تشغيل: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza211 month ago

how lucky you were, congratulations

Ícono de validado por la comunidad

موضوع: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza213 months ago

We were waiting a few days after the update to see what the final result of the FOV was since announcing it is not the same as having it implemented in the game, now we just saw how it is and it seems that BHVR did not retract that change, it is will see in the rule change about that

موضوع: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza213 months ago

if you don't have the lobby then no

غير معروف
Argentinagoonza213 months ago

So runs are getting a bit more frequently now and If you want to be a part of the moderation team feel free to let either myself, All you need is to know the rules and spare an hour or 2 a week (depending on the amount of runs) My discord is goonza21#4318 if you want to contact me there

Argentinagoonza216 months ago

So runs are getting a bit more frequently now and If you want to be a part of the moderation team feel free to let either myself or Kais know, All you need is to know the rules and spare an hour or 2 a week (depending on the amount of runs) My discord is goonza21#4318 if you want to contact me there

Argentinagoonza216 months ago


What you tell me is valid and there is no problem if another family member kills a victim, and if you do it with friends it would enter the "team" section.

موضوع: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza218 months ago

It sounds more like a rejection, because the killer is throwing the match

felpsfgc المعجبون بهذا
Argentinagoonza218 months ago


mikah404TTV المعجبون بهذا
Argentinagoonza218 months ago

hi lonewanderer821 I tell you, about "making a separate leaderboard for Survivors/Killers With Friends and solo queue" We will see it in the future if there is much difference with the times since there is communication in the matches. now about "separate leaderboards for different escape methods" we already think it's fine as it is because we already subdivided the escape category a lot (and besides that more maps may be included in the future). but it is not ruled out anyway, we will see how the game develops and we will see what we are going to do

Argentinagoonza218 months ago

hello allamend I'll tell you, in this case I was verifying and rejecting all the pending speedruns today, to accept them we first download the video and review it to verify that it does not break any rules (if it does, it is rejected) and if everything is fine it is timed time and check. now about why some speedruns take longer than others to verify is because in my case I have problems downloading some videos from twitch, so to speed up I first verify and reject the videos that are uploaded to youtube and then those from twitch

Argentinagoonza2111 months ago

Welcome to the speedruns page of the texas chain saw massacre!

Here the moderators will answer all your questions and suggestions about the categories, send speedruns, rules, etc.

Do not hesitate to write, a moderator will answer you

TheLouieCopeland, Ectorlot و 2 آخرون تُحب هذا
تشغيل: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza211 year ago

hold my beer

تشغيل: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza211 year ago

I resend this run again because the link in this video is for a trapper's adept, so I edited it and put the link of the corresponding one from the cenobite's adept

موضوع: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza211 year ago

Well, I had some ideas and I wanted to share them to see what you think

☆ hatch escape:

you must be the last survivor and escape through the hatch The timer starts when the black bars disappears. (top/bottom) The run ends when your escape icon appears.

⋅⋅⋅ You must escape via the hatch. ⋅⋅⋅ If the Survivor/Killer is farming, AFK, or disconnects the run will be rejected. ⋅⋅⋅ If anyone attempts to not play the game as intended in order to get the hatch it will be rejected. ⋅⋅⋅ If 1 person disconnects the run is invalid. ⋅⋅⋅ If a player disconnects for the hatch the run will be invalid.

(With this category we would divide the escape into 2, escape through a gate and escape through a hatch, in addition to the fact that in spite of the fact that in the current escape you can climb runs escaping through a hatch, the possibility of this happening is unlikely and it is mostly chosen to escape through the gate)

☆ chase (survivor):

As a survivor you must keep up the chase with the killer for as long as possible. The timer starts when the chase music starts The run ends when you get the flee points or when you get the chase points when the killer knocks you down

...If the Killer is farming, AFK or disconnects the run will be rejected.

(I know you may think that a speedrun in which you have to have the maximum possible time instead of the minimum does not make sense on a speedruns page, but the truth is that besides that I think it is a good category proposal being a challenge that many dbd players have done since its inception, there are already games and categories in which you have to have as much time as possible, and I'll leave you an example https://www.speedrun.com/subsurf )

☆ 1 generator (public match):

⋅⋅⋅ The timer starts as soon as the black bars top/bottom disappear. ⋅⋅⋅ The timer ends when the generator is complete ⋅⋅⋅ You can use any perks, items, add-ons or offering.

