Any% No Password Drop Guide
Any% No Password Drop Guide
تم التحديث 1 year ago من ClovisSenpai

This guide is based on the any% no password route and assumes you start on the White Rose campaign. Please refer to my other guide for more information on this and also advice on cards worth ejecting from your deck. The point of this guide is to tell you what cards to look out for in the graveyard slots as you progress through the game. It is possible to edit your deck at any point after Tea and before Bakura, but waiting until after Shadi will allow you to potentially receive a second Dimensionhole before editing your deck. Because of this, it is also worth taking any good cards you see in the slots up until that point for you to modify your deck in order to increase your chances of playing into the second half of the game.

You can also obtain slot rares from lining up three cards in a row in the graveyard slot machine, however, the only relevant cards you want are the monsters that can move over Labyrinth and destroy the tiles. These make duels such as Grandpa potentially minutes faster and are also useful for faster strategies on duels such as Pegasus and Lab-ruler. While Labyrinth Tank also seems nice, keep in mind that it does not destroy labyrinth, and once you move it onto labyrinth it cannot follow up attack if the enemy deck leader moves away, as it will only be able to move one tile after this. It is possible to add zombie cards into your deck for the purposes of fusion (and their effects potentially), but otherwise, you generally do not want to include any high SP/DC cards in your deck that are not useful enough to compensate.

After 5 duels you can also reincarnate - this seems slow, but if you get even one card that you draw into that saves you even one turn in a duel, you get the time back (I discuss this more in my other Deck Edit guide for any% no passwords). It is possible to wait until after Grandpa to edit your deck, but if you edit out your bricky cards such as Zanki and Skullbird just before him, you remove the possibility of opening into those monsters that make it more difficult to cycle through your deck to get to your Shadow Ghoul/Blue-Eyed Silver Zombie/Dimensionhole, as well as make it less egregious to chew through SP to get to them. Opening up a monster above 4 SP means you will effectively only have 4 card hands less you skip playing monsters or play your lowest SP cards, and this can outright end your run on Grandpa.

Because you only need to edit your deck once, and I prefer to edit after Shadi in case he drops dimensionhole, the most important part of this guide would be those duelists. However, it is also possible to edit your deck a 2nd time in the run. Yugi can also drop Dimensionhole, and a few duelists after him, in particular Necromancer, can drop very good cards for you that may justify a second deck edit after Necromancer which means that the drops inclusive between Bakura and Necromancer will matter retroactively. This does lose you time, however you again can strengthen your deck for the final stretch for the game. My thought process behind a 2nd deck edit, is on the Lancastrians side, you edit the deck after Rex and Necromancer as your first 2 duels. If you have got any good drops from Grandpa to Necromancer inclusive, it can be worth it to edit your deck a second time, and also you can reincarnate a second time. Because of this, I will also go through the drop pool of duelists after Shadi, however I think realistically the first 6 duels are the most important.

Duels after that are not important unless you ever decide to start the game with Lancastrians. This became relevant when I attempted to speedrun the game with the Kryuel starter deck, which was so bad that I opted to start on Lancastrians as I would be able to potentially win the wasteland/yami duels easier and strengthen my deck before getting to duelists such as Tea and Mai which would be nearly impossible to win in a convincing fashion.

It does go without saying that a 2nd Dimensionhole is the most meaningful drop in the game, so because you are forced to edit the deck at some point, and the starter deck contains a lot of cards weaker than cards you can pick up, I put an emphasis of trying to pick up good cards that I saw in the graveyard slots during runs prior to Shadi. While you can NOT guarantee certain cards will show up in the slots, the deck leaders of all opponents from Tea through to Shadi automatically appear in the graveyard slots. Because this means you will always see them in the graveyard slots, I will discuss their usefulness now before the individual drop pools for each duelist:

Dancing Elf from Tea is one of your best drops. Unless you are going for lightning fast Yorkists time, I heavily recommend taking a few seconds to try and get this on each reel - if you earn it, then you can attempt a three in a row, or try for other cards. Karbonala Warrior from Tristan is NOT a good card, and I never include it in my deck. Harpie Lady from Mai is also one of your bext drops. It is a 4 star female winged beast. It works for any fusion that requires a female, and because it is a 4 SP female, it also works to make Mystical Sand. Because it is a Winged-Beast with 1300+ attack, it can also be combined with any warrior to create the 2100 attack Punished Eagle. While it is 4 SP and 32 deck cost, the versatility to Harpie Lady certainly makes up for it. Kairyu-Shin from Mako is also one of my favourite drops. The only drawback is that it is a 5 SP monster with a high deck cost of 38, however, in any run where I obtain it, I opt to replace a Great Mammoth of Goldfine with it. You do NOT have to do this, but in a no password runs where your ability to change terrain is low, Kairyu-Shin can really assist you in some duels such as Pegasus and even Richard where taking away their terrain advantage makes a win far more likely. Flame Swordsman from Joey is NOT a good card, and I never include it in my deck. Millennium Golem from Shadi is NOT a good card, and I never include it in my deck.

While I will include drop pools for duelists after these, it is worth noting that I do NOT think any of the other obtainable deck leaders in the run are good cards - they are high deck cost, high SP cards or just straight up useless.

Remember that the general rule of thumb is that the best cards you can obtain from the graveyard slots, in no particular order, usually are: a) cards that are useful for fusions (eg Females, Dragons, etc) b) cards with powerful effects, including monsters that change terrain (a few of Mako's drops) c) cards with low SP or even zero SP (eg Equip cards, Monster Reborn, etc)

Drops that have 2 or 3 of these aspects are your strongest and most consistent cards. Replacing high SP/DC monsters with lower SP/DC monsters that achieve the same thing or have more utility will allow you to perform above and beyond your original starting deck. See my other guide again for advice on what cards to remove - generally you have to remove your higher DC cards which usually have 4 or higher SP, to replace them with other options. Again, if you consider ejecting Zanki/Skullbird for a Dancing Elf and Fake Trap, you have 757 DC exactly. After this you can eject Gokibore and replace it with pretty much any 'usable' card that is 26 DC or lower and be fine. Cards you eject and replace will depend on your drops, and also your allowance to add higher DC cards will also require you to perhaps eject two higher DC cards so that you can add a high DC card and then a really low DC card to offset it - for example, replacing two cards with 20-30 deck cost will allow you to add something such as a Harpie Lady and an equip and still be below 757 DC.

