Swedenominij4 years ago

Hey, I've got some suggestions for how to improve the leaderboard for this game. I would like to do these changes myself, if you want to make me a moderator, but that's up to you.

  1. Have the leadeboard categories like this: Any% (Main category) Worst Ending/Bad Ending/True Ending (subcategories) Easy/Normal (subcategories)

  2. New categories: Any% NG+ (Main category) Worst Ending/Bad Ending/True Ending/Early Ending/Joke Ending (subcategories)

  3. Add "Xbox One", "PS4" and "Switch" to playable consoles.

  4. Add rules for when time starts and when it ends.

  5. Add a proper game cover, since the current one is just a wallpaper. I added one in the link below.

  6. Change the games name to "Anima: Gate of Memories". I've seen the title being written without the ":" but I think it looks better this way.

  7. Change the URL to be "agom" for easy access, instead of the current one.

  8. I've made some rank icons, if you want to use them. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n6l9rcxe4a57u7h/AABu4gJFx47jZObXrD635GH9a?dl=0

Swedenominij5 years ago

After the new changes to the site, my profile background has suddenly changed to the same one for the game "Ico". Why can't I change back to the one I had before?

Swedenominij5 years ago

Hi! I think that the leaderboard could use some improvements, so here are my suggestions for how to make it better:

  1. Change "any%" and "All cases" to "Any%" and "All Cases". It's only a minor thing, but it looks better this way.

  2. Making a discord. I don't think it can't hurt having a discord for this game, as it makes communication easier and you never know when it might be useful.

  3. Adding a nice wallpaper. The current is honestly pretty bad quality, so I've put some good ones in the link below.

  4. I've made some rank icons, which I think would look very nice on the leaderboard. There are two variants, so pick the one you like most: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fn8308d9f6jshxq/AAACuZZ9sUeDXp_sHriPR_UNa?dl=0

  5. Add some fitting colors to the theme of the leaderboard. Maybe a nice blue color for the Row border, like 3581A1 or something. I'd gladly do this myself, if you want to make me a moderator, but that's totally up to you guys :)

Swedenominij5 years ago

Hey, I've thought of some things that would improve the leaderboard for this game.

  1. Forced re-deploying should allowed. I do this in my run, which I will submit if this is changed. It's a feature in the game and in Any% why would you not want to go as fast as possible?

  2. Add "Casual", "Normal" and "Hardcore" difficulties as subcategories for full-game and IL runs. You never know if someone would like to play on other difficulties, so we might as well add them.

  3. Add a nice wallpaper from the game. Should be a no brainer, as it simply looks much better with one. There are some in the link below.

  4. I've made some rank icons, if you'd like to use them: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3jf3fz3181f4y1p/AADtatgxDZ3DhFSk0YtHp-Xga?dl=0

I would gladly make these changes myself if you want to make me a moderator, but that's up to you.

Swedenominij5 years ago

I found this out of bounds in the Geoforge level while playing trough the game. It's not useful, but maybe you can do this somewhere else and possibly save time. Just thought I'd share it in case someone would be interested in this.

Akuretaki و Kromer تُحب هذا
Swedenominij6 years ago

I found this new skip that lets you get over the gate without using the 2 levers to activate the power to open it.

Currently it's inconsistent and isn't viable in full game runs. However, if a consistent setup would be found it should save a decent amount of time since you don't have to kill the enemies and unlock the gate.

SuiMachine المعجبون بهذا
Swedenominij6 years ago

Hey! I just thought of some suggestions for how to improve the leaderboard and stuff, so let me know what you think of them.

1. Change the main category to Any% NG+. I think it's much more fun than a normal NG run and it should be the default category.

2. Change the difficulties name from "Easy", "Normal", Hard" -> "Casual", "Normal", "Hardcore". This is what they are refered to in-game, and so they should have the same names.

3. Adding subcategories for each difficulty. Otherwise it will be unfair for those who don't play on the same difficulty to compete with each other.

4. Add rules, such as when timer starts, ends and what NG+ means etc.

5. Add a better wallpaper. The current one is low quality and should be changed to a clearer and nicer one.

6. Make the theme of the site more fitting to the game's visuals. So maybe use the same colors such as the cover art or something.

7. I've made rank icons and a logo, so they could be added as well.

All the wallpapers, rank icons and logo is in this dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nt5yelmrrvddoef/AACsETwblgPX_Hoj4F2ejGPra?dl=0

Swedenominij6 years ago

Hey. I've just got some suggestions for things that could make the leaderboard a little better.

