غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

I say this the one and only time.. I'm not going to add people to the sign up list if you are a maybe when you write here.. ONLY when you are sure I will sign you up.. So you will have to re-write to me when you are sure.. I'm not going to keep asking people if they are coming or not.. Want to join.. Then tell me when you know. ;) it's only if you change your mind in the last second or decide later on that you don't want to go and don't inform me before last day that you will have to pay for your bowling slot.

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

Adding Role from discord

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Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

Adding Cieran who signed up trough discord

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

@Noz I know I saw that as well but sadly those are the only times with the biggest windows at that time area cause you don't want dinner too early or too late. So for now i wont add you but once date is set just re write if you are going.

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

@HaosEdge it wasn't before but since I have done this for a few years now I wanted to give the people who join something extra for it. Runners usually strife to wanting to win and usually have a competitive way of thinking. Each side event I have had people asking me who won. Well.. Now they will earn a travelling trophy that will have their name on it showing that they did.

I think it's a really cool idea.

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

@HaosEdge I have been firm on the quiz for others so I feel bad if I would say it's OK to others. The quiz is part of the side event cause of the trophy. And if people would start ditching after bowling or dinner then we would have an issue with planning a lot for this with it ending up as a nothing.

So as I said to others. It's bowling +dinner+quiz. The 17 is only estimated cause it depends on how fast we eat, when we get to the restaurant etc and travel time to the bowling etc. Can even be earlier or later.

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

Update: Date and time Right now there's two days I'm looking at for this event -Wednesday, July 26, 2017 14.00 and Thursday, July 27, 2017 14.00. The final will be decided when i get in contact of the bowling area to book a place for us. These just were the most fitting times for this event. That means we will gather up at 13.45 before leaving at the entrence of the event and will be done around 17 with the bowling + dinner + quiz.

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

@BBF yeah well i cant help my mobile auto correct it to something else :P

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

@BFF the time wil be posted this or next week.. just double check when it's up and let me know in time.. otherwise i would need a payment for the bowling from you if you dont show up without telling me in time.

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

@crazycharlieh - i dont know exact since we might get a discount at the bowling alley as well. But i would guess around 100 sek for the bowling before any discounts + the money for the food you order.

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

[53/60 slots signed]

Welcome to #teambowling.

Team bowing was created already back in 2014 where we created a group during ESA which went to go bowling together. The year after that we extended this side event to everyone joining ESA in general with a great success. We were around 70+ people who signed up to go bowling together.

2016 was a setback since the bowling was closed during the summer so instead we booked in an event company with their bumperballs event, that also with a huge success.

This year we are bringing #teambowling back to our event with an exra twist to it. This years bowling will include:

  • ~ 1.5 h bowling.
  • dinner at a pre-booked restaurant
  • dinner enetertainment - quiz

Quiz time The quiz will last around one hour and will start after we have finished eating. The theme of the quiz will be informed before the dinner starts. Team setup will be at max five people for each team, you may choose on your own who you want to team up with. The winning team on the quiz is the winning team for this years side event and will have their team name written on our event trophy.

Introducing the side event traveling trophy. After two years of acivte side events creations we are now also creating the side event trophy. This is a prize given out to the winners of the side event that they proudly can show up as their teams prestige moment troughout the time during the event. YES it will be a real trophy, no plastic or candy kind.

The trophy will given to the team winning the side event and be at your disposal during the week. For safety messures etc I'm going to store it at home in between ESA events just so we know that it wont fall off somewhere else and also so you wont have to mail it back to me incase you wont attend the next year. You will get to choose a short team name max 12 characters that later will be visible on the thropy for each years winner. (example: 2017/ xxxxxxxxxxxx)


Sign up for #teambowling You sign up here, talking to me or irregularprograming, on the site etc. We will have 60 slots open to this! After that they will be closed. Signed up means you join in to everything. Bowling + food + quiz.

If you sign up and decide not to come I still need you to pay for your bowling slot. This is because the price will be an negotiated price with the bowlingalley for us so you will take up a slot that's not getting filled!

Payment You pay to me after the bowling is over before we go to the restaurant. So please try to keep it quick. Best is if you keep it on the money, making a lot of money exchange will be painful and slow for us before we can move to the restaurant. You can of course also pay in advance during the ESA as long as you talk to me first!

Last day to sign up is the day before the event. Date and time will come up soon!

Date and time Right now there's two days I'm looking at for this event -Wednesday, July 26, 2017 14.00 and Thursday, July 27, 2017 14.00. The final will be decided when I get in contact of the bowling area to book a place for us. These just were the most fitting times for this event. That means we will gather up at 13.45 before leaving at the entrence of the event and will be done around 17 with the bowling + dinner + quiz.

If any question feel free to ask me.