While not all cards will save time over other 'lucky' draws, having your deck be more consistent will result in your duels overall being more consistent and fluid. This is why I usually would prioritize taking a few seconds to get certain drops from duelists, some more than others. As far as monsters the enemy can play, some are more likely to appear in the graveyard slots than others. Cards used for Fusions and Power-Ups your opponent use automatically show up in the graveyard slots. Other cards will have to be destroyed to appear in the graveyard slots. In some cases such as Tristan, he is likely to attack into your cards and destroy themselves.

Another thing to consider when editing your deck, is the synergy of your cards. For example, if you gain an Axe of Despair from Joey and a Malevolent Nuzzler from Shadi, you now have two fiend equips, which may justify keeping your Fiends over ejecting them as a single equip on those cards when used on Yami will make them two hit kills. This is why knowledge of all these cards and what they do is important and I will provide notes with each drop - I will NOT provide notes on D tier drops as it is pointless to discuss why they are bad - they are bad because they have high SP and high DC relative to their usefulness, meaning you virtually never want to draw into them over any other useful card you could draw.

And one last thing to mention are the 'female fusions' as I will mention female fusions throughout the guide - these make female cards very useful as they become very versatile used for female fusions in addition to their regular fusions, as well as potentially being useful even without fusions. This also makes the female power-up cards (Cyber Shield, Electro Whip and in particular Malevolent Nuzzler) very strong too as you are likely to add female cards into your deck from drops, as they are some of the best cards you can get. In a scenario where you have a handful of female cards, female equips become more like a +500 Megamorph for those cards as females can create females of various types with large attack numbers.

The female fusions you are likely to play include: Female + Beast/Beast-Warrior = Nekogal #2 - 1900 attack Beast-Warrior (Strong on Meadow and Forest) Female + Plant = Queen of Autumn Leaves - 1800 attack Plant (strong on Forest, weak on Wasteland) Female + Fairy = Dark Witch - 1800 Attack Fairy (strong on Mountain, weak on Dark) 4 SP Female + Rock = Mystical Sand - 2100 Attack Rock (strong on Wasteland)

Reminder that you can fuse Mystical Sand by chaining a 4 SP+ female fusion into a rock.

This is NOT a fusion guide. However, if a drop is good because it is relevant for fusions, I will mention the fusions it can create in the description for that duelist's drops - this will include fusions such as Fish+Dragon=Kairyu Shin. You should know most of the fusions in the game - in particular, you should know all of the zombie fusions already. Otherwise, refer to the fusion guide.

Now for the actual fun and exciting part - I will rank the cards each duelist can potentially drop into the graveyard slots based on how useful they are. I use a tier system so that if you see an S, A and B tier card in the graveyard slot, you prioritize the S card first over A, then B. If the graveyard slot contains a B, C and D tier card, you prioritize B.

S tier: The best drops across the game A tier: The duelists best drops otherwise B tier: Drops that are worth including over really bad cards if you are lacking C tier: Drops that are generally not worth including D tier: Drops you should never even attempt to go for in the graveyard slots, nor add into the deck

Another piece of advice is that if you see a reel that has two good cards together (eg an S and A tier), it is worth hitting that reel first, and then based on which card you do NOT land on, go for that one next.


If you destroy an Hourglass of Life, consider attacking the face down card to her right if you have already fused a card such as Great Mammoth of Goldfine - it could perhaps be a Dragon Zombie or Mammoth Graveyard. These are your only S tier drops.

S tier: Dancing Elf A tier: Key Mace B tier: Goddess With the Third Eye, Spirit of the Harp C tier: Dark Piercing Light, Happy Lover, Silver Bow and Arrow, Skelengel, Tears of the Mermaid, Wing Egg Elf D tier: Airknight Parshath, Binding Chain, Doma the Angel of Silence, Gyakutenno Megami, Hourglass of Courage, Hourglass of Life, Orion the Battle King, Petit Angel, Ray and Temperature, Hoshiningen, Soul of the Pure, Tenderness, Winged Egg of New Life, Winged Trumpeter

Dancing Elf and Key Mace are 1 SP females. They can be used for all the same things, except Dancing Elf is also useful for Elf fusions. Key Mace also is edged out by its much larger deck cost. Dancing Elf being a 5 Deck Cost card makes it an S tier drop - it is pretty much a requirement to add one of these to your deck - if you miss it, you will be adding a fake trap in instead.

Goddess With the Third Eye and Spirit of the Harp are also females - these both have 4 SP making them usable for Mystical Sand. However, you will encounter better 4 SP female cards over the next few duelists including Harpie Lady, Kanan the Swordmistress, Amazon of the Seas, etc...

Dark Piercing Light has very few uses other than a niche use of flipping cards up in Grandpa's duel so that his turns are shorter. Flipping up opponents trap cards make them unable for your opponent to interact with them so they will not move them. Tears of the Mermaid is 15 Deck Cost and 0 SP also, but very rarely will it make the difference of a duel to open up with it. The other low SP/DC fairies are only really useful for making a card such as Dark Witch. I never include them. Happy Lover and/or Skelengel also make for good reincarnation targets if you land on them.

The bricky high DC/SP fairies are completely worthless. Cards such as Hourglass of Courage that seem to have a strong effect are not part of any fast strategy as it is too difficult to apply their affect in a meaningful way that allows you to win a duel.

Creature Swap and Enchanted Javelin cannot be obtained in the slots. Insect Imitation will not be played by Tea due to an AI bug, so you will never see it in a run.


