Colorblind Mod - Installation and Configuration
Colorblind Mod - Installation and Configuration
Aktualisiert 1 year ago von Museus

The Colorblind Mod was created by PonyWarrior to improve accessibility for players with color blindness or other visual disabilities. It adds a colored outline to enemies to help with visibility and contrast. The color can be customized, and can even be different for each biome. This is the only mod currently legal to use for leaderboard runs, with the conditions that SpeedrunMode is enabled. More information on this setting is in the Configuration section.


To get started installing the Colorblind Mod download the .zip file here. This will include the following files:

-   Mods/ColorblindMod/
-   Mods/ModUtil/

A video tutorial on how to install mods is available from PonyWarrior here

If you prefer text instructions, follow these steps:

If you don't already have Python installed, download it from and install it.

Once you have downloaded the file, open up your Hades game directory. You can find this by launching Hades, then opening Task Manager, finding the Hades process, right-clicking on it, and selecting Open File Location.

Unzip the files into the .../Hades/Content folder. You should now have the standard folders such as Scripts and Game as well as a new folder called Mods and the script.

Run the script to install the mods, then load into your game. Whenever you want to uninstall the mods, simply delete the contents of the Mods folder, and run the script again.


Navigate to the .../Hades/Content/Mods/ColorblindMod folder and open "colorblind.lua" with Notepad or another text editor. At the top of the file, there will be a block of code that says

local config = { ExcludeTraps = true, ExcludeMiscs = true, -- Exclude very specific things like fury assists in the meg fight -- Also override ExcludeTraps and ExcludeMiscs to true SpeedrunMode = true, }

For runs to be leaderboard-legal, these options must remain as they are. If you are not interested in submitting your runs: SpeedrunMode can be set to false, to outline the assisting Furies during the Extreme Measures 1 boss fight. If SpeedrunMode is disabled, ExcludeTraps can be set to false to outline traps. If SpeedrunMode is disabled, ExcludeMiscs can be set to false to outline pots.

Below that, there is another block of code:

local Outlines = { -- Fallback if the biome name is somehow nil Default = { R = 50, G = 50, B = 255, Opacity = 0.8, Thickness = 1, Threshold = 0.6, }, Tartarus = { R = 50, G = 50, B = 255, Opacity = 0.8, Thickness = 1, Threshold = 0.6, }, Asphodel = { R = 50, G = 50, B = 255, Opacity = 0.8, Thickness = 1, Threshold = 0.6, }, Elysium = { R = 50, G = 50, B = 255, Opacity = 0.8, Thickness = 1, Threshold = 0.6, }, Styx = { R = 50, G = 50, B = 255, Opacity = 0.8, Thickness = 1, Threshold = 0.6, }, -- Only for Greece, dad fight is in Styx Surface = { R = 50, G = 50, B = 255, Opacity = 0.8, Thickness = 1, Threshold = 0.6, }, }

This section can be configured to change the outline for each biome. It is recommended to leave Opacity, Thickness, and Threshold as they are. RGB values can be tested here and set for each biome. Default will only be used if something goes wrong, so there is no real need to change that color.