Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

I'd like to add that there is another, but this time much more abrupt cut, at 51:53. This is an extremely good run, but I really cannot understand how it was accepted in that state.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

Starting at the 40:00 mark up until 40:07 the Claire A Console World Record is missing some footage.

I don't actually have a problem with it, since it seems to be a streaming issue. However, my Leon A Hardcore WR (59:05) was rejected based on the same reasons (missing footage at 15:19).

So what I would like to know is why one run was rejected and the other one was accepted?

kibowman gefällt das.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

I don't use it twice. I use it only once to put away the Spade and Club Key. The T-bar and all the other useless stuff goes with me to the end. But maybe this isn't doable on PC since you guys get the shotgun and all the knifes.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

I use the library route, and I always get better times with it in the first RPD part. This may be to me being worse than PC players at going down the stairs or shooting those zombies on the stairs while coming back. Also, I do think that this route may jeopardize the current strategy of shooting the ground outside of the library to avoid using a flash when you have to push the shelves (but this strat isn't failure proof even if you take the west wing route).

However, I don't think that not being able to discard the Spade Key makes any difference, since you simply put it in the chest with the Club Key. It takes up one extra space in your inventory for some time but it's not that long (I use the pre-alligator chest) and to my knowledge even PC players do not have a full inventory while navigating the RPD.

BioEvilCVX gefällt das.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

I think it really depends on what category you're running. I agree that the main difference is the Knife damage, but since the Knife damage on 60 FPS PC/Console may not be optimal for killing certain bosses this leads to differences in the routes as to what guns you'll take with you. For instance, I don't know if PC 60FPS Leon A Standard has something special about it, but the route of PC 120 FPS Leon A Standard is not exactly the same as Console Leon A Standard. On most of the runs placed in the top spots on Console the runners don't go for the Shotgun, but take the Flamethrower, which is skipped in PC 120 FPS.

Anyway, I think that your best option is to study what category you're going to run both on 120 FPS and 60 FPS / Console to establish your optimal strategy. I don't think there is an answer to your question (at least if framed that way) that will be very helpful. =)

Aryion gefällt das.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

I think it's generally known, but thanks for the initiative of sharing it =) The first type of dial is definitely more prevalent, appearing in the last two positions of the main hall statue and the last two positions of the licker room statue. I tried to memorize all of them but it's really hard to apply the knowledge in the heat of the moment. I think the best option is to have at least an idea of what comes immediatly above or down the symbol you want.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

That's interesting Eco_Nube. It really may have to do with loading. I'm gonna try it too.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

I wish I had asked about that sooner. I just tried it and it saved like 6-7 seconds in this section.

Usokkithetree, NuZ, und SephJul gefällt das.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

Wow, didn't know about that! Thanks!

Usokkithetree und NuZ gefällt das.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

I'v been speedrunning Leon A Standard for a week and a half now and watching some other people speedrunning I noticed that I still don't understand two things:

  1. After taking the elevator with Ada, the time that the blue door that leads to her section takes to open is variable? It doesn't matter if I keep running or mashing the X button in front of it, I swear this door opens at different times in every of my runs.

It also opens almost instantly in some runs, like this one: (see 27:44)

Is this a loading thing? Does the PC loads the next area faster than my PS4Pro?

  1. Is Ada's hacking device faster on PC or FPS dependent? Take for instance the same uhTrance run above, at 27:58 he begins hacking the big fan thing and it takes almost exactly 5 seconds to finish. In my own runs and others like this one

(see 29:20)

it takes around 6.3 seconds. Am I seeing things here? Is this a difference in recording instead of the actual gameplay? Or the FPS actually influences that?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

Yeah, after what have been said, I think it's definitely better to keep Console and 60FPS apart.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

This may be a dumb question, but if 60FPS and 120FPS are separated, there will be three categories (PC60FPS, PC120FPS and Console) or just 120FPS and 60FPS (Console being included in the later)?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

I don't know if one of those was mine (can't remember if I had a sub 1 hour here before submitting my current one), but I deleted one (yesterday I guess) because I got one better.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

You made light and elevated yourself. You're beyond the game now.

kibowman gefällt das.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

Glad it has been cleared up. I record my runs by streaming to youtube too and have had my share of problems. I'd like to apologize to Pinpuro for the trouble. I was really just trying to understand what happened. GG Pinpuro!

kibowman und VirgeOfCerberus gefällt das.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

Ohh, thanks! I'm sorry about that one, then.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

Thanks CursedToast. There is one other thing that I find a little weird: I've been running Leon A Standard (New Game) for a week now and I've never seen the zombie on 16:47 standing. Never even watched a run in this category where he is standing.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

Yes, it's currently placed 1st on Leon A Standard Console.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazilmorelan5 years ago

I'm really sorry if this is not the proper place to ask about this, but I'm new here (and to speedrun in general) and I don't quite undestand what happens in this run from 42:26 to 42:28.

When you slow it down you can see the title screen pop up and then a camera "jump".

Could someone explain it to me please? I've never seen this happening in any of the other runs.

morelan Informationen
5 years ago
3 years ago