North Brabant, Netherlandsjw131 year ago


From my experiences you should be able to run on the standard VBA settings. If I notice that your VBA runs higher than the native frame-rate in your first couple submissions I will make sure to help you resolve the issue. Personally I've noticed that VBA runs at an unnoticeably slower framerate than the native GBA framerate, so you will find yourself at an extremely slight disadvantage. However, this only really matters at the highest level of any% for this game. We run these leaderboards with the leniency that will allow everyone with clean intent to participate, so everything is negotiable. Thank you for asking and good luck with your first runs!

Apock212 و Ronald تُحب هذا
North Brabant, Netherlandsjw132 years ago

Because of the heavily cycle-based nature of this game, we decided to have the milliseconds show up for all any% runs under 8 minutes. Because of how much in the any% speedrun is cycle-based, runners being tied to the second eventually becomes more likely than not. Don't worry too much about making sure you submit the right amount of milliseconds in your runs as the moderator team will check if they're correct either way.

North Brabant, Netherlandsjw132 years ago

Oh thank you! That's sloppy on my side, I'll fix it right away!

North Brabant, Netherlandsjw132 years ago

Thank you very much! I'll do my best! ^w^

WagnerBrasil المعجبون بهذا
North Brabant, Netherlandsjw132 years ago

Hey everyone! Me again, I just finished a new Discord server for this game! It has been asked about before, and I decided it couldn't hurt to give this game a hub for its community. Make sure to read the rules before you interact. We're happy to have you!

Here's the link: https://discord.gg/CMWvFkaZZM

Ronald, WagnerBrasil, و Acid_Rain تُحب هذا
North Brabant, Netherlandsjw132 years ago

Hey everyone! I'm jw13, I'm the new supermoderator of this game, and I'm going to try to bring this community to life! I'm making a lot of changes at the moment, and the first big one I want to address is the change I'm making to the IL leaderboards. I have decided to add leaderboards for all levels for those who are interested in IL-ing stages outside of just the ones you see in Any%. On top of that, I made a leaderboard split between completing stages the way you'd complete them in an Any% run, and the way you'd complete them in an Any% Warpless run. I made sure to add placeholder N/A runs to leaderboards that are on levels that have no unique Any% variation. I'm thinking of instead having this split be between runs that use and don't use warp exits, but I'll revisit that decision later.

More changes to come! Stay tuned!

Apock212, SoapAgent و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
North Brabant, Netherlandsjw132 years ago

You went so fast! Well deserved buddy, GG!

موضوع: Shenzhen Solitaire
North Brabant, Netherlandsjw133 years ago

With Stllr's support, I adjusted the rules of both leaderboards to mention that a board win counts when the win counter at the bottom left of the screen increases, rather than when the victory animation starts playing. We both find this way of tracking completed boards to be a bit less arbitrary and difficult to time precisely, as well as easier to explain.

  • jw13
stllr المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Trap Adventure 2
North Brabant, Netherlandsjw134 years ago

Hiya, I was looking at the leaderboards for this game and I noticed that Andrewrb15's run finishes the apparently required part of the 'Normal' category earlier than the world record does. But the time they submitted is for when the true ending of the game was reached. Why wasn't their time edited?

North Brabant, Netherlandsjw135 years ago

I got it! Walking away at least 16 pixels did the trick ^^ apparently I kept trying to set it up too quickly, I didn't know I had to take 16 pixels of distance from it first. Thank you very much guys! :)

JSR_, mrcab55 و 3 آخرون تُحب هذا
North Brabant, Netherlandsjw135 years ago

Hey guys, newbie here if you hadn't guessed ^^'. I'm currently trying to learn Any% no up+A and I came across a point that could be done faster with block clipping. Needless to say I tried learning it, I looked up some tutorials and they were all telling me that if Link is looking down after slashing your sword and tapping left/right, you got the trick. However, I've gotten Link to look down from slashing to the side consistently, yet when I start holding forward he almost never actually clips into the block. When it does work I feel like I did nothing different. Does anyone here know what might be going on?

North Brabant, Netherlandsjw135 years ago

It's normal, to my understanding your chao data is stored on a different save file called SONIC2B_ALF. This file and your other save files can be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Sonic Adventure 2\resource\gd_PC\SAVEDATA or wherever your game is located.

Lexi, Ravel, و Jaypin88 تُحب هذا
نبذة عن jw13
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