How to Use LiveSplit and the Autosplitter
How to Use LiveSplit and the Autosplitter
Aktualisiert 4 years ago von XeroGoFast

Even if you're new to speedrunning or new to using autosplitters, the process is very simple and easy to understand.

1) First download LiveSplit from this link.

2) Open LiveSplit. It should appear just as a timer showing 0.00. Right click LiveSplit and select Edit Splits.

3) Fill-in the game name as Kunai and you should be able to Activate the autosplitter. There's also a Settings menu where you can choose which autosplits to use. Make sure the Start and Split boxes are checked, as well as the Lemonkus (End) autosplit. You can enable any additional autosplits you want to use here to match whatever game segments you're choosing to separate.

4) When you're happy with your splits, right click LiveSplit and select Compare Against -> Game Time. This will make sure that you're showing Loadless time and not Real Time.

5) You can also right click LiveSplit and select Edit Layout to show splits, title, additional timers etc. to your liking.

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