Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi4 years ago


I was told by a content mod to just make a thread and reach out in the forums. I would like to assume this behavior presented by the creator of said thread is not acceptable. I don't know if there's such a thing as a warning system in place, but this is not something I deem fine.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi5 years ago

I hear from a lot of people that they avoid this game simply because there's no video tutorial, despite them thinking the game itself looks fun from having watched other people run it.

I myself avoided this game for about 11-12months and kept holding off til someone made one. Turns out, I still ended up choosing to run this despite the lack of one. My own personal conclusion is that the game doesn't have too much crazy stuff to really desperately being in need of a tutorial, compared to say Metroid NES where there's alot of off-screen inputs for them screenwraps.

Kabuki is pretty straight forward, should anyone have questions about it then reach out to the community! Callumbal and Mithical were very helpful in answering any of the few questions I had. I would gladly lend a helping hand to new runners and im sure Butz would as well.

But the main thing I want people to understand is: Not every game truely requires a video guide on how to beat it, don't be afraid and don't deny yourself this awesome and fun title!

HurricaneMixer المعجبون بهذا
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi6 years ago


This is where the magic happens - Join the HYPE!

(sticky and lock please)

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi6 years ago

As pointed out here: https://www.speedrun.com/rondo/thread/hd4gx

There is seemingly half a minute disadvantage to emu runners compared to VC runners. Yet they are sharing the same leaderboards despite moderators being aware of this dilemma.

I've tried and failed to convince them to split them apart into 2 sub-categories. One for WiiVC, the other for EMU.

So it will fall upon the community of existing runners and potential future ones to make a voice heard in an attempt to change the mind of the administration for this game.

I myself find it obnoxious to keep them together when the issue is known.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi6 years ago

Shouldn't "Darkwing Duck Series" be part of the "Disney Series" together with the other classic disney capcom installments like mermaid, rescue rangers, ducktales and so forth..?


Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi6 years ago

How is there no information out there on this classic? Maybe it was done for an event and there could be some explanation for mechanics or enemy behavior, but there's nothing on SRC??

I could consider running this at some point in the future, but anything up til then will be greatly appreciated inbefore run attempts.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi6 years ago

So I just noticed that Lion King is on steam, someone should probably look into this and adjust accordingly.

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi6 years ago

Title says it all, thank f*ck im done with that...

Will cover Dracula quick kill, quad drops and JC zombies too HOWEVER... as of now, the initial tutorial for any% is completed.

MF_BLUR, Triviate, و WolfMerrik تُحب هذا
Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi6 years ago

I already pitched this to skunky during one of his streams and with so many franchises or solo games having discord servers nowadays, I was surprised to learn TMNT didn't. Now, I have just about no experience on these games so I will not be the one responsible behind potentially setting up the discord if that were to be a thing, instead I would recommend that the mods for each game collectively come together and try to set things up.

I do plan to run this game in the future, so im trying to help me out in the longrun as a secret agenda :P But if karate kid or little mermaid have discord servers, I think TMNT could fix one as well ; )

Feel free to discuss about it!

Jönköping, Swedenxenkaroshi6 years ago

I have interest in learning this eventually, but I'm also concerned if even with the tutorial vids provided, if I get stuck and need help solving some spots or issues with the game. As far as I've heard - this is the only means of communication between runners aside from potentially catching a live streamer?

Well then.. Why is there no discord server for ways of faster communication? I've had great experience from other communities I've learned games for which have used this feature - so it's shocking to know I'd have to go back to pm messages waiting for responses in forum threads if I ever got stuck..

I understand the biggest argument for keeping forums is to save useful information, but that doesn't give the best, fastest line of communication for easier solved questions. How come this franchise haven't taken advantage of discord yet?

As of now, I'd be too concerned to learn any Metroid game for this reason. I understand it's easy to point fingers and not give a s¤it about some random guy coming into your house just to complain.

But I am a runner and I've always wanted to run this, but the tools of doing so seems so outdated compared to other titles that I feel discouraged to pick it up : ( Is main line of communication gonna continue like this for the years to come?

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