Run wis out timer is valid?
4 years ago

Hi im new and want to speedrun mobile game but i struggle wis timer app . If i record myself playing wis out timer can my run be valide?


Most games don't require a timer, but as always you'll want to check the rules for whatever game(s) you're planning on.

Texas, USA

Leeroy95, the best place to ask about specific mobile games is in the Mobile Speedrunning Discord! Most mobile game mods are there and can answer your questions :)

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago

Okay, in my opinion timer is a good thing, but not always a necessary one. Visible timer during the speedrun is the proof the video wasn't cut in inappropriate way to reduce the result. Otherwise - if the rules of the game require the visible timer - obey it. If it isn't specified - you don't have to, the video itself is the proof as it has the certain lenghth which is the final result itself

Bearbeitet von der Autor 4 years ago

[quote]Visible timer during the speedrun is the proof the video wasn't cut in inappropriate way to reduce the result.[/quote] This is absolutely not true in the slightest. A visible timer doesn’t indicate a video wasn’t spliced at all, it’s unrelated to that in every way. Someone can splice together a run and just play it back alongside a timer, that’s what most splicers do. Nobody splices the video with the timer in the original videos, so having a timer on screen proves zero.


Timmiluvs, so then no video can be a proof for the run according to you, 'cause any person can splice the video and present it as a legit run. You need to be a master of video editing to uncover the montage of the video then


Correct, you need to know how to look at intricacies within the video to find anything that doesn’t seem correct. A very good spliced run will be very difficult to spot, but it doesn’t happen often because it’s hard to do that well.

The crux of the point is that a timer in screen does nothing to prove a run isn’t spliced.