Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix2 years ago

Hello everyone. This post won't be very important but it's just something i wanted to write.

So you all probably noticed that i disappeared for more than a year without any reason nor warning. And the reason for that is simply that i got...Bored. Bored of managing this by myself and i simply lost interest in it. There was nothing wrong with the community itself. I have nothing to say about you guys, you were very nice while i was active but it's just that i got bored doing something i didn't asked for. Here something that pretty much none of you know, i was the first person to do runs on this page and because of that, the original moderator made me the new moderator while he left and basically gave me the responsability of all of this without telling me about it so i was left alone to manage this page who was growing suddenly.

So i'm going to step down as super mod and let Kimifail take charge and i'm happy to see that he did quite a good job keeping this page up to date with the events and being quite active (more than me who didn't log on for more than a year)

All of this was quite fun to do and i'm happy to see that this page managed to got a small community of active runners. I might come back sometime later as a runner myself (since it's maybe time for me to update my original runs who are more than 3 years old)

So in summary of my small "rant" :

  • I was gone because i lost the drive to take care ot this.
  • I will be stepping down as a super mod and let Kimifail take charge
  • I will still answer if you have some issues with the page. Just contact me via Discord.

Have a nice day everyone and see you one day maybe

kimifail المعجبون بهذا
Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

You could do a no items run if you want to add a difficulty to your runs but i won't add that as a new category since some people already do no items runs as a regular run

Vale_irl المعجبون بهذا
Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

Speed Battle have been added

Also some of you have probably realised that i was "missing" for a few months. I just took a (long) break because ever since i became the moderator of this page,i was alone on this even if the amount of work wasn't gigantic. I was taking quite a bit of time to take care of this and with the growing community over the last 2 years, i was spending more and more time here so when i was sure that the new person i made moderator was able to take care of everything. I took a break but now i'm back and i was quite surprised to see 114 notifications on my account (they were all from this page so you were quite active all of you)

Redlp1 و kimifail تُحب هذا
Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

That's a good idea. I never thought about it but you're right,the whole point of these level is speedrunning. I didn't thought to add them because i never played the mode again since it was released so i completely forgot about it.

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

Hello guys I'm just going to give you a little tip on how to farm the links on your characters,i'm pretty sure some of you are already aware of this but for those who don't know. Links level up after a battle,doesn't matter how hard the battle is,it won't have a really big impact on your links. In order to level up your links efficiently you need to do a lot of battles and one of the best levels to do that is the last level of zone 23 in quest mode (yep,that mode is useful for something even now) You need to play that level on the super difficulty and do as much battle as possible. Since you will be fighting saibaiman mostly you should take a friend with an AOE. Doing that level while battling as much as you can will level up your links a few times (After doing this like 10 times,i have the links of the new vegito LR up to level 6 to 9. They were level 1 before i started that) Also,you will gain a lot of rank xp after doing that level and will probably level up a lot so it's a good way to farm links and ranks PS : Please remember that around level 5,links won't level up everytime so you will have some battles where none of your links level up. The higher the level of the links,the more often that will happen I hope that info was useful to some of you Have a good day

Flaming_Sponge و Fury تُحب هذا
Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

Somebody already posted a jp run and i refused it. It is clearly written global on the page so i won't accept jp runs. Simple as that,i don't know if there is a page for jp runs on speedrun.com so i can't direct you to it. As for the run that Professory mentionned...I didn't pay attention to it but i can't just take it down since it's been 8 months that the run is up on the leaderboard so i can't just take it down like that with the reason that it's a jp run so i'm going to leave it here as the only exception but now,i refuse all jp runs Using Global units on a jp run might be a good way to go around it but i don't know all the units available on both version so i won't take the risk on that. So in short,no jp runs are authorised here and i don't intend on changing that (for now)

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

I added all the new levels for all the categories that we got from the 5th anniversary and i also modified the order of the dokkan event. The most recent event is at the top and the oldest is at the bottom. By the way,we currently have 76 dokkan event (yeah,i took the opportunity to count them)

Also i see a lot of people who put their infinite dragon ball history run in the wrong category,especially for the cyborg one that they put in the super warrior category,please watch out when you submit your run,i do correct it but it be nice if i didn't need to do that

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

As i said almost 2 weeks ago. I have added the milliseconds to the in-game timer display but i can see that you guys (the one that are using it currently) doesn't fill that time correctly. The game gives us a time written like this X,YY,Z (You all know what the letters represents). Your first reflex is to put the milliseconds given by the game directly in the submission page but speedrun.com doesn't understand correctly the time written. For example,when the game gives you X,YY,6 It means that you have a time with 600 milliseconds,not 6. So you must input 600 on the site and not the number given by the game because it only shows the first digit of the milliseconds and not all 3 digits.