S tier: A tier: Amazon of the Seas, Kanan the Swordmistress B tier: Madjinn Gunn, Mystery Hand, Wicked Mirror C tier: Lord of the Lamp, Dark Prisoner, Monster Egg, The Drdek, Two-Mouth Darkruler, Versago the Destroyer, D tier: Ansatsu, Beautiful Beast Trainer, Blocker, Deepsea Shark, Fairy Meteor Crush, Fire Kraken, Garoozis, Gatekeeper, Giant Turtle Who Feeds on Flames, Guardian of the Throne Room, Leogun, Mabarrel, Misairuzame, Mysterious Puppeteer, Neo the Magic Swordsman, Pale Beast, Patrician of Darkness, Resurrection of Chakra, Rude Kaiser, Sleeping Lion, Sorcerer of the Doomed, Spike Clubber, The Illusory Gentleman, Togex, Uraby, Warrior of Tradition

Amazon of the Seas and Kanan the Swordmistress are 4 SP females, useful for all female fusions. Amazon of the Seas is also useful for fish fusions including Fish+Dragon to make a Kairyu-Shin. Kanan the Swordmistress is also a very strong card on crush duels and deals 1900 damage attacking onto Meadow - this is very useful to have on a duel such as MFL Skull Knight and Yugi.

For the B and C tier, most are his low SP fiends - consider replacing your existing fiends with those as they are still useful for all fiend fusions but make your deck less bricky and lower the deck cost to allow you room to add other higher DC cards. 2 star fiends are obviously better than 3 stars, as it allows you to recover 1 SP when playing no more than 2, allowing you to follow up with 4 SP which makes almost every card you have now playable (especially after ejecting Zanki and Skullbird). Monster Egg is only useful for Warrior fusions (with Zombies) and Two-Mouth Darkruler is only really useful for Sword Arm of Dragon or Cyber Saurus. Lord of the Lamp is a 4 SP monster, but if you compare it to Witty Phantom, it does literally everything Witty Phantom does but also fuses into another Fiend to make LaJinn which is an 1800+ attack fiend. That makes it a two tap on Yami and if you acquire an equip that goes on fiends, they become even more useful. If you obtain a Lord of the Lamp, consider ejecting Witty Phantom and replacing it with Lord of the Lamp.

Creature Swap can not be obtained in the slots.


S tier: Monster Reborn, Harpie Lady, A tier: Cyber Shield, Electro Whip, Kanan the Swordmistress, B tier: Darkfire Dragon, Gust Fan, Invisible Wire, C tier: Cursebreaker, Follow Wind, Mesmeric Control, Mountain D tier: Birdface, Blue-Winged Crown, Elegant Egotist, Empress Judge, Harpie's Pet Dragon, Monstrous Bird, Peacock, Punished Eagle, Revived Serpent Night Dragon, Shadow of Eyes, Tyhone, Wing Eagle

Monster Reborn is perhaps one of the greatest cards in the game, the only downside being that it has a high DC of 50. Monster Reborn's best use is playing it over a 2000+ attack card you used to attack directly, then reviving it to attack again. If you open with any 2K attack fusion and Monster Reborn on a duel like Seto, you can guarantee yourself a two turn (provided he moves forward). You can also possibly revive an opponents card that is particularly strong against them. While this is a lot more niche, examples include reviving one of MFL Chakra's monster he has fused to deal over 2000 damage to him on his starting tile - reviving something like a Sanga of the Thunder to deal 2600 damage to him. One more strategy you can do which rarely pops up, is that you can fuse a strong card in your hand, dump it with the Monster Reborn, then flip your Monster Reborn up after moving one tile to revive it. This spawns the card you normally would have fused onto a tile one away from your summoning space, then you can move it from that tile, effectively you can move a monster from your hand three tiles during one turn this way.

Harpie Lady is also one of the best drops in the game for a speedrun. It works with all female fusions, it creates Punished Eagle when fused with a warrior (2100 attack winged beast), and also it creates Harpie's Pet Dragon when fused with a Dragon (2000 attack). Please note that Harpie Lady will actually make a Garvas when fused with a Beast instead of Nekogal #2 - Garvas has 100 more attack than Nekogal, at the tradeoff that Garvas is NOT strong on Meadow and also can not be equipped with female equips.

Kanan is just as useful as I stated on Tristan, and if I have both Harpie Lady and Kanan, I usually aim to include both of them in the deck. I also put a high value on female equips as I'm pretty much guaranteed to play females at some point in the run - even if your only female is Dancing Elf. They are effectively Megamorphs when it comes to female cards as you can make a variety of different ones.

Darkfire Dragon is also a good card to include - for all intents and purposes is does everything your Lesser Dragon does, albeit more deck cost. Dragons become much more valuable when you have other cards to fuse with them, but at the least, it is a way to bring out Dragon Zombie at the cost of 4 SP. Dragon drops are generally good, but they become most useful to you if you also gain cards such as Fish monsters, as you can fuse Dragons with a Fish to make Kairyu-Shin.

Gust Fan is not the best equip, but if you include a Harpie Lady, you already can play it on the Harpie Lady and also the Punished Eagle and Harpie's Pet Dragon you fuse with it. Other cards you can play right out of the box that are Wind monsters include Metal Dragon (Machine + Dragon) and Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast (Fiend + 4 SP Beast) - this actually makes Gust Fan potentially better than some other equips, but not extremely useful.

Invisible Wire is also a potentially useful removal trap. It doesn't come in handy too often, but opening with it in some cases to remove your opponents first monster they play in a duel can actually be part of a winning strategy. A removal trap such as Invisible Wire is better than most other traps you encounter as it is a removal trap which gets a card out of the way entirely, and the 3000 attack threshold destroys most monsters almost all opponents will play.

Cursebreaker is best used as a way to reduce your deck cost, and having its effect resolve when your opponent crashes into it with a buffed monster can be a difference maker in fringe cases. Follow Wind will not be used by any card other than Harpie Lady and the Punished Eagle fusion (unless you choose to add other winged beasts which are bad drops). Mesmeric Control is a decent trap card and may allow you to attack over a monster, but doesnt remove the target from the field, making it worse than a card such as Invisible Wire for a speedrun. Mountain also seems good as it is a terrain card and can neutralize enemy terrain, however, you have next to no usable cards on Mountain and also all of your strongest cards (your Zombies) are weakened by Mountain.


