk off the 1/2 block elevation you have at the start, and if you do this right, you should be able to avoid the 2nd bit of 1/2 block elevation (to do this you need to usually hook the very corner), then you swing forwards, backwards, and forwards, after you are on the other platform, you want to walk off (without jumping), hook the floating block, and unhook it at the right time so that you can preserve some momentum going into level 6 (not too much though, as you might crash into the vines)

On the 6th level, you could theoretically hook onto the block with the momentum from level 5 to pass the gap completely in 1 try without even landing on the blocks on top of the vines, but it would be extremely difficult, if even possible, otherwise, you just want to get under the floating block, go to the right (towards the entrance/wall), hook the floating block, and then when u think u have enough height towards the right, you want to hold left so that you can unhook and land on the platform on the vines (this is faster than going forwards from level 5, because you would need to go right left right, while with this, you go left right

On level 7 you want to jump off, hook the bottom right corner of the platform when you feel is right, and unhook at the right time so that you can shoot into level 8

On level 8, reset, that is the entire level, just a corridor, all you need to do is reset, and you will spawn on the right side of the corridor where you can just go right, if you do get a lot of momentum from level 7 though, as in, enough to pass the corridor at a speed that would be faster than resetting (which is rare), you don't need to reset

On level 9 you want to hook the block repeatedly whilst inching yourself backwards a little bit every single time, and inching yourself forwards during the hook travelling to the block, after that, you can hook on the top of the big area at the end of the level to gain a lot of momentum, jump, and near the end, grab onto the floating block

If you failed the level 9 momentum skip, you can hook onto the floating block from the starting platform, jump right while hooked, unhook as you jump right, and hook onto the falling block, then just before it falls, unhook, if you didn't get enough speed from the falling block, you can hook onto the floating block again another route for level 10 is to do the same hook jump right, but after you unhook, don't hook onto the falling block, but wait, and when you are close enough to the floating block, hook onto it (this is a lot better, as it is safer than falling block as the falling block will fall very quickly)

On level 11 you want to go near the end of the starting platform, hook onto the falling block, and keep moving backwards until it falls (or you can keep moving backwards and stop right before it falls, and then hook it again (whilst going forwards) which makes it fall), after you climb up on the platform where the falling block was, you want to stand near the 2nd half of the platform, and hook the falling block at the end, move left until the block moves, unhook, and if the block hasn't fallen yet, move back to the 2nd half, and hook then unhook the block, which makes it fall, after that, you want to jump right, hook onto the ceiling block, and launch yourself to the end of the level (keeping momentum is not needed as all of your momentum is instantly stopped when you hit the block at the start of level 12

On level 12 you want to jump over all the stairs onto the very first falling block, after you are on the top left side of the falling block (must be fully ON the falling block), you want to hook right under you (yes, under you), to hook the falling block, then you want to repeatedly jump (you can also go towards the right or left side to make it fall a few seconds faster, but you might sometimes not succeed in it), when the block starts falling you want to unhook and head straight towards the left, without jumping, jumping will just cost you time

On level 13 you can either jump down, get really close to the vines on the left of you, hook near the corner just before the vines on the top, go right, and hope that you succesfully land on the ending platform, or you can fall down slowly, onto the one block on the bottom, and them get momentum, and hook onto the right side of the roof, but the first option is much faster, but more risky

On level 14 you want to try and keep the momentum from level 13 with a jump, and do a small jump in the water, hopefully keeping your momentum, and hopefully being just enough to pass through the exit, and on the first (technically second) block on level 15

On level 15 you want to climb up to last block, just before the small block, walk right until you hit the small block, and when you hit it, just hold jump, this will make it so that you perfectly pass through the water without hitting anything, and near the end of the water, you want to jump again so that you can get out of the water sooner

On level 16 you want to go right until you hit the wall, hook the closest roof block to you, shoot yourself forwards, unhook, and then hook again onto the floating block, and then unhook so that you don't bonk your head on the roof, which will obviously cost you some time

Level 17 is pretty straightforward

On level 18, you want to jump left, hook onto the floating platform (the one right after the water), unhook so that you shoot towards the falling block, and then hook the falling block for just enough so that you can land on the end

Level 19 is also pretty straightforward, but takes quite a bit of practice

On level 20 you want to fall left (without jumping), hook the floating platform, and unhook so that you can land on the end, you usually also need to hook the floating bit right near the end to get enough height, even though this one seems easy and straightforward, it can be quite difficult to get the timings right at first

And on level 21, aka the end basically, you want to hope you got momentum from level 20 so that you can shoot into the end faster, otherwise, hook the roof so that you can reach it faster, also remember that the water does not make the game end, falling into the water does nothing, the only finish zone is at the left side of the screen on the final level
