Demikids Dark Version guide by MOTR (adapted from fatkid's guide)
Demikids Dark Version guide by MOTR (adapted from fatkid's guide)
Aktualisiert 3 years ago von Masteroftherun

Demikids Dark Version Any% Speedrun route. Based off Fatkid's guide Adapted by MOTR (Masteroftherun) for clarity

Note: There is one major difference between this guide and Fatkid's, which is going to Avalon area early to make Bifronz easier, but it is also riskier due to Higher Level enemies.

Tips and/or Tricks: Once you have Gale, press R to ride him for mobility in non-friendly zones Hold A and mash B through text fast. Buffer start and A to skip menus'. Go to setup, change text speed to fast and animation to off. You can just hold A and run into stuff instead of mashing to talk/investigate stuff. You move faster on stairs if you go diagonally Fuse demons in the specified order, left to right You don't have to wait for Repel to run out before using it again. Buffs and debuffs stack 7 times. "Fuse" is the sacrifice feature in this game, pick the first demon to receive the sacrifice and the second to perish You can use Demons up to 5 levels higher than you

School: Pick up Ointment on the top-left bookshelf. Pick up Mana Juice on the top-right plant Exit the room and go to the Rightmost door to the Library Pick up Love Charm and Guard Gum on the leftmost bookshelf, Repel Charm next to stairs, Mana juice bottom bookcase (against wall) Talk to Lena (Blonde Girl) Talk to the Red-Hair Girl at the desk Talk to Jin (Hat Dude) Double Dark Howl the Gargoyle encounter. Go to setup and change text speed/animations. Leave the room and go to first door on the left door. Pick up 500 macca from the top-left locker. Pick up Revive Orb and mana juice in the top-right cabinets. Exit the room and go to the room on the left. Repel charm in the locker and Attack Gum in the bookshelf to the right of the locker. Exit the room and go to the school entrance for a cutscene. Go North and head upstairs Auto attack the Pixy Continue to go West and go upstairs to the roof. Enter the room at the top-right Talk to the dude in the top-right corner, then try to leave Enter the pedestal.

Hueyville: Head South to enter the town Go to the leftmost house (path hidden behind house) and pick up Resist Gum at the table. Exit the house, go down, climb the steps to the left, and enter the house for Speed Gum in the flowers. Exit the house, go right and enter the fusion shop (pentagram marker), then "Fuse" Lava Rat and Windling into Gale. Exit the shop, go right, down the steps, and then up to enter the item shop Sell all gums other than attack, buy 4 Angel Wings, 11 Energy Pills, 11 mana juice and spend rest on smoke bombs. Exit the shop, then go East (exit is near the fusion shop)

Path to Tupon: Head East to pick up a chest (Troll Seed). Head South (down the steps), then West (across the bridge), then South (down the steps), then East (across the bridge) Enter the cave and follow the linear path to the end, pick up all chests along the way. Recruit Two-Tail (Cave), Garum (Jungle), and two random demons for fodder later. Exit the cave to enter Jungle, pick up chest at bottom then head East. Go North, then East at the next intersection. Keep going East until you enter the next cave. Set-up a party of Gale + Garum. Use attack gums on Gale, save, and then ring bell 3 times.

(BOSS) Tupon:
	Crush Claw with Gale and throw the Troll Seed with Garum.
	Powerboost with Garum and Basic Attack with Gale.

Angel Wing back to town. 

Hueyville: Go to the Fusion Shop and select Fusion Chart FUSE: Gale x Fodder Demons = Stronger Gale Garum x Two-Tail = Razor (Powerboost) Aminoz x Razor = Windlord (Powerboost, Distract) Sell gums and buy more smoke bombs if you need to. Head South and use the pinwheel on the time rift

Path to Center Town: Leave South and use a Repel Charm. Follow the path, then at the intersection go North to follow the path to go West Continue heading West to Center Town. (Pick up Shoklams on the way if you run into any) Along the way, pick up the chest (2000 Macca) near the bridge. At the T-intersection, head East to enter a house and recruit Egg Demon. Exit the house and then go west at the T-intersection

Center Town: Enter Un building and take 3 demonary quizzes from top left green guy. Answers: Quiz 1: Quiz 2: Quiz 3: 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2

Leave North. 
Recruit 2x Shoklam (use windlord to distract and hit on them), a Cait Sith, a Arakneus, and another Windlord.
In addition, recruit 4 additional shoklam (or 2 windlords [1 windlord = 2 sheep]) for sacrifice fodder.
During this recruitment session, you should reach Level 8.