S tier: Ooguchi**, Roaring Ocean Snake, Root Water A tier: Kairyu-Shin, Enchanting Mermaid, Amazon of the Seas, Red Archery Girl, Violent Rain B tier: Power of Kaishin, High Tide, Spring of Rebirth, The Furious Sea King, Maiden of the Aqua C tier: Crazy Fish, Tongyo, Umi, Zone Eater D tier: Akihiron, Aqua Chorus, Aqua Snake, Bottom Dweller, Fiend Kraken, Fortress Whale's Oath, Heavy Storm, High Tide Gyojin, Jellyfish, Kanikabuto, Man-Eating Black Shark, Mech Bass, Octoberser, Sea King Dragon, Spike Seadra, Takriminos, Turu-Purun

Ooguchi is asterisked, as, if you do not fully understand the strategies where it is useful, it is a card that will not have an impact. However on duels such as Lab-ruler, you may perform a strategy such as setting it face down early in a duel in order to flip it up later to perform a checkmate on your opponent later. This is more achievable on some duels than others, and requires a lot of skill to use. I generally do not perform well with this card.

Roaring Ocean Snake is perhaps my favourite drop in the game, and I may overrate it, but apart from its high SP and DC it is absolutely one of, if not, the best monster cards you can obtain from the slots in the game, period. This card alone can virtually solo any opponent in a duel. Provided you can play it while you are close enough to attack your opponents deck leader, its Terrain changing effect and effect-on-attack allow it to two-shot all opponents in the game. It is one of the only monsters in the game that will two-turn every single opponent consistently provided you manage to connect two successive attacks. For some of the duels containing crush such as Bakura, flipping it up between crush tiles will clear crush so that it can follow up attack. This card can realistically solo all opponents in the game with the exception of MFL Skull Knight. I put a very high value on this card. It contains the effects of Kairyu-Shin and Aqua Dragon, which means it can remove Toon Terrain and also in situations where it changes terrain it is weak on such as Wasteland or Toon, it can create a 2000/1500 attack swing against duelists who use Wasteland/Toon. Water terrain changing cards in general also allow you to follow up attack with any non-machine card without having to face -500 which also makes Pegasus far easier, but again, because this card is guaranteed to create water on attack, you can even Flip it face up to Pegasus's right side, and then when he moves forward, attack him directly for 2600. This card can even solo MFL C, and is much more likely to do so if you equip this card with any Power of Kaishin or Spring of Rebirth you obtain. If you consider drawing into Dimensionhole+Roaring Ocean Snake instead of Dimensionhole+Great Mammoth of Goldfine, you can set up 3 turn kills across most of the duels in the game, even if they do not have Yami/Wasteland.

Root Water is also an incredibly good drop, this card has a lower deck cost and SP which is probably an even better argument for including it. When considering even the most basic deck edit of removing Skullbird and Zanki for a Dancing Elf and Fake Trap (or two Fake Traps), this is the best card after Dimensionhole to replace Gokibore with. Root Water not only creates Water to clear an opponents advantage, but as it is a fish, you can create Kairyu shin for 4 SP when fused with a Lesser Dragon/Darkfire Dragon. If you obtain a Baby Dragon from Joey, you can fuse Kairyu-Shin for 3 SP. Another wombo combo to include with this card, assuming you have a compatible equip, is attacking an opponent directly with an Equipped Root Water, then playing a Dragon over the Root Water to fuse Kairyu shin and attack with that (this also works if you draw the equip with the dragon and equip the fused Kairyu-shin). This is a rare combo, but it works even on duelists such as MFL Skull Knight.

Kairyu-Shin does the same as root water. It is better out of pocket when you have the SP to summon it as it can also two turn opponents, provided that you attacked directly with it on its initial flip up, the opponent can only move one tile onto another water tile that the Kairyu-Shin created. Because you always see this card, always go for it. Its high Deck Cost and SP is its only drawback, and also as it does not create Water on Attack, it suddenly becomes weak if you try to perform follow up attacks on Wasteland duels. Otherwise, this is a very good card that is also capable of two-tapping opponents and can solo-carry a duel. Also unlike Roaring Ocean Snake, it having 2300 attack instead of 2600 makes it a bit easier to attack over by some opponents and is a meaningful difference against some duelists such as MFL Chakra. I usually go for Kairyu-Shin in the slots and replace Great Mammoth of Goldfine with it. Creating Water makes this card more useful on all duels that are not Wasteland/Yami, make a much more meaningful impact on duels such as Richard, and also if you acquire other good water cards and/or equips, the synergy of attacking onto water is huge. Again, creating water neutralizes the advantage of almost all enemies, and only your Machines are weak on water.

Enchanting Mermaid, Amazon of the Seas and Red Archery Girl are useful for female fusions. Enchanting Mermaid has one less SP meaning you can always play it, which does edge it out over the other cards, but the other two allow you to create Mystical Sand which Enchanting Mermaid can not do. Enchanting Mermaid and Amazon of the seas are also fish which allow you to create Kairyu-shin when fused with any Dragon, giving them an advantage over Red Archery Girl, but Red Archery girl's 1400 attack makes it even better on Crush duels. Remember that on duels such as Bakura and MFL Skull Knight, 1400 attack is much much much more meaningful than 1300 or lower as it allows you to achieve a 3 tap kill over a 4 tap kill which can save you at least one full turn. Violent Rain is also great as a terrain changing card as I have mentioned previously - the unique aspect of it is that it can two-tap opponent similar to Kairyu-Shin, but it is a 4 SP card so you are more likely to play it even though it has a lower attack. Another unique aspect about Violent Rain is that you can fuse it into a Sea King Dragon after attacking and flipping it up, allowing you a nice combination if you have Dragons and the SP to play them as a follow up attack after Violent Rain. An opening such as Violent Rain with a 3 SP or lower Dragon will allow you to potentially two-turn Seto.

The Furious Sea King is also a good terrain changing card with 3 SP meaning you are guaranteed to play it, and has a low deck cost making it easier to fit in. Apart from that, it is edged out by the other water terrain changers that are more useful for their own mentioned reasons above. Power of Kaishin, High Tide and Spring of Rebirth are all good drops but for a different reason - they are only actually good if you have collected good cards to pair them with. Power of Kaishin works on all water cards, making it versatile as it will go on Aquas, Fish and Sea Serpents you collect. High Tide ONLY goes on your fish monsters, which includes Kairyu-shin. Spring of rebirth goes on all the aqua monsters - this means it does NOT work on Kaiyru-shin, but because it also works on Pyro, Thunder and Rock monsters, you can also use it on the Rock fusions you are likely to create later in the run such as Mystical Sand. Maiden of the Aqua is indeed a 4 star female useful for female fusions, but it is a weak card relative to other female cards you can obtain early in the run. A niche use is if you have to defend on a water tile, the enemy crashes into a 3000 attack card, but the likeliness of this having an impact in a speedrun is very low.

