Canadalohsa5 years ago

if i’ve missed anything/gotten anything wrong, @ me on discord and i’ll fix it!!!!

Summary: fuse has created a modified .xbe of JSRF that inserts an In Game Timer (IGT) into the bottom-left corner of the game screen, which is derived from in-game frames. This creates a level playing field for all runners, as IGT would not be affected by software or hardware differences such as load times. As of right now, this IGT is only accessible through the modified .xbe file, which requires a softmodded xbox.

It is possible to have the IGT either stop or continue during non-interactive cutscenes (i.e. DJK/Gouji cutscenes with black bars on the top and bottom of the screen; not in-level/mash-A dialogue). The debate now is to determine:

  • The behaviour of the IGT in these cutscenes, either PAUSED or ACTIVE
  • If the IGT is PAUSED during cutscenes: whether or not to skip cutscenes at the press of an A button, by retroactively adding the total runtime of all skipped cutscenes (according to the runner’s version of the game) to both their loadless and RTA times. These various runtimes would be calculated using the IGT to a hundredth of a second


Due to respective cutscene times being added after the fact, skipping cutscenes would have no effect on the meta of which language is faster as english will still always be slower due to having a longer total cutscene runtime. Therefore, skipping cutscenes would be a complete “Quality of Life Change” (wecn)

If cutscenes are skipped, the cutscenes runtimes MUST be added to the run. Not adding them results in the complete deletion of cutscenes from the speedrun, which would, among other things:

  • Artificially change the fastest language to english
  • Give unmodded/vanilla runners a 25? min disadvantage EDIT: this could be avoided if cutscene times are removed from all runs by default. this would result in runs with a final time of 1:2x:xx (demo)


Per the discussion on discord, there are now 2 main sides of the argument:

Option A: UNSKIPPABLE cutscenes and ACTIVE IGT during cutscenes

  • Cutscenes are unskippable, as in vanilla JSRF
  • The IGT would only pause during the blue Now Loading screens, as well as 'black' loading screens (very subtle loading screens when changing characters, going from chuo to shibuya in ch2, etc.)

Option B: SKIPPABLE cutscenes and PAUSED IGT during cutscenes

  • Cutscenes are skippable by pressing the A button (can be seen in vanilla JSRF by retrying the Combo challenge or Zero Beat)
  • The IGT would pause during cutscenes, the blue Now Loading screens, and 'black' loading screens
  • remember, the cutscene times would still be added after the run! (see above)

A third option expressed in the discord is having UNSKIPPABLE and UNTIMED cutscenes, however this option is rather redundant since if cutscenes are untimed in the first place, skipping them has no result on the final time of the run; The fourth possible option, SKIPPABLE and TIMED, is undesirable because it introduces inconsistencies in when the player chooses to skip the cutscenes and the standardized cutscene runtimes added to the run’s final time.

This thread will be used for the community to vote for either option A or option B. A post will be made for each option, featuring various arguments and quotes (either positive or negative) I’ve assembled from the discord discussion. Votes will be cast by Liking the post you support. Since I can’t Like my own posts smh, I’ll just write in the post which one I vote for.

I’m thinking by thursday or friday we can finalize the votes if there’s a clear winner

Also, if you have an opinion/belief/quote/argument/write-up that isn’t featured or reflected in this post, please post it! This is important shit and your voice should be heard.

Canadalohsa6 years ago


this was used to calculate the loadless for the top 9 times, i'll put it here for reference

also you can shitpost here

Canadalohsa8 years ago

Hey guys. I've always wanted to try speedrunning, so might as well start with my favourite game :) Will spend the near future learning any% while doing IL runs whenever.

Not really much more to say, just wanted to say hi to the community :)

P.S. is there a discord or irc or the like? can I be tossed an invite?

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