تشغيل: Block Dude
potwasher9 months ago

I was going to reject this run, since it does not use emulator or physical hardware, but noticed in a previous run I had sent the following message.

This run will be accepted. However, using that website is probably a slight disadvantage compared to playing on an emulator or using a calculator, since holding down a direction such as left/right may have comparatively longer DAS/delayed auto shift (tetris term).

It is important to note that this website does not have the same menu screens as the original calculator game, and any full-game runs on this website will be rejected.

flashhh المعجبون بهذا
تشغيل: Block Dude
potwasher1 year ago

This run will be accepted. However, using that website is probably a slight disadvantage compared to playing on an emulator or using a calculator, since holding down a direction such as left/right may have comparatively longer DAS/delayed auto shift (tetris term).

موضوع: Card City Nights
potwasher7 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I went through another run, this time 2:17. I tried out 1x Jenny Tiger. I would say it was alright. In the endgame, I think I might rather have stuff like Eliminator or Netherbird. Didn't get Young Turnip.

Also, I had previously been buying 2x Mildagrad, 2x Drone, 1x Stick after Cave, but forfeiting the Fishbun battle puts you with not enough gold for the Stick. If you set animations 2x before the tutorial it's pretty fast. Fishbun is practically a guaranteed 9 turn battle, but I guess it still isn't worth it? Probably at least worth considering.

موضوع: Card City Nights
potwasher7 years ago

I started running this game really recently. First full "speed run" was 2 hours 40 min after an embarrassing number of Mysterious Lady fails which I won't be submitting.

I have a few questions about the run, as I've only been learning through the two runs Blazephlozard has submitted.

For whether to go Turnip/Hunk Bump before Haunted Hause, I think Turnip/Hunk Bump makes more sense. Haunted House has more damage duels which is better with more cards, especially the guaranteed Mama & Son DX.

Not 100% on whether to go Science Lab or Bear Mine first. I think Bear Mine first especially if alchemizing Anna Ban since Bear Mine has damage battles. Definitely Science Lab before Camping Ground b/c of Iji DX.

Can you sell me on Heart/Esi/Jenny Tiger/Young Lichious Turnip? I'm not a huge fan of any of these cards. I've been trying to do 5x Really 5x Alice as much as possible in the endgame and those arrows don't really match. Although I like using Esi, it doesn't work with those two cards. I guess Young Turnip acts as additional Iji DXs, but I feel like having 3x would clutter the deck and board, especially with Anna Ban. Having at least 1 does make sense since Mysterious Lady has the annoying Princess Pitch DX. Is Heart really that good? Looks like a poor man's Jenny Deer.

If you have a Haja at Science Lab, I think it's well worth it to alchemize an Anna Ban with Haja + uncommon(I think).

It's not written in the notes but Blazephlozard you did it in your runs. It's better to hit Esc to speed animations to 2x before tutorial right?

I feel like I've been disabling much more than your notes. Since damage is usually faster than disabling, I'll definitely try to start prioritizing that a little more.

Thanks so much for uploading your routes!

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