Crazy Fish and Tongyo are fish usable for Kairyu-Shin fusions, but with a chunky SP and deck cost, I generally do not have success with these cards. Umi you will only see if you attack over a face down - I have never obtained this card in a speedrun. Consider its usefulness if you have other water monsters, however the best water monsters you can obtain in the run are the ones that change the terrain for you. They are also lower deck cost than this card. Zone Eater will change an entire row of terrain, but with its low attack, it is hard to do anything meaningful other than change a whole row of terrain, and if attempting to set something up with it, your opponent moving backwards means they move off of the water, which is not a problem when using the terrain changers that change terrain on adjacent tiles when flipping up.

Change Slime does not show up in the graveyard slots.


S tier: Baby Dragon, Time Wizard A tier: Axe of Despair, The Judgement Hand, B tier: Kunai with Chain, Ookazi, Dryad, Twin-Headed Behemoth, C tier: Legendary Sword, Nails of Bane, Paralyzing Potion, Salamandra, Tears of the Mermaid, D tier: Axe Raider, Ansatsu, Battle Steer, Copycat, Crawling Dragon, Flame Swordsman, Garoozis, Giltia the D. Knight, Kojikocy, Megasonic Eye, Metalmorph, Mountain Warrior, Panther Warrior, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, Rock Spirit, Ryu-Ran, Shield and Sword, Swamp Battleguard, Tiger Axe, Type Zero Magic Crusher, Wolf Axwielder

Baby Dragon is one of my favourite drops in the game, as it provides you with a 3 SP dragon. The most common use you will get out of this is being able to play a Dragon Zombie when drawn with any zombie. Remember if you have fish, it is your most efficient way to play Kairyu-Shin out of any drop. It also fuses into Harpie Lady to make Harpie's Pet Dragon. Time Wizard is a spellcaster, meaning you can fuse it with a zombie to make Magical Ghost, but its obvious superior use is being able to fuse into any dragon to create the 2400 attack Thousand Dragon. Drops like these are also another incentive to have a Gust Fan in the deck if you had collected one from Mai. Note that if you attack with a Dragon, then flip a Time Wizard face up to transform the Dragon into a Thousand Dragon, you can move and attack with the Thousand Dragon on the same turn.

Axe of Despair is one of the better equip cards you can obtain in the graveyard slots leading up to your deck edit. It works on Beast-Warriors which is only relevant when you play Nekogal #2, but that is a likely fusion. The main use is it powers up your Fiend monsters. Should you choose to keep your fiends, any of your Fiends with an Equip now become two taps on Yami terrain. Opening a hand of Yami, a starting Fiend and a Fiend-compatible equip can result in three turns on duels such as Bakura. This card is not as useful if you choose to eject your fiends and replace them with lower attack fiends. The Judgement Hand is known mainly for its use to create The Judge Man if you combine it with a 1000+ attack warrior. However, you do not have any, and this is only a play I recommend if you manage to reincarnate a 3SP 1000+ attack warrior which is super rare. The more important aspect of The Judgement Hand is as a 3 SP monster that has 1400 attack, it is fantastic on Crush duels, deals 1900 attack on meadow, and also can be fused with any zombie to make Armored Zombie while also being just as useful as other warriors for their other fusions such as if you ever have Punished Eagle/Sword Arm of Dragon. This makes The Judgement Hand a very good card regardless of your innate inability to fuse it into The Judge Man without gaining other materials.

Kunai With Chain is a versatile power-up card, but generally this only really comes in handy if you draw Nekogal #2 fusion with it. Otherwise, the value of it is replacing your Sword of Dark Destruction with this card. It will increase your Deck Cost by 5, but this card is useful for everything Sword of Dark Destruction is and then also works on your Earth warriors in addition to working on Nekogal #2. Ookazi is just as useful as your own - being more likely to draw into 500 damage can be very handy when you are unable to follow up attack when you are up to 500 short of lethal. Dryad is useful for female fusions including Mystical Sand, the only other use is fusing into Magical Ghost. Twin-Headed Behemoth is also useful for previously Mentioned Dragon Fusions at 4 SP.

C tier cards are generally deck fillers. Paralyzing Potion may permanently stun a non-machine, but this does NOT get them out of the way, meaning it is not guaranteed to be extremely useful. The other equips in this tier are generally equips that will rarely make a meaningful difference - a card such as Salamandra for example is not even usable unless you have added Fire cards into your deck which is extremely unlikely. Nails of Bane also for example is not usable unless you have acquired a Dark Dragon such as Darkfire Dragon at some point earlier.

Acid Trap Hole does not show up in the graveyard slots.


SS tier: Dimensionhole S tier: Malevolent Nuzzler A tier: Spring of Rebirth, Hikibime, Thunder Nyan Nyan B tier: Invigoration, Giant Soldier of Stone, Prisman, Wretched Ghost of the Attic C tier: Dark-Piercing Light, Burning Spear, Electric Lizard, Electric Snake, Final Flame, Fireyarou, Mega Thunderball, Salamandra, Spirit of the Books, Takuhee, D tier: Berfomet, Flame Cerebrus, Hannibal Necromancer, Invader from Another Dimension, Maha Vailo, Molten Behemoth, Saber Slasher, Serpentine Princess, Soul Hunter, Stone D., The Statue of Easter Island, Thunder Dragon, Ushi Oni, Vermillion Sparrow, Zoa

Dimensionhole is the key to the fastest possible strategy in all duels for no password speedrun, in particular duels involving labyrinth tiles that force you to go around the sides of the map. I should not have to explain why this card is so valuable - it is the single most valuable drop you can obtain from the graveyard slots that any duelist drops. You MUST prioritize this card over all other cards.

