No OOB WR is mistimed.
6 years ago
United Kingdom

LoveBot's WR video shows a timer that is counting the seconds in frames, at 30 FPS. So when it says 1;16;20, it's equivalent to 1m 16s 666ms. Should probably make it clearer in the rules to show time correctly.

It seems like Keen's time is wrong aswell. It should be 1m 17s 590ms, as shown by the timer on his video at the end, and not 1m 17s 159ms.

Bearbeitet von der Autor 6 years ago
Slevanas gefällt das.

Oh, thanks alot i had no idea there was an error in the timing. I was actually doing the timing with a moderator watching me time it, so i thought everything was cool. I'll edit the time :)

United Kingdom

I really don't get how nobody notices these things. There are 6 mods and yet none of them can notice something this obvious? The runs themselves are under 2 minutes. It doesn't even take that long to check a run properly.

Also LoveBot, you have a few other runs that are also mistimed in the same way. Your HoC - Any% run which should be 15s 553ms, aswell as any that have been timed using that timer.

Erebus und LoveBot gefällt das.
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

I don't have the means to do it accurately which is why Jmak was modded because he can do the retiming. Critikal, UnimaginativeHandle, and Stimich aren't active. So removed UnimaginativeHandle and added you Brongle so if you feel some need to be retimed you can help.

Brongle gefällt das.
United Kingdom

Alright thanks

LoveBot gefällt das.
Illinois, USA

sorry, missed it. was a little inactive cause I was away


Seems like theres several runs that uses 30fps counting, and thus is wrong.

She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Yes, I know and as I stated already I can't do it accurately. I can only do LiveSplit and do it that way.


I find it best to do livesplit for personal times but in an editor do a frame perfect timing with an in editor timer.

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