تشغيل: Back 4 Blood
California, USAyarts2 months ago

Nice run! Timing for act 1 actually ends on input for final shot required at the mine so you really got a 42m 22s (I've already updated your run to reflect that!)

georgedacat المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Back 4 Blood
California, USAyarts7 months ago

I don't believe there's an updated spreadsheet or anything but, what I've been doing is just pulling up one of Cynosa's many WR runs and pausing at deck select. (I can work on this soon)

موضوع: Back 4 Blood
California, USAyarts2 years ago

Guys, IL's aren't gunna happen right now. Like noob said, the amount of work to keep the IL board updated for every patch especially for only one to two people, is just untenable for us. The site is very difficult to work with when you have a game of this scope (i.e. multiple difficulties, unique characters, massive game differences between patches) and trust us when we say we've tried everything to keep all the boards together. Remember, you don't have to submit times to run the game.

موضوع: Back 4 Blood
California, USAyarts2 years ago

Howdy! I believe stuff like character unlocks are client side in 1.0 so editing your save file with a hex editor in the right places should unlock that kinda stuff. How to do it though is another story lol.

CynosaVoid المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Back 4 Blood
California, USAyarts2 years ago

As for your platform question, It's totally fine if you are using the Microsoft store or gamepass versions! However, due to the infrastructure of the Xbox app and Microsoft Store, you will not be able to downpatch to 1.0. If you are interested at all in 1.0 runs, the steam version is all but required by default at this point!

CynosaVoid المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Kirby: Star Allies
California, USAyarts6 years ago

I feel it would be important to note some of the not so obvious mechanics of the Wing power (while it's still relevant in the run) for people who may not be familiar with Wing from previous Kirby games.

Jump Canceled Dive Bomb: Performed by doing a Dive Bomb (While airborne, ↓ + B) and then pressing Jump to cancel the animation. If you've watched runs of the game, you've definitely seen this being used. It looks like Kirby is doing fast, looped, Dive Bombs without touching the ground. Quick cancels will allow you to gain height with the advantage of being in a damaging state.

Condor Head out of Hover Flap (Flying around): Air dodge (ZR) when flying then Condor Head (Note: MUST have gone into hover from running state or another Condor Head). If you've played around with Wing in game, you've probably noticed that you can't Condor Head out of flying and instead you'll just shoot feathers. Well now you don't have to!

If there's info I'm missing or if anything is unclear, don't hesitate to reach out so I can fix it!

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