Malevolent Nuzzler is in my opinion the best equip card you can obtain prior to the deck edit. It works on all female monsters which has been stated heavily across the guide, but also works on your fiends. It is effectively an Electro Whip/Cyber Shield AND Axe of Despair in one (considering the only non-fiend you will use Axe of Despair on is the female Nekogal #2 anyways). This card makes your female fusions, particularly forest fusions over 2500 attack on Forest, as well as makes your three included Fiends over 2000 attack when on Yami. The former instance allows for safer Weevil, while the latter allows for two tapping when you have activated Yami. In addition to just having extra damage available most of the time. Malevolent Nuzzler, out of all power-up cards, is the card you are most likely to drawn into that can be used within the same hand as other monsters. It has all the impact of the other two female equips but the versatility of fringe cases such as potentially playing it onto a fused LaJinn, creating 2800 attack on Yami against MFL Chakra and is also large opening damage against Seto. While the former are fringe cases, it is simply icing on the cake that other cards do not have.

Spring of Rebirth has been previously mentioned from Mako. Hikibime is very similar to Kanan and does everything Kanan does, but has 50 extra attack and a slightly higher deck cost due to having an effect you will not get use out of - Hikibime is a VERY good card for all the same reasons Kanan is which includes of course female fusions, crush duels and attacking on to Meadow. Thunder Nyan Nyan is also very high attack for 4 SP, and is strong on Sea and Mountain terrain. This doesnt pop up often but it makes it very high damage on duels such as Yugi, Ishtar and also Richard where you are actually rather likely to attack the opponent directly on those two terrains. Keep in mind that Thunder Nyan Nyan creates Mystical Sand when fused with Stone D., instead of Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon.

Invigoration is not the best equip in the game as it only boosts 300, but you are likely to play Earth monsters in the run - in particular playing Mystical Sand, Sword arm of Dragon, Dice Armadillo on Wasteland duels, Invigoration can make a meaningful difference. Giant Soldier of Stone has very juiced stats for a rock monster - it having only 3 SP makes it very good. The defense stat being high can make a difference but generally inflates its deck cost and makes it harder to have room for including that monster in the deck - otherwise, it is very good and you should consider replacing your existing 4 SP rocks with any 3 SP or lower rocks you obtain which also includes Prisman. Wretched Ghost of the Attic is simply a 10 DC 2 SP fiend that is useful for Fiend fusions, mainly Rose Spectre of Dunn - I generally advise to replace your 4 SP fiends with this unless you've acquired Axe of Despair/Malevolent Nuzzler and intend to keep those fiends. You can still replace a card such as Basic Insect with this card.

The C tier cards are deck fillers that have mostly been mentioned previously. Spirit of the Books/Takuhee are basically non-female Harpie Ladies that do not make Harpie's Pet Dragon either. Spirit of the Books spawns the Boo Koo, but the buff is slow and will almost never actually be useful. Their only benefit over Harpie Lady is a slightly higher attack on crush, I never include them. The thunder cards create fusions including Bolt Escargot and Thunder Dragon if fused with an Aqua/Dragon respectively, but these are extremely unimpressive fusions for a speedrun. If you have the DC to replace a card with Final Flame instead of a Fake Trap, there is no reason not to, otherwise, its not a high priority at all.

Blast Juggler does NOT show up in the graveyard slots.

This is the point you should edit your deck. Remember you can also reincarnate a monster during this deck edit - you can also refer to my other guide for a bit more information on that.

It is generally not recommended to edit your deck a second time, however, there are justifications for doing so. If you are far off the pace of a good time, editing the deck a second time takes under a minute generally and can save your run later on from dying as your deck will be stronger, even just allowing you to attack over some cards or deal more damage in some cases where it really matters.

Another justification for a second deck edit is obtaining a Dimensionhole from Yugi. If this is the case, you can immediately add it into your deck. Another option which I prefer, is adding it into the deck after Necromancer. If you obtain a Dimensionhole from Yugi, and wait to edit it in after Necromancer, then you can add it in during a deck edit where you potentially have more impactful drops from not only Bakura and Yugi, but also MFL C, Rex and Necromancer. This also allows you another reincarnation if you wish to do so.

While you can add the Dimensionhole immediately after Yugi and forget about editing your deck afterwards, OR even consider editing your deck three times, three deck edits means you actually accrue an entire duels worth of time loss across the run and if your deck already has a lot of cards in it, the returns diminish if you have already added any Dimensionholes you include. The only exception to this rule is of course your initial deck edit usually does not include a Dimensionhole at all, but you are forced to edit the deck at least once throughout the course of the game.

If you choose to wait until Necromancer to add in the Dimensionhole that Yugi dropped, you only play 3 duels without the second dimensionhole, still will have it for all duels after that, and it is also still possible that you draw into your only dimensionhole into any of the three duels between obtaining it and adding it. It is your choice of when you choose to add this second dimensionhole and I generally would recommend adding it in immediately in very quick fashion after Yugi and forgetting about a 3rd edit, OR what I do is wait until after Necromancer to add it in and pay attention to my drops leading up until that point so that after Necromancer, my deck is much stronger for the late game provided I do get more meaningful drops from the next three graveyard slots.

In a situation where you get a second dimensionhole from Yugi, the only other truly important drop pools are Yugi, MFL Chakra, Rex and Necromancer. However, you can retroactively have obtained usable cards worth including from Grandpa and Bakura even if you mashed buttons on the graveyard slots after those duels. For all the descriptions of the A tier cards and lower, they are not worth considering at all unless you already know for sure you are going to edit the deck a second time due to either obtaining a dimensionhole from Yugi OR accruing so many good cards between Shadi and Necro (inclusive) that you decide to edit the deck again.


S tier: A tier: Soloman's Lawbook B tier: Ookazi, Injection Fairy Lily, Witch's Apprentice C tier: Curtain of the Dark Ones, Black Pendant, Book of Secret Arts, Final Flame, Infinite Dismissal, Nemuriko, Phantom Dewan, The Bewitching Phantom Thief D tier: Anti-Raigeki, Aqua Madoor, Illusionist Faceless Mage, Magic Jammer, Tao the Chanter, The Stern Mystic, White Hole, Yellow Luster Shield

Soloman's Lawbook must be played very effectively to result in a meaningful strategy. It is a very high deck cost and unless your deck cost is already very low and you can freely replace a fake trap or poor equip (such as Sword of Dark Destruction) with this, it may not be worth including ever.