In summary,when inputting milliseconds on your time. Multiply the number given by the game by 100 and you will have the correct time

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

Old runs won't need to be resubmitted,I will just go and add the milliseconds on every runs (Yeah that will be some work for me but i don't mind)

And i could display the newest levels at the top. It's the whole reason of this post to get feedback from you guys. I don't want to do a drastic change to the system suddenly without you guys knowing

Wildfire226 المعجبون بهذا
Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

After checking the runs on boss rush 1 at Super difficulty (the level with the most runs) i realised that some runs have the same time and that the top 3 is getting pretty close. So i will be adding soon a new in-game time system,you will need to give the full in-game timer (meaning you will need to add the milliseconds) With the milliseconds added we will be able to have a leaderboard even with time that are extremely close.

Also i just thought how a new way to display the levels but my idea is to regroup every level about one character in a single category but if i do that,we will have a lot of categories but it would be less than what we already have. For example,i would create a category named "goku" and inside of this,i will put every dokkan event concerning goku (goku SSB kaioken,goku SSJ3,goku SSJ4 etc). Would you like that new system or would you prefer to keep the current system of displaying levels ?

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

I completely forgot to respond to your question last month. My bad. But yes,i could had them as new categories and i think that it would be a good idea because those levels (Infinite dragon ball History and goku rush in particular) are made for the players with strong teams,so like that you will be able to show how you do those events in particular and actually,this could help others players who have some trouble with those events so i will had them in the "misc" category with quest mode

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix3 years ago

I recently changed my mind concerning the emulator situation. I now allow emulator runs but they have to be on the standard version of the game.

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix4 years ago

I won't allow an emulator because i don't know if you'll be using a modified version of the game that gives you all the cards at max level Sorry if that create a big problem for you but i just won't allow emulator runs since i don't use one myself and don't know a lot about it,so i refuse all of them just to be sure

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix4 years ago

Thanks for reminding me that. I completely forgot about it

So Boss rush 7 has been added

GFQ|Durzo المعجبون بهذا
Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix4 years ago

Hello everyone. I'm currently on vacation so i can't verify any run right now. I will ne back home next monday so i will verify every run next tuesday. You can still send your runs,just they will be verify August 13th because i will have personal stuff to do once i got home so i don't think i will be able to verify runs the 12th Have a good day everyone and happy holiday

GFQ|Durzo المعجبون بهذا
Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix4 years ago

LR teq Broly is extremely useful against the extreme z battle of goku ssj3 because i don't have any good card for that event on my side and broly just carry me through the whole event by dealing 5M damage to goku when i reach turn 4 and use his active skill

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix5 years ago

I will never change the fact that the time of the run is the in-game timer because if i count menuing also i personally wouldn't be able to do any run because my game can take a lot of time to just load one menu so i would instantly lose as soon as i start my run. The in-game timer doesn't have that much problem so i will only use that one for the run's time.

But i do consider adding new type of runs (i already did it with the quest mode and i can do a similar thing for the dokkan event)

Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix5 years ago

Hello guys I just added the new stage of Super battle road and the future gohan event as well even though he isn't out yet but since he's the next event,I decided to add it now

Wildfire226 المعجبون بهذا
Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix5 years ago

They seems to be permanent,i wasn't aware of that. In that case,i might add this as a future category but right now,it would be a bit too much considering the number of runners

RosconDeReyes11 المعجبون بهذا
Haute-Normandie, Francestarfrix5 years ago

there is one problem with that. What about the runners who will join the community in a few month when the ginyu force event won't be available anymore ? And not everybody will have the ginyu force team Otherwise it's a good idea but it will be a problem in the future so personnally i won't add it

Mizat المعجبون بهذا
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