10 death WR tips
10 death WR tips
Aktualisiert 3 years ago von kr0ny0

This is a super simplistic category so not too much to be said here. Just a few things that helped me get WR.

  1. I bind my split reset to CTRL+SHIFT+R which is the refresh bind in chrome (technically it's only CTRL+R but I use shift as well so I don't accidentally press it running other games) so if I wanna reset mid run it's easier.

  2. Spam resets early, I basically reset everytime I didn't get a ~3 second first split and then really good second and third splits. As it's a super RNG category, it's better reducing RNG by resetting like 5 seconds in to make sure you aren't reliant on good splits at the end. As you can see in my WR, my splits were all red till the last two because of this.

  3. On spawn don't just go in a random direction. Most ideal is obviously a super close worm, if you don't see one go for the most densely populated area with the growth orbs (is there a proper name for these?) so that you can get your boost quicker. If there isn't any clear worms or boost direction, go towards the center of the map as this is where I find the density of worms to be the highest.

Honestly though if you're going for WR and you can't see any worms off spawn, unless you get very lucky 95/100 times it's a reset.

  1. Don't just beeline directly towards worms all the time, sometimes it's faster to divert to orbs so that you can boost instead of just going in a straight line towards the worm. You will eventually get a feel for when is best to go straight and when is best to divert.

  2. Once you've picked your direction, commit. No point doubling back or doubting yourself. If you have to double back, it isn't gonna be WR.

  3. This one is very obvious but learn exactly where the play again button spawns and spam that spot whenever you get your kill. It sometimes seems to be clickable before it appears so just make sure you spam it ASAP.

  4. Be patient. This run is ultimately super RNG so you are going to have a lot of really bad runs or you're going to get screwed over on a super hot run in your 9th split. Just keep going and your time will improve eventually if you are doing everything else as well as possible to mitigate the RNG.

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