Ookazi has been mentioned previously in the Joey section. Injection Fairy Lily is a 3 SP female spellcaster with low stats and a chunky deck cost, but an interesting value about the card is that it creates Mystical Sand despite being 3 SP instead of 4. IFL and Witch's Apprentice are useful for female fusions OR Magical Ghost.

The lower SP dark spellcasters are useful for Magical Ghost and potentially Dark Elf provided you have Dancing Elf already (and perhaps a Wing Egg Elf if you obtained one from Tea and decided to include it).

Acid Trap Hole, Gravity Bind, Just Desserts, Swords of Revealing Light, Tremendous Fire, Time Seal and the Exodia cards can not be obtained in the graveyard slots.


S tier: A tier: Laughing Flower, Nekogal #1, Any 1 SP Plant he has B tier: Any 2 SP Plant he has other than Laughing Flower C tier: Dark Piercing Light, Vile Germs, any 3 SP plant/beast, Beast Fangs D tier: Any 4 SP or higher monster he has

Plants overall are the most versatile low SP/DC cards for your deck apart from females - they fuse into your zombies while also are responsible for most of your forest fusions. Bean Soldier may not have a very large attack value but is extremely useful in crush duels. Dark Plant has a strong removal effect, albeit slow, the penalty though is resolving its effect means you can only attack with <1500 cards on those tiles. This will slow down your own duel.

Nekogal #1 has the distinction of being a Beast and Female, making it extremely easy to draw into Forest fusions if you have it in your deck. Because the attack value matters less than the SP/DC for fusions, the lower SP any of his monster drops are, the better. Note that Beast Fangs only works on Beasts, not Beast-Warriors, so the only monsters you will generally ever equip it on are Flower Wolf/Chimera or even Lisark.

Laughing Flower is useful for Plant fusions, and has a very strong mind control effect, it can potentially be very strong. An example of when it is really good is if you take control of a Riryoku'd Fiend that MFL Chakra plays, to attack him directly with it. In this duel you can even transform the Riryoku's monster into a Zombie (if it is not already a fiend) to allow it to move two tiles, but this is an extremely rare circumstance and you should not always expect Laughing Flower to have that much impact in a run, it is just a potential benefit that other plants cant do, while still being a useful card in the deck just for already being a plant monster you can use for fusions.

Crush Card, Anti-Magic Fragrance and Ancient Tree of Enlightenment do not show up in the graveyard slots.


SS tier: Dimensionhole S tier: Dark Energy, Monster Reborn A tier: Gemini Elf, Mystical Elf B tier: Shift, Blackland Fire Dragon, Giant Soldier of Stone, Komouri Dragon, Kuriboh, Winged Dragon Gaurdian of the Fortress #1 C tier: Black Pendant, Book of Secret Arts, Negate Attack, Paralyzing Potion, Silver Fang, Spellbinding Circle, Torike D tier: Feral Imp, Beaver Warrior, Black Luster Ritual, Celtic Guardian, Curse of Dragon, Dark Magician, Dark Magic Ritual, Gaia the Fierce Knight, Meteor Dragon, Multiply

Dark Energy can be equipped on all of your zombie monsters, as all zombie monsters in the game are Dark. Other monsters you are likely to play them on are Dark Elf, Rose Spectre of Dunn, Cyber Soldier, and any other Dark monsters you have added into your deck.

Gemini Elf is a 1900 attack 4 star card - it is great if you open with it on Yami, and also can attack over Jirai Gumo on Labyrinth-ruler duel. Please note that it is weak attacking on Meadow and also is too high to be useful for your female fusions. Mystical Elf is a 4 SP female spellcaster that has a chunky deck cost, but a unique aspect of it is due to the flip effect buff if is capable of dealing over 1500 attack when you attack directly on crush. Pair this card with an equip, if you successfully attack, it deals 2100, even on crush (of course it dies immediately afterwards).

Shift is also a potential follow up extender - if you have it, you must play around it and know what to do. I personally do not rate Shift very highly. It has the potential to add an extra movement to an already played high attack card without the card itself moving at all, so you can move a monster after activating shift on a different tile and potentially effectively move more than 2 tiles in one turn with your strongest monster. The rest of the B tier drops are also straight forward - Kuriboh is a 1 SP fiend useful for fusions, the Dragons are 4 SP cards you can fuse, the difference between Winged Dragon and the other two is the 1400 attack value allowing it to attack on crush as well as it being a wind attribute.

C tier cards are simply deck fillers, some are potential for fusions, otherwise, useless.

Brain Control, Dark Magician Girl, Magician of Faith, Mirror Force, Raigeki, Summoned Skull and Swords of Revealing Light do not show up in the graveyard slots.

MFL Chakra:

S tier: Megamorph B tier: Gate Deeg D tier: All of his obtainable 5+ SP monsters.

If you see Megamorph in the graveyard, you should obtain it unless you are extremely confident you will not edit your deck a 2nd time. If you obtain this, then suddenly get good cards on Rex and Necromancer that justifies a second deck edit, Megamorph is one of the best cards in the game as it simply adds 300 damage to any card. In any case, you can always just mash buttons if this shows up in the graveyard slots, and ignore this, but if you end up editing the deck a 2nd time and this is in your trunk because you landed on it on this duel, you absolutely should include this card.

Gate Deeg is simply a 3 star beast used for fusions, but if you open with a really bricky hand when dumping a card while searching for a Dimensionhole on a duel such as Pegasus or Lab-ruler, a play is to play this LAST out of your hand and then flip it up to max your SP out. This means that when you are dumping your next few hands to get through your deck in order to draw your Dimensionhole, you will be able to play all of your cards to continue cycling through them. Again, this is not a justification to add this card in unless you actually plan to edit your deck a 2nd time, but if you do, consider replacing one of your existing beasts with this card as it is useful for a forest fusion on weevil but also has this niche use.

Barrel Dragon, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Dark Hole, Kinetic Soldier, Labyrinth Tank, Riryoku, Royal Decree, Seiyaryu, Skull Knight, Summoned Skull, Thousand Dragon and Toon Summoned Skull do not show up in the graveyard slots.


