Uncharted 1
9 years ago
Queensland, Australia

I am posting up a nearly 100% consistent way of skipping the puzzle room:

I am getting this at least 9/10 times without too much practice. You just need to jump at the right angle to catch the ledge.

This skip however has the large downside that if you miss the Crouch Cover Jump in chapter 16 you will reload right back near the cathedral.

Another minor time save if you do enter chapter 16 normally:


Ok, i got a really intersting glitch today in a run. It causes that you are like 20% faster at nearly every spot in the game without NG+ plus you can run at spots where you normally walk really slow like the beginning of chapter 3 or in the submarine.

I have no idea how much time it really save but i think with a good run it save more than 1 min for sure. Anyways I save the game when this glitch happend and I have now a savefile where the game seems broken and you alsways have that gltich. Even when i load the file and than start a new game normally it is still there... No idea but i think this could be a new big time saver and it is a little bit like the chapter 1 strat in U3.


Queensland, Australia

Any thoughts on how it happened?

I think if you are loading the save file and then starting a new game this is considered NG+. I think we would have to cause the glitch each run for normal any%.

California, USA

That happened to me once but I was never sure what caused it. It sure makes the beginning of chapter 2 a lot better. I'll have to agree that it should be considered NG+ unless we find a way to trigger it on a brand new file every run though


Seems like it is a frame perfect trick, i think the light has to change in the same second you walk into the zone. In the video you can see linke 1 oe 2 black frame, normally the game hardlocks then. If we can find a setup for getting this consitant, it could be really cool. But i think this will be really hard. ^^

Queensland, Australia

Spud - as promised.

Hope that helps.

Victoria, Australia

Thanks Covert; I'll try it out soon. \o/

Queensland, Australia

Ok question. Sanctuary keeps ruining runs. I can die up to 3 times trying to go through the gate. I am almost considering avoiding agroing those guys and not getting combat speed which would keep me safe.

What tips do you guys have to get through there or is it roll dice and hope for the best?


I just checked how much time you loose if you use the disc version by comparing the loading times of my run and xoneris ones (both with no autosave). Maybe it is interesting for new runners to know if they really need the PSN version or not.

According to my timing it is 'only' a 50 seconds difference between PSN and disk, but you are lossing extra time on disk every time you die cause the loading times are longer there too plus sometimes really random.

Important to know is also the fact that you loose a lot more time to PSN if you have autosave on. So if it is not your first run i would recommend to play with autosave of. I hope i could help the new runners a little bit :)


@Covert_Madness Befor you enter the Jetski you should have the the Magnum Gun no? If you don't waste any shoots befor entering the Jetski you should have 1 or 2 shoots left. You can try to kill 1 or 2 guys. What also helped me is not running straight insted running a little bit in a curve. RNG Manip Kappa

@Marc Only 50 seconds? Well then i guess there is no point of getting the PSN version until i get good enough for sub 50 runs or something :D

United States

Marc what gen ps3 do you have? I think it also may depend on how new your system is, cause I had someone counting in my run last night and I def was having MUCH longer loads. But I have a gen 1 ps3.


Jama i am not 100% sure whick gen have but i have the first model (no slim) with 80 Gb so it is one of the old ones for sure ^^

I will also check loading times on your run later. Maybe there is really a difference between the different models

United States

I just know I have the really old fat one with the ps2 reader and it sounds like a monster.Runs slow as hell

Victoria, Australia

For the record, I have a 2nd gen ps3 as in, one of these.

I'd be interested to compare load times as well; not sure if there will be a difference or not, but it'd be interesting.

I still have this feeling that the 9 minutes that I am behind WR is not ¤all¤ my fault. But maybe that's just wishful thinking and I'm bad, haha.

United States

I shall assign someone to be my peasant next time i do a run to count my loads


inb4 new ps3 models have 3minute faster loading times then old ps3 models. Kappa


the thing is that psn version with no autosave on has nearly no loading times :D

Victoria, Australia

Apparently this isn't common knowledge; Marc mentioned that he didn't know it last night and that it should save a fair bit of time in his run, so I figured I'd post it to make sure everyone knows.

Firing a gun (Even an empty one) while running up stairs lets you run at full speed. With combat speed it saves lots of time over rolling or normal running. Rolling is also a pain in the arse because Nate loves taking cover on random shit that you happen to roll next to, so you can avoid that too. \o/

Here's a snippet from my PB in C16 where it saves the most time.

Enjoy your ez pbs. Kappa b

Haute-Normandie, France

Ok, i'm new on the game, but when i'm running, this glitch happens I don't know it's working, but we can gain a lot of time.

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