California, USAcrazyboynph8 years ago

I honestly feel like door skip serves no purpose here.

California, USAcrazyboynph8 years ago

It's all subjective. Bye bye. ~~ What does this mean?

Cursed, clearly we won't agree on this one, but there's something to be said about playing the game as close to as possible to how the developer intended it to be played.

I'll continue to speedrun with music on because it sounds fucking awesome!!

California, USAcrazyboynph8 years ago

once again, I value all your opinions, but speedruns should be conducted in a vanilla format.

for example, turning off game music in a speedrun should not be allowed. the game must remain unaltered.

I'm not trying to dethrone you by any means, but for future runs.

I feel that by adding door skip, allow skins, etc., we compromise the validity of this website.

California, USAcrazyboynph8 years ago

resets are not from stair skating, they are from dogs, snake, spider, random occurrences, etc., you name it.

remember, stair skating saves minutes, not milliseconds.

pretty much, the super moderator, carcinogen or whoever, should finalize this. whatever they say goes.

California, USAcrazyboynph8 years ago

for casual speed runners it's not a big deal, but when you're gunning for first place stair skating becomes a bigger problem due to the extremely high reset count.

California, USAcrazyboynph8 years ago

just to add, do speed runners actually enjoy stair skating? I think the majority will say no. the repeated abuse of my fingers feels like it's giving me arthritis. haha. but seriously, I have to keep skating this shit all day trying to come close to pessimism's real survival time, and if the slightest thing goes south, I find myself restarting and skating again. I hate it personally. I wish we could just ban it but I know i'm in the minority on this one. if I owned this site and/or was a verifier, I would ban it (it seems like common sense to me).

California, USAcrazyboynph8 years ago

Since day one, I stated my opinions on these same problems and no one gave a damn. It's up to the website and verifiers to implement specific criteria for each speed run.

If you don't want these topics, ban stair skating. It's simple.

We need specific criteria like: 60Hz or 144Hz, max graphics, vsync on or off, music on or off, skins (are you serious??), shotgun cancelling, skating, etc. 60 or 30 fps doesn't tell us anything.

It's a jungle out there. I feel no one cares. This site will become less legitimate over time unless action is taken.


When I read mods say speed runs are valid with different skins, I question the legitimacy of this website.

Additionally, there is no way to prevent cheating, you can only minimize it. People cheat in professional sports and game competitions.

You may even want to consider having a camera focused on the players gamepad for specific games.

California, USAcrazyboynph8 years ago

is it legal to disable all game music? i prefer to leave it on but I've seen others turn it off.

موضوع: Talk
California, USAcrazyboynph9 years ago

i noticed that nvidia shadowplay did not make the list for capture software on the resources page. is there a reason for this? i use it all the time and it works great. it's free if you have an nvidia graphics card, records 60 fps, 1080p, and other resolutions with no perf hit.

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