S tier: Wasteland, Mammoth Graveyard B tier: Invigoration D tier: Everything Else

Wasteland and Mammoth Graveyard are similar to Dimensionhole - there is no reason to not go for these, and obtaining one or the other or both is already a good argument to edit your deck a second time. If you obtain these, suddently it is worth paying a lot of attention to Necromancer's drops, and retroactively now the drops you got from Bakura/Yugi/MFL C are also important if you edit the deck a second time.

They do not really need explaining if you are already somewhat familiar with the speedrun. An additional terrain card means you are much more likely to play out your already known strats, and an additional Mammoth Graveyard means you are more likely to draw into a Great Mammoth of Goldfine fusion.


S tier: Dark Energy, Violet Crystal, Dragon Zombie, Armored Zombie, Monster Reborn, Wasteland A tier: Clown Zombie, Fiend's Hand 1 SP zombie cards B tier: Cyber-Stein, all other 2-3 SP zombie cards C tier: Shadow Shoul D tier: All of his insect cards, all of his 4SP or higher cards except Shadow Ghoul

Reminder that is is extremely unlikely you will see some of his spell cards such as Monster Reborn, Wasteland and Call of the Haunted. You should also already be familiar with all of these zombie cards he has, including their effects, and their usefulness.

Dark Hole can not be obtained from the Graveyard Slots.

I do NOT recommend editing your deck after Necromancer at all, however, the drop guide for the following duelists may be useful if you are ever decide to start on the Lancastrians (which I do not recommend for any% no passwords).


B tier: Man-Eater Bug C tier: All of his trap and spell cards D tier: Literally all other insects, Rose Spectre of Dunn

Reminder that fusing a PUGM is NOT a fast strategy even if it creates an impressive monster. His trap/spell cards are only really useful as 0 SP low DC deck filler.


S tier: Megamorph A tier: Toon Mermaid B tier: Dark Rabbit, Invisible Wire, Stuffed Animal, C tier: Bright Castle, Dragon Piper, Fiend Castle, Genin, Magical Nuetralizing Force Field, Mesmeric Control, Niwatori, Rogue Doll, Saggi the Dark Clown, Spellbinding Circle, Toon World, D tier: Toon Alligator, 5+ SP Monsters, Ritual Spells,

Megamorph is the only drop you care about on Pegasus. I do not think it justifies a deck edit assuming you last edited the deck after Necromancer and already bolstered it heavily.

Keep in mind that Toon drops are not really useful outside of this duel, so picking them up after you defeated Pegasus does not make a meaningful difference if they are strong on toon or not. On the contrary, cards such as Toon Mermaid are still just as useful as Red Archery Girl, but have +500 instead of -500 if you ever attack on a Toon tile anywhere else. Consider cards such as Stuffed Animal fuse with any Zombie to make Armored Zombie if you are actually playing with PoD starter deck starting Red Rose for whatever reason.

Brain Control, Change of Heart, Dragon Capture Jar, Mimicat, Toon Summoned Skull and Tremendous Fire are unobtainable from the graveyard slots.


S tier: Baby Dragon A tier: Kairyu-Shin, Koumori Dragon, Gemini Elf, Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress B tier: Spring of Rebirth, Hightide (if you have obtained any Fish or Sea Serpents), Waterdragon Fairy, Water Element C tier: Cursebreaker D tier: All other cards

Mirror Wall can not be obtained from the graveyard slots.


A tier: Beautiful Headhuntress, Dream Clown, Shift B tier: Ookazi C tier: All Traps, Power-Ups and Spells other than Ookazi D tier: All Insects, Gate Guardian Ritual, all 4+ SP cards except Beautiful Headhuntress and Shadow Ghoul

Beautiful Headhuntress is a 4 SP female useful for female fusions, that attacks with 2100 on Meadow. Apart from not being able to play on crush, it otherwise is marginally better than other 4 SP female warriors you can get via drops. Dream Clown also is best used as a fusion material into Zombie Warrior, with the effect being a tech option. Shift is also mentioned in Yugi's drops.

Dungeon Worm, Jirai Gumo, and Labyrinth Wall can not be obtained from the graveyard slots.


B tier: Machine Conversion Factory, Invisible Wire, 1/2 SP Machines C tier: 3 SP Machines, Magic Jammer D tier: 4+ SP Machines, 7 Completed, Limiter Removal

Barrel Dragon, Blast Juggler can not be obtained from the graveyard slots.


S tier: Malevolent Nuzzler, Yami A tier: Shadow Spell B tier: <3 SP fiends, 4 SP fiends that have 1600 or higher attack, Invisible Wire C tier: 4 SP fiends, all other unmentioned obtainable Traps, Fiend Castle, Paralyzing Potion D tier: 5+ SP fiends, Zera Ritual

Job-Change Mirror is ONLY really a good card if you have a means to make Summoned Skull out of it also, however, it is useful for fiend fusions and also fuses into any other <1600 fiend to create Ryu-Kishin Powered which is a two tap on Yami. Please note that you are EXTREMELY likely to obtain a Yami, but it is possible that he does play it if he topdecks it and has no traps or summonable monsters in his hand.

Shadow Spell is also a card that can result in auto-wins but it is a very high deck cost. I only find it useful if you are using a different starter deck that starts on this side and you are relying on cards to carry your solo playthrough and you can allow high DC cards into your deck without hassle.

Acid Trap Hole, Gorgon's Eye, and Time Seal are not obtainable in the graveyard slots.


S tier: A tier: 1 SP Warriors, The Judgment Hand, Axe of Despair, Beautiful Headhuntress B tier: 2 SP Warriors C tier: 3 SP Warriors, Battle Ox, Sword of Dark Destruction, Cursebreaker D tier: All 5+ SP Monsters, Revival of Sennen Genjin

Acid Trap Hole, Raigeki and Sword of Dragon's Soul are not obtainable in the graveyard slots.


S tier: Monster Reborn A tier: Axe of Despair, Swordsman from a Foreign Land B tier: Kageningen, Shadow Spell C tier: Battle Ox, Cursebreaker, Dragon Treasure, Legendary Sword, La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp, Negate Attack D tier: All other cards

Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Royal Decree can not be obtained from the graveyard slots.

MFL Skull Knight:

S tier: Megamorph A tier: Soloman's Lawbook, Princess of Tsurugi, Gemini Elf B tier: Kuriboh

All other drops are unobtainable, mentioned before, or not worth it.

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