  1. Adding a wallpaper. I've put a few wallpapers that could fit well in a link at the end, so see if you like any of them. I personally think the 1st and 2nd one looks best.

  2. The rules says "Timer starts when you press A to confirm the new game", but on PC you don't have A to confirm. So maybe change it to "Timer starts when you confirm a new game" or something like that.

  3. The rules for Brutal categories does not include that it have to be played on Brutal difficulty, so it would be good to add this. Also, for the PC categories you should add that it has to be played on PC as well.

  4. I noticed that TheCaptainStream's Any% Brutal run is not in the "Any % PC" category, so that should be fixed.

  5. I've also made some ranking icons for the leaderboard, which might fit in nicely. There are two different variations, so try them out and see which fits best. If they need more improvement, let me know and I can try fix it.


Swedenominij6 years ago

I've been wanting to do this post for a while, but been to lazy and had other stuff to do. Even though no one runs this game anymore (me included), it doesn't hurt creating a thread of the few bugs/glitches I know off. Maybe this will be useful to someone.

  • http://www.ign.com/wikis/binary-domain/Glitch This one is very vague as it doesn't specify which level and terminal this supposedly occurred on. Even if it's true, but for a terminal that isn't used in the run, it might not be that useful. However, if it could be done to any terminal it would make it possible to get more upgrades much earlier in the run.

  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kif8eNRvz0 This is a weird bug that I got and I'm not sure how it happened. Normaly Bo blocks your path until he's done talking and afterwards let you through and you can run to trigger HQ calling you. However, here HQ did it immediately after Bo were done. Though it seemed to mess up my game with some form of softlock.

  • www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL9vIoPKTew In my opinion this is the most interesting and possibly useful glitch. This video shows an actual out of bounds! It would be amazing if this would make it possible to skip the Gorilla boss (I hate it) as it would save a lot of time. I have tried it myself a few times but couldn't get it to happen.

So if you find any bugs/glitches yourself that seems useful in some way, feel free to post them here.

Swedenominij7 years ago

Hey guys, I've got some suggestions that could improve this site and wanted to know what you think about it.

  1. Instead of having a seperate category for each difficulty, let's just make the main category Any% with subcategories for all difficulties.

Any% (Category)

  • Cakewalk
  • Rust'Em Up
  • Survivor
  • No Mercy
  1. At the moment the rule, about when time starts, is not what me and Sympy do in our runs. The rules says "Timer starts after save file location is chosen.", but we start the timer when the first cutscene is skipped. Which way of timing should we use?

  2. Same as the first suggestion, but this time with the Level Leaderboard. Also, the rules for the Level Leaderboard are duplicated and should be fixed.

Nordanix المعجبون بهذا
Swedenominij7 years ago

Hey guys, me and nordanix have been thinking about some ways that would help improve the community. These are just our own suggestions and ideas that we think would be good to implement in some form. Feel free to give us your inputs and thoughts on these points and what to change or add.

  1. New Category The new category will have both Co-op and Solo variations.

100%/All Collectibles Rules:

  • Collect all 16 gifts and 32 portrait pieces and complete the game by defeating the last boss.
  • In-game time is used, which is all the stages combined completion time.
  • Must be done on a new save file.
  • If you wish to use Real-time, time starts when selecting the controller scheme and ends when timer stops on the final boss.
  1. Level Leaderboard The leaderboard will have both Co-op and Solo variations.

Just a leaderboard for all the stages 1-5 of all the 9 Worlds. This could be a good way for those who might not want to commit to a full run and could help push for finding new strats.

  1. General fixes to the page Just some small fixes to keep the page correct and nice.
  • Add rules to all categories.
  • Maybe add some colors
  • Background wallpapper of the game
  • Tags for the game to help people find this game by browsing tags on Speedrun.com. Examples: 3D platformer, Co-op, puzzle etc.
  • Correct Launch Date (December 7, 2000 in JP)
  • Add the other versions of the game (DS and PS3)
Nordanix المعجبون بهذا
Swedenominij7 years ago

Hey guys, I submitted a run 2 days ago and it has yet to be verified. Obviously it's because our moderator has been offline for 2 months, so I think we should add another moderator in case this continues.

What do you guys think about this? Should one of us make a post in the "Leaderboards moderation requests thread" about this?


نبذة عن ominij
Routing enthusiast for lesser known games.
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