Cheers.. Dolls

Baffan و Ladaur تُحب هذا
غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

Me and neviutz are looking for someone to travel with to esa. If there's any kind soul who can pick us up anywhere close to skövde/mariestad.

It would mean the world to us.

Thank you in advance.


موضوع: Talk
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

What first started as a small idea has latley grown bigger and bigger.

I'm going to stream from dreamhack this summer with a podcast type of way. Give people a chance too see how everything is from the place. Show how ESA and their speedrun place is made from behind the schenes. Interview other runners and players fromthe event.

I just wanted to ask if anyone have any ideas what to bring up on the podcast? Any suggestions of any kind etc.

If you want just reply, pm me here or on twitter etc.

What do you think? Do you think its a good idea to throw together? Thanks for an kind of input.

Dolls aka Lewdunicorn

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls6 years ago

I will have to pre excusme that i have been off from this page for a while.. I will update every information so everything is up to date. For now sign up if interested. we will have a minimum requerment of people. And every person who signs up over that and the extra money over will go for extra amunition during the whole paintball event. So the more that sign up the more amunition basically.

I'm at the mddle of creating a big thing even for dreamhack so I will try be focused here as much as possible as well but I pre excuse myself if I'm a bit off.

Thanks in advance for any signups


غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Signing up as voulenteer for dhs.

موضوع: Introductions
Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

:) yeah and Nocturne isn't really the typical rpg in my opinion. Sure the story is amazing and one of the reasons why I fell in love with it in the first place. But it's so much more that you can do with it. Build your own party with so many different kind of setups and skills to use as well as a very high difficulty in the play itself. Hard mode actually means hard mode here where you can easily get screwed over.

I just dont know where or how to "promote" myself since I'm new and no one really knows me. So I was wondering if it also was maybe some general speedrun community that I could join and maybe one on twitch I could conect my stream towards?

موضوع: Introductions
Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

I'm new to this in general.. I have tried learning other games before but now I have finally found a game that I really enjoy learning.

And now im trying to find out how this comunity works. If theres anywhere where we can talk about these things etc. Because right now all I have is my discord, my twitter and my stream.

The game I have fallen in love with is the japanese RPG called SMT: Nocturne Hard TDE. Right now I'm learning the notes and the route trough my stream channel (pinkfluffyunicornTV) so people can follow my learning progress and help me if needed.

Any help is aprichiated about where to join in communitys and maybe even joining a group to stream trough on twitch. Also feel free to join in whenever I'm online to check how it's going for me learning the game. :)

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

This is the one im looking into at the moment. Page is in swedish but you find the prices for everything here.


There's one more company that I'm also looking into and prices is roughly the same.

غير معروف
Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

Stealing first post for updates and info...

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Swedencurseddolls7 years ago

I'm back again with my own side event plans. You might remember me as the one putting together team bowling, bumperballs and many other things for the last 3-4 years at ESA.

Why do I do this? Because from my point of view since I'm not a runner myself I always try to find things to do when I don't have anything to do at the venue for different kinds of reasons.

I would say that my side events have so far been a success considering that we usually bring together maybe 60-70 people that feel just the same. That it's nice too have something extra at the event for social bonding that you can enjoy.

This year will be no difference, this year I will bring you, paintball activity.

If you want to join in to this event, If you would like to shoot down you enemies with a colorful rainbow. Post your name below and I will add you to our army for ESA 2017.

The prices are in 3 different package deals: package 1 300 SEK 100 balls Mechanical marker Magazine Air systems Mask with double glass neck Protector camouflage Coverall gloves

package 2 500 SEK 500 balls Mechanical marker Magazine Air systems Mask with double glass neck Protector camouflage Coverall gloves Podpack

package 3 700 SEK 1000 balls Air systems Mask with double glass neck Protector camouflage Coverall gloves Podpack 1 smoke grenade

They also have different plus sides on having more people signed and joining. These are only accepted if EVERYONE pays for at least package 2 or 3. Basically if we are 40+ people we will get 4000 extra balls, I don't know how these are splitt though.

15+ individuals 500 free balls.

20+ individuals 1000 free balls.

25+ individuals 1500 free balls.

30+ individuals 2000 free balls.

40+ individuals 4000 free balls.

50+ PEOPLE Package 1: 200 SEK / person Package 2: 400 SEK / person Package 3: 600 SEK / person

I am aiming for 50+ people this years side event. So sign up as many as possible so we can get those extra signup offers. Since these are very special bundles i would like you to ONLY sign up if you REALLY are going please. Not just an "interest check". Sign ups can still be done at the event but that's the same deal. Only if you are actually going.

We are also going to travel there by bus most likely so take that into an account when joining for the cost.

Signed people :

  • Curseddolls.
WeirdGuy, Baffan, و Alko تُحب هذا
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