	Fuse Wyregg into Gale
	Fuse Shoklams together and savescum fusion skills (Heal All, Repel).
	Cait Sith x Shoklam = Pilox (Powerboost, Heal All, Repel).
	Windlord x Windlord (Inherit Revive) [make sure you fuse the right order, you still need distract]
	Arakneus x Windlord = Talos (Powerboost, Revive, Distract). 

	Fuse additional shoklams/windlords into gale so he can have ~110 hp

Party of Gale + Talos.

Path to Lucy Palace: Leave North and follow the path until the orange tiling stops Use attack gum on Gale, save, and continue North.

(BOSS) Grevir:	
Pray to not get blasted by aoe magic
Crush Claw/Heal with Gale, Powerboost x4 then Powercharge Basic Attack with Talos.

Continue North, pick-up a chest for an Alarm on a short side path to the west near North exit.

Lucy Palace: Enter the castle, go up the right stairs and head North to reach the warp point After cutscenes, receive the Kingloc and Arrange a Demon onto it. Set Alarm onto Demiloc. Go North, behind Lucifer's throne, and recruit War Lion in the Hazy Area. Continue North and Speak to leftmost Time Maiden (Verdandi) Angel Wing back to Center Town.

	War lion x pilox = Gargoyle (Powerboost, Repel, Heal All).

Leave West.

Path to Frostyville: Recruit Temptina (charm and use Gale) and fight things along the way.

Frostyville: Pick up gem from the well, go left, then enter the house to the right of the shop. Press A in between bookshelves and answer "Light Ikonda" Go to the right side of the town, pick up attack gum in the barrel in front of the inn Go to the top-right house and recruit the doll. Go to the Fusion Shop

	Gargoyle x Temptina = Apsaras (Powerboost, Repel, Heal All)

Party of Gale, Talos and Apsaras.
Exit North	

Path to Ice Temple / Ice Temple: Go left and head North Continue heading North through the entrance and all the way to the boss

(BOSS) Harborim:
	Crush Claw With Gale, Frenzy with Talos, Heal/basic attack with Apsaras.

2nd Gale option. [Use Terror gaze in fights, it's incredibly broken]
Recruit Fairy while going through the dungeon	
Continue North, follow the path and at the next intersection go North	
Ice Maze:	
	Go South, East, North	
	Go South on the lip to the left of the platform	
	Go West x3, South x2, West, North x2, East, North	
Go through the door, skip the time orb and continue on the path
Go through the red portal	

Time Tower: Head South until the cutscene plays Go West, down the stairs, head South, then open rightmost chest near the exit for Guard Gum.

Path to Hydraville: Follow the path to go West, then North to a town. Demipyre can one-shot you so practice your rng idiot. Talk to Judy in the house to the East. Leave North and head West. Fight to Level 14 and do recruits as you go.

Hydraville: Go East to the fusion shop

	Doll and Fish into Gale
	Talos + Fairy = Sylph (Powerboost, Revive, Healmore All).
	Fuse extra recruits onto Gale if possible.

Go West to the item shop, then sell non-attack gums and buy/set Guard Chip.
Go to North-East house for plot, then grab Holy orb from green shelf.
Enter the mine to the left of plot-house.	

Mine: Party of Gale + Hydra (for charm) + Apsaras Grind to level 17, Recruit Osiris [Level 16] and Inkubus [Level 17]. Follow the path to the room at the intersection and open chest with 5000 Macca. Get Roksaur (talk to NPC). Set party of Gale, Osiris, Inkubus. Exit the middle room and to head far East room Talk to the NPC, then follow the path all the way outside Head West, up the stairs, then East to reach the boss on the stairs

(BOSS) Crosel:
	Terror Gaze with Gale, Petraburst/Heal with Osiris, Shock with Inkubus and throw Dredfang.

