Location of Chips + Tickets
Location of Chips + Tickets
Aktualisiert 6 years ago von speedwerd

Taken from a guide:

Chip Locations [h-03]

This is a brief summary of where to get all the bonus Chips for the Bonus Menu mini-games.

(1) In the Security Room open the far left locker.

(2) In the Guest Room 1 "Dresser", "check [Trunk]".

(3) In Guest Room 2 by the "Bed", "check [Night stand]".

(4) In the Guest Room 3 "Dresser", "open [Cigar case]".

(5) In the Guest Room 4 go to the "Bed".

(6) In the Sun Suite "Lounge", "check [Fruits]".

(7) In the Equipment Room at the "Utility unit", turn on the [Lift], move to the shelf in the middle row, middle column and "check".

(8) In the Infirmary Room in "Case 5".

(9) In the Restrooms Men's "check [Stall] 2nd from left".

(10) In Guest Room 5 on the "Bed", "check pocket of [Bathrobe]".

(11) Found in Gustav's Locker in Staff Room, the password is 7994265.

(12) "Area B-2" in the Warehouse.

(13) In the Waiting Room at the "Vending machine", "check [Video camera]".

(14) "VIP seat 2" in Observatory Restaurant.

(15) In the Break Room on the "Table", "check [Mug]".

(16) In the Manager's Office "Bed" "check pillow".

Keyword Tickets [f-03]

These are tickets you find that have keywords on them. The keywords are listed under SPECIAL or BATTLE in the R2 menu. They offer additional helpful func- tions that can be used in either battle, while searching, or to ask Rio for help. Some are just for show too like the Sexy pose and Spin the Gun. The Ticket keywords are listed below along with their function and location.

["Consultation"] Let's you start a conversation with Rio by using the SCENARIO keywords. After key events you'll get new keywords. Say them to ask Rio for more details. Great way to get more out of the story.

Location: You automatically get it in the Security Room

["Microphone Check"] Lets you determine how well the voice recognition is cohering to your voice commands. Kind of useless.

Location: Security Room "Vending machines", "check second [Dispenser] from right".

["Zoom in"] Lets you zoom in to get a better view of items or objects. This is a great way to help you determine the identity of an object.

Location: Guest Room 1 "Living area", "open BRIEFCASE".

["Low kick"] Use in battle to drive back enemies that are dangerously close.

Location: Guest Room 2 "Living area", "check GLOVES".

["Camera check"] Lets you pinpoint Rio's location in case she is somewhere off screen or hidden behind a background. Kind of useless.

Location: Guest Room 3 "check EMERGENCY PANEL", "take SHUTTER KEY".

["Category Game"] Lets you play a mini game with Rio. She picks a category like U.S. states and the two of you trade off picking items in that category. The first person to miss loses.

Location: Guest Room 4 on the "Dresser", "check back of [Invitation]".

["Spin the Gun"] Rio spins the gun in battle like in the ol' West. It doesn't work with the Machine Gun. Useless.

Location: Sun Suite "second floor" "Wash Room", "close Toilet lid".

["Taunt"] Rio taunts the enemies during battle just for fun. Useless.

Location: Equipment Room "Utility unit" move to upper right shelf and "check".

["Sexy pose"] Rio strikes a playful pose for the camera. Cute but not all that sexy :(

Location: Infirmary "Desk", "check the [PC]" and then turn it ON. Or in the Manager's Office by the "Bed" on the bookshelf. (Thanks to Matt) Note I have not confirmed this.

["Auto-fire"] Rio will empty the entire magazine in her handgun on an enemy until you stop her by targeting a different body part.

Location: Restrooms "Ladies' Washstands", "look in [Trash can]".

["She sells"] Play a tongue twister game with Rio. Rio says a tongue twister and you have to repeat it. Very tough.

Location: Guest Room 5 "Bathroom", "check [Wig]" and say "sea shells".

["Strafe"] Spray all the enemy's body parts in succession.

Location: Staff Room "Galley", "check [Wax paper]".

["Break time"] (not really a ticket) Rio sits down and takes it easy. Good for keeping Rio from wandering around and out of trouble. ;)

Location: Warehouse "Area C-1".

["Launcher"] (not really a ticket) Rio shoots a grenade at her enemies. Be careful unlike your ammo you only have whatever you've found.

Location: Automatically after you find grenades in the Air Ducts.

["Jump"] Rio will jump in battle. Useful in dodging the shockwave of the Yellow Crab.

Location: Waiting Room "Business Center", "use the [Copier] in the front".

["I'll leave it to you"] Rio will fight the enemy on her own without your guidance. I encourage you not to do this because she will not generally go for the weak points and will not shake off enemies. If you do, watch closely to step in when necessary.

Location: Observatory restaurant "VIP seat 3", "check top of [Floor lamp]".

["Jumpback"] Jump backwards out of harms way. The game doesn't recognize this command real well (at least for me) and it isn't really necessary to avoid damage. "Jump", "dodge" and "flee" are much easier to use.

Location: Break Room "Galley", say "[Tea bag]".

Sauce of guide: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps2/589786-lifeline/faqs/31906

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