Phantom Skills
Phantom Skills
Aktualisiert 8 years ago von Jyntax

Hello everyone,

this guide will explain how Phantom Skills work and how the limitations of the Glitch are set. Remember this Glitch works just on the Anniversary Edition for the PC!

First of all here is a Youtube Guide made by me in English:

Now to the written part:

  1. How does Phantom Skills work?

The game puts your Skillsetup into the memory every time you are entering a fight. So if you place Strength on Ryudos first Skillslot and encounter an enemy the game will write down the Skill ID and the Skill Level. So the game would write down 00 00 00 04 on a specific Offset to tell the game that Ryudo got Strength on the first Skillslot and the Same Offset + 12 Bytes would be the Level of that Skill.

If you now remove the Skill from the Skillslot and encounter an enemy the Game won't delete the Value set on those Offsets. It'll keep them until you place another Skill on that Skillslot and encounter an enemy or until the Game is closed.

This way you can use your very first Strength from the Adventures Book to increase everyone's Strength by 100 after the Durham Minotaur as an example.

  1. What are the limits of Phantom Skills?

Actually there is just one limit set by the System itself: You can increase Magic Damage by just 100% max.

  1. What is Phantom Skills capable of?

You can increase every Basestat like Strength, Vitality and Speed as an example by 300 based on 6 Slots. You can increase HP by 4800 based on 6 Slots. You can use "Skilled Item Use" twice to make it instantly use Items. You can use Magic Chants like "Zapfire Chant" twice to decrease the Casting Time for all Spells + make Level 5 Spells instant casts. You can use "Item Recover" twice to recover instantly from Item uses so that the Character can choose an action immediately after an action. You can use Skills from a different Savefile as long as you don't close the game. There for you need to die after setting them up. This works also with dead characters and is needed for NG+. So you need to set up a Savefile with all skills + just one character alive with ~100 HP.

That's basically everything needed to know about Phantom Skills.

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