Gale 2nd option.
Teleport to Hermit and leave West.	

Rebel Base: Follow the path to get to Rebel Base (Grind to 20 with death breath here). Enter the room under the waterfall and head North-East for a cutscene. Check left barrel for attack gum. Leave the base and teleport to Hydraville

Early Avalon/Elysium: Exit through Hydraville South, and then head West to Primus (Grey Dude) and do the Primus Skip. [Hug the left wall, move up to Primus, then down-left until you move left a bit, then move straight up] Use a Repel, Fully Heal, Save, and exit West. All Encounters should just be every party member using Smoke Bombs (save after each encounter for safety) Head West and Enter/Exit Avalon to get it on the Teleport list. Head North to Elysium, talk to FF4 Cid next to the Castle, and buy Battle Rush for Gale [Go to the Shop and sell any remaining Gums if low on Cash]

Dead Future: Teleport to Time Tower and go to future Rem (The door next to the one we entered Time Tower from) Talk to the first old man for a full heal Exit the room, head North-West, then head South-East Party of Gale, Osiris and Roksaur.

(BOSS) Agni:
	Battle Rush with Gale, Polarburst with Roksaur, Earth Crush with Osiris.

Walk back to School and go back to Time Tower.
Go to Present Dem, warp to Hueyville, then go to Present Rem.	

Present Rem: Go to the front of the school and get rid of portal Exit South and go East at the road to to enter the mall. Go to the shop, buy & set Attack Chip, use gums on Gale. Return to the intersection, head all the way South, then East

(BOSS) Kanos:
	Battle Rush with Gale, Polarburst with Roksaur and Earth Crush/Heal with Osiris.

Head East, Talk to Blonde girl in the middle of the park and say yes
Teleport back to school, go through the warp portal

Clean-up: Go back to Future Rem through the portal next to Green Dude Go back to the area you fought Agni, talk to Kibra in front of the tree Go back to Center Town.

	Inkubus x Osiris = Baku (Healmore All).

Party of Gale, Baku, Scout.
Go talk to Lucifer, leave north
Go back to Time Tower and go to past Rem (North of Hueyville)
In Dem Past keep going North and open the left chest and read thing.
Return to Lucifer and Teleport back to Center Town.
Leave Center Town through South exit.

Lots of Walking to Dark Temple: Go East until you reach the next town. Leave North and keep going North until the next town. Buy Repellant from the shop with the sword sign and equip it on Kingloc. Follow the grey path to reach the Temple, then keep walking North Save, then open the remaining chest.

(BOSS) Bifronz:
	Battle Rush with Gale, Heal with Baku, Powerboost with Scout.
	Don't get Guillotine'd lmao	

2nd Gale option.

Lots of Walking (Prepper's Ed.): Teleport to Castle Town and buy Magic Cross from FF4 Cid. (Set it as the top command) Enter the castle and head North to activate the cutscene with Jin. Teleport to Avalon Buy 6 Revive Gems, and spend the rest on Energy Cubes. Leave West and go to the final area.

Final Zone Act 1: Head North, then go to the South-East exit for Screen 1 Head to the Northwest exit for Screen 2 Enter the castle, then go to the far left, save before the stairs before going up them.

(BOSS) Grimlee:
	Spam Magic Cross with Gale, Heal with Baku and Power Boost with Scout.	
	If Gale gets Heart Wrench'd, shouldn't have let that happen	

Proceed East and before going up the stairs, save.

(BOSS) Imperius:
	Do the same but no need to Power Boost, just Defend with Boku and Scout.

Final Zone Act 2: Enter the portal to the North, and go North Before the end of the second screen, set up Baku's row as Baku -> Roksaur, save and heal the party to max.

(BOSS) Seipher:
	Spam Magic Cross with Gale and Healing with Baku/Roksaur.
	PowerBoost 7 times with Scout.	
	Ideally, Gale will never get hit, Baku's row will be throwing out Healing/Revives, and the fight ends after 5th Powerboost
	Throw Energy Cubes/Revive Gems/Holy Orb with anyone but Gale as necessary.

Stop the timer on final input (when credits start).

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Veröffentlicht 5 years ago
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