Adam_ak9 years ago

How much are you willing to spend on the capture card?

If you really want to maximise quality and money isn't an issue, go with an RGB capture setup. You'd need RGB cables, a SCART amplifier, Sync Strike and PEXHDCAP.

If you want decent quality, but also don't want to spend much, I'd recommend grabbing the EzCap 116, which captures composite (buy it from their website, to avoid fakes). Would not recommend going for the Dazzle, since that capture card requires bullshit setups to work.

Adam_ak9 years ago

Pretty sure the Hittite campaign can be run just fine in one go (on Hardest). Your wet dream may very well come true here :v)

Thread: Amnesia
Adam_ak9 years ago

Apjjm and I actually (-but mostly him-) started working on an Amnesia speedrunning wiki page a long time ago. I have a few videos up on my youtube channel showing various tricks and explaining how to do them, and would be happy to make a few more. Perhaps it could be interesting to have a wiki-like page for Amnesia on speedrun.com?

Adam_ak9 years ago

I'm more in favour of RTA (rounded to nearest ms).

The con of being able to pause all the time and essentially produce a run that would give a TAS-like IGT would be incredibly lame. There's an Age of Mythology run out there that did precisely this (I rejected it when it was submitted to SDA), and it kills the entire idea of being a speedrun. IGT no longer represents how much time has actually been spent on a certain IL.

Regarding game speed, the fact that it slows down the IGT is a very comparable issue to being able to pause a lot. It gives you way more time to react to events and give out precise orders. If game speed is used as just another variable, then all runs done on the slowest speed would always come out as the fastest runs, again misrepresenting how much time was actually spent on the IL.

Having said that, IGT would be perfectly fine if the rules state that the fastest speed should be selected and that pausing for purposes other than quickly changing diplomatic stance or giving a tribute for actual strategic purposes is disallowed. In that case, IGT and RTA boil down to roughly the same thing, with IGT being just easier to note and easier to submit.

RTA being precise to the frame/ms is another advantage, since IGT on the fastest speed is only precise to about 0.5s instead of 0.016s (if played on 60Hz). Not that huge of a deal unless everyone starts getting the same time on ILs.

Mhmd_FVC gefällt das.
Adam_ak9 years ago

Freezard has done runs of Age of Empires 3 as well, so it certainly deserves a page. Could ask him whether he's interested in being a mod for the game.

Adam_ak9 years ago

I think San Andreas should not be played altogether, so that everyone limits the framerate to 0.

On a more serious note, the effects of 30fps vs 25fps are not understood well enough, so it's best to go with the safe option (namely 25) and eliminate one variable.

Lanayru, S., und BangarangPls gefällt das.
Adam_ak9 years ago

I also took a phone call during Printworks 1, but didn't get a softlock during the I Talk I Talk cutscene. Phone call I took was Long Lance, and I took it as soon as I was on the boat.

Adam_ak9 years ago

My route is: Taking Cortez right before Rub Out Kent Paul and Avery before Bar Brawl and Cop Land Sonny and Long Lance while running to Boatyard (it works out almost perfectly) Short Lance after launching the boat Sonny 2 before saving after PW1 Mission stacking for PW2 Kappa the collectors and get ultracopped Keep your friends close

Phone calls work out very nicely this way, imo.

Adam_ak9 years ago

I originally voted for option 3, but after thinking about it a bit more and talking to S, I feel like option 1 is preferable, for consistency sake.

Option 1 works for all games, whereas option 3 clashes with the whole idea of using RTA as the standard timing method. Last meaningful input doesn't work, since you could ignore the autoscroller in San Andreas at the end (if you choose to do that mission last). Loss of control also doesn't work, since the last percentage point is added once you have regained control over the character after the credits.

In all honestly, 1 and 3 are equivalent, except for 1 giving you a free 1:30 minutes or so. It has zero impact on gameplay/routing which option is taken, and the run quality is not affected in any way. I have no major issues with option 3 being used, but it is a lot less consistent with how RTA works and how other runs are timed.

Adam_ak9 years ago

Just for the record, the clothing replay is made right after SSA, when you don't need the asset buying glitch any more, right? That seems like the only plausible time to do it, since you need to create custom replays for the asset buying glitch if you want to do it the fast and safe way (i.e., not my risky method)

Adam_ak9 years ago


Unless Twitch does something really stupid, this will be my secondary stream. Still wanna make use of it on a regular basis, though.

Adam_ak9 years ago

Best of luck with your upcoming runs, Cyber! Hope you manage to get a nice, new PB that we can give a spot on the leaderboards :)

Adam_ak9 years ago

How do you think people timed their runs before WSplit and other programs were around? Record it, time it afterwards. This is still done for a whole lot of games out there. WSplit is a convenience, but not necessary for a run to be valid.

Adam_ak9 years ago

Pausing the timer is a non-issue, really. The biggest problem is that he takes breaks in the middle of his run.

Any run can be re-timed ex post. WSplit is, to a large extent, only there for viewers.

Adam_ak9 years ago

CyberThunder does Time Attack runs (in which he pauses the run, and pauses the timer randomly). The GTA speedrunning community has decided to adopt RTA as the standard (no pausing whatsoever), hence Cyber's run does not belong on the leaderboards.

Thread: Talk
Adam_ak9 years ago

King Crimson. Hell yeah.

Pac und Setebos gefällt das.
Adam_ak9 years ago

Game freezes are a gigantic pain in the butt, and I agree that they should not be included in the final time, since it's beyond the control of the runner. They happen very rarely, and it would be a bummer to lose time to it.

Congrats to Ractrot on having an even more amazing run than I thought! Also congrats to Vegeto for getting an amazing new GTA3 run. Hail Canada!

Adam_ak9 years ago

Well that's actually really simple. I remember testing first-pier strats before, but I stood a lot further back. Didn't know it would be this trivial just by moving a bit closer to the edge. If you fall in, I'm guessing it teleports you back up again, right?

Adam_ak9 years ago


Grats on your new pb, MuXu, and awesome new WR, Ractrot!

MuXu96 gefällt das.
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