California, USApowerbread3 years ago

with that in mind, i think what's best for the speedrunning community is to have a unified catch.gd file that can be used for all runs. but if it's just something that's achieved instantly with a unified catch.gd file, then there's no point in the run. it should probably go up to a vote, i guess.

Untruly المعجبون بهذا
California, USApowerbread3 years ago

my friend brought up a very good point. 100% means 100% to not get the future upgrades doesn't make it 100%. at least any% makes sense, just getting the upgrade as fast as possible. this would remove the arbitrary restriction on no trophy room in any% IL. however, this would make trophy room and any% the same speedrun, removing the point for an IL category. but i believe that the other any% IL categories at least have some semblance of having a point.

Untruly المعجبون بهذا
California, USApowerbread3 years ago

-People already submit runs to both -The fact that the rules are exactly the same for both any% and 100% IL -I cannot see any difference that could be applied other than for 100%, previous upgrades must be bought before split counts --ie. Mayan2012 100% IL cannot count until previous upgrades are bought

I was thinking of just combining the any% and 100% categories. If there are any legitimate objections, I will take that into consideration. If no one objects within the next month (because I know no one actively checks the forum), I will go ahead and just combine the categories.

Untruly و Oogle تُحب هذا
موضوع: Garfield Kart
California, USApowerbread6 years ago

Anything important I would need to know to start speed running?

California, USApowerbread6 years ago

There seem to be things missing from the Level Leaderboard page. Could this just have been glossed over? It would be nice to see it filled out.

Oogle المعجبون بهذا
California, USApowerbread6 years ago

you put a luigi run in v.9b (level 3) just saying.

California, USApowerbread6 years ago

Thank you.

California, USApowerbread6 years ago

oh wait, nnmn beat some of mine. :/ whatever.

California, USApowerbread6 years ago

Hello, I'm PowerBread, a "speedrunner" for this game. I'm active, and aside from nnmn (who also applied for mod), I have the most records. I can understand your denial since I am new and haven't proven myself yet, but I would like some feedback, thanks.

نبذة عن powerbread
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