Key Pod Stats according to Star Wars Theory
Key Pod Stats according to Star Wars Theory
Aktualisiert 4 years ago von MJS

As a bit of fun I thought I'd list some of my research from years ago regarding the pod stats as they were meant to be in the movie. Please note that these stats do not apply to the game, only the film and are for entertainment purposes only.

According to theory, Anakin's pod was clearly intended as the most superior pod in pretty much every aspect with a top speed of 947 km/h and powerful acceleration and turning capabilities.

Ben's Pod is not too inaccurate to that of the game, as the second fastest pod with a top speed of 940 Km/h. Ben had supposedly weak acceleration and turning.

Ratts Tyrell is also an honourable mention as one of the fastest pods with a top speed of 841 Km/h. All his other stats were average (acceleration, turning, traction)

Sebulba's pod was also one of the fastest with a top speed of 829 Km/h and I believe also one of the largest (if not the largest). His pod had great acceleration and average turning.

Aldar Beedo was also fast with a top speed of 823 Km/h with strong acceleration and weak turning.

Gasgano's pod also had a top speed of 823 Km/h with below average turning and very bad cooling. His acceleration was somewhere between average and one of the strongest.

Clegg Holdfast's pod had a top speed of 800 Km/h with great acceleration and average turning.

Mars Guo's pod had a top speed of 790 Km/h with good acceleration and average turning ability.

Boles Roor also had a top speed of 790 Km/h with average acceleration and turning, meaning Mars's pod would be superior in the film.

Ebe's pod had a top speed of 785 Km/h with all other stats being average.

Wan Sandage's pod (Sandwich) was one of the slowest pods with a top speed of 785 Km/h and poor acceleration and turning, which is lived up to in the game.

Neva Kee's pod also had a top speed of 785 Km/h but with far superior acceleration and cornering ability.

Mawhonic's pod was somewhat disappointing with a top speed of 775 Km/h as one of the slowest, average acceleration and just above average turning.

Arc Bumpy Roose's pod also had a top speed of 775 Km/h with poor acceleration and even worse turning, making it one of the poorest pods in the movie.

Teemto's pod also had a top speed of 775 Km/h but with excellent acceleration and average cornering.

Elan Mac's pod is yet another disappointment with a top speed of 775 Km/h average cornering ability and poor acceleration.

Dud Bolt's pod - as expected is very slow (if not the slowest pod) with a top speed of 760 Km/h, poor acceleration and turning ability.

Ody Mandrell's pod had a top speed of 750 Km/h making it the slowest pod from the boonta classic race with above average acceleration and turning.