1 Gen Solo/ 1 gen swf ⋅⋅⋅ You must complete 1 generator. ⋅⋅⋅ The timer ends when the generator is completed.

(the 1 generator category is good, but it's also a category that would fit into public matches with no problem)

☆ gate escape (kyf):

The timer starts when the black bars disappears. (top/bottom) The run ends when your escape icon appears.

⋅⋅⋅ You must escape via the gate. ⋅⋅⋅ The footage must be from the survivors side.

(this category in the kyf despite the fact that you can send a run by escaping through the gate, 100% of all runs are always escape by the hatch, and it is a pity since the escape through the gate can also be interesting for speedruns)

☆ downed:

as a killer you must take down a survivor as fast as possible

The timer starts when the black bars disappears. (top/bottom) The run ends when 1 survivor is downed

public match: ⋅⋅⋅ You must down1 survivor ⋅⋅⋅ Anyone deemed to be AFK or getting hooked on purpose is not allowed. kyf: ⋅⋅⋅ The footage must be from the killers side.

(bro this is a category that would be perfect in speedruns, many try to take down a survivor immediately, a main nurse, a fast billy, a clever blight, a hunter with an iridescent head, etc etc etc, it would be very interesting to put it to test and if not, you can also use the following category that I propose "1 hook")

☆ 1 hook:

(a category that I propose that would also look good since there are 4 and 12 hooks and in case the category of downed does not attract much attention)

The time starts when the black bars disappears. (top/bottom) The time ends when the hooked bar has ended on the 1st Survivor hooked.

You must hook 1 survivor. The time ends when the hooked bar has ended on the 1st Survivor hooked

Killer: ⋅⋅⋅ You must hook 1 survivor. ⋅⋅⋅ Anyone deemed to be AFK or getting hooked on purpose is not allowed.

★★★★★★So what do you think of these categories?★★★★★★

موضوع: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza211 year ago

oh, I didn't notice that the old full tutorial was with the archived tutorial killer, thanks

موضوع: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza211 year ago

I have a question, where is the old full tutorial that was going to be archived due to a glitch that the killer could do?, because can't I find it

موضوع: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza211 year ago

Hi, I saw in the full tutorial that there are still runs with the bug where the killer could move after kicking the gen to gain an advantage, I just wanted to say it

تشغيل: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza212 years ago

??? this is the trapper, not the cenobite

موضوع: Dead by Daylight
Argentinagoonza212 years ago

Hello, I wanted to propose this new category that could be interesting in which the survivors must die unpleasantly on the floor, what do you think? I am very sure that this category will have more executions than the category (already eliminated) of mobile. (sorry if I couldn't speak correctly, I speak Spanish and I'm using a translator)

These would be the rules: If possible start your recording in the lobby and end it at the scoreboard screen. The game must be in full screen. Any Stretched Resolution or FOV changes are rejected. You must make sure nothing is covered that is required for us to verify the run. You must have the lobby at the start of the video. You must have Audio in your game. If In game names are turned off, You must show the scoreboard at the end of the game. The time starts when the black bars disappears. (top/bottom) The time ends when the last bar under the players name has disappeared in the bottom left. survivors must die on the ground

Solo: ⋅⋅⋅ You can use any Perks, Items, Add-ons and Offerings. ⋅⋅⋅ If a player is deemed to be AFK or trying to kill themselves the run is invalid. ⋅⋅⋅ All players must load into the game. ⋅⋅⋅ If a survivor has not been hooked and they disconnect it is not accepted. ⋅⋅⋅ If a survivor is downed (slugged) once and they disconnect it is not accepted. ⋅⋅⋅ If the killer doesn't interact with the survivor and they disconnect it is not accepted. ⋅⋅⋅ If the last surivivor disconnects it is not accepted. ⋅⋅⋅ If 2 or more survivors disconnect the run will be invalid. All runs are timed in milliseconds. Macros are not allowed, This includes wiggle/struggle/AFK etc..... Any bugs/glitches that don't give you an advantage will be accepted.

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