North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I'm gonna hope this is sarcastic but I'm gonna respond as if it isn't. webcams, phones, and other recording devices work fine. IDK why people think they need a capture card to record. If you cant get one, it's perfectly reasonable because they are expensive. Webcams are $10 and you probably have a phone that you could use as well.

Pear, linny356 و 6 آخرون تُحب هذا
موضوع: Super Mario Bros.
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Why the thread? This just looks like self promotion.

KingOfJonnyBoy المعجبون بهذا
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Well if you don't care then why are you still mod? If you don't care can you at least remove it for the people who do care?

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I've been looking into running this game as well and how hard is it to make a forum for new mods? why do you have to make a category? there is no point and it just clogs up the leaderboards. And it seems the mod doesn't care enough to actually enforce it? or maybe it ended? Why is that a thing.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I'm not trying to say like "capture cards are cheap and everyone should have them" but there are options no one looks at because they think they need an HD capture card and have to stream it to get verified which is never true for any game. The only game I've seen with streaming requirements is for top level Super Mario Bros. and that game is so optimized and insane it needs it.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Honestly I feel like people react too much. (thinking of my last post i'm kind of being hypocritical :P) but people are against it for reasons that can be solved easily. Video proof doesn't mean you have to stream. and people also don't think about the options. A lot of new runners only think about a capture card which isn't what's required. A $5 webcam and a table is all you need for video proof. Or if you do want a capture card then you can do what I suggested above and get a 10$ HDMI to AV converter and get an easycap. I'm all up for accessibility but video requirements aren't a big issue. If you can't buy a $5-10$ webcam, then not to be rude but, there are probably bigger issues than verification on leaderboards.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Honestly the fact that people get discouraged by video proof is so annoying. "I don't want to set up everytime I want to speedrun" is the worst excuse I've heard. That's like if NicroVeda got a new wr offline and said he didn't want to set it up. You can believe it all you want but without proof you can't verify it. As for recording, downscalling to av costs like 10$ and an easy cap costs 10$. The same as a decent enough webcam. Even if you aren't a very skilled runner you still need proof. I also hate when people submit runs 1 second above the video requirement so they can brag without proof. Also @Birch many games require video proof for all times. There is a setting for mods to enable it and many games use it.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Fixed. Thanks for pointing that out!

موضوع: Undertale
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I mean going into the forum and saying it's cheating without proving your point won't do anything. There is a reason communities allow or ban certain tricks and if you want something changed you need to give something to the community to think about that they can't just rebuttal.

موضوع: Super Mario Galaxy
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

And as a side note, where did you get that I was speaking for the majority of the community? I was giving my opinions, not speaking for others.

موضوع: Super Mario Galaxy
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I agree with Francesco on this. I've at least attempted running this game while i've not found anything that you have even tried running this game. On the note of me not doing IL's of games that I don't run full game RTA, I have tons of games and IL's that i've done and tried to optimize that I either lost the video too or didn't feel the need to submit, and therefore twitch deleted the vod. A simple look into my profile can show some things but not all things.

موضوع: Super Mario Galaxy
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

yes but what you stated doesn't attract people to run the game. IL's don't attract people to run a game because it allows them to practice. IL practice has nothing to do with an IL leader board. If you can prove to me that IL leader boards get's more people interested in running full game RTA or for strat finding and overall community involvement then I think it can be added but as of right now there is nothing valuable on the table for IL leader boards to be added.

Francesco و DoubleDubbel تُحب هذا
موضوع: Super Mario Galaxy
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

if people do it for practice then why would they need a leaderboard for it. That's like saying I wouldn't want to run this game and get good because there aren't individual level leaderboards so I can't practice them.

Francesco المعجبون بهذا
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

ehh. was more of abuse of power for a dumb reason so I kind of had it coming :P

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

ehh. was more of abuse of power for a dumb reason so I kind of had it coming :P

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

I used to be a mod but it got removed after a fight that happened about a runner's times being verifiable. I believe the agreement came about a year and a half to 2 years ago.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

When I ran this game I saw the same issue and the general agreement by the mods at that time is that if someone is willing to make an autosplitter that removes load times, then it would be added. removing load times manually and accurately would require mods or the runners to go frame by frame and remove loads. With how small the game is, it's way too much work and will demotivate runners imo. I don't think any of the mods opinions have changed so it's very unlikely it will happen.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

The wii version was also more popular than the ds version. Personally I think if people start running some more categories then they can be added but no point adding categories if no one will run them.

North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Don't go into forums to try to promote the games you run. If someone finds a game they want to run on this site, they would look into it and find it themselves. Posting a forum post on a game that has almost no relation to what you are talking about just annoys people and turns them away from the game and the community surrounding it.

KingOfJonnyBoy المعجبون بهذا
North Carolina, USAconmangamer226 years ago

Because the new rules were stated in the forum and there is nothing saying that it will come into effect at a later time, meaning it goes into effect immediately, even if the rules haven't been updated yet.

ohaithereman و defqon_Jan تُحب هذا
نبذة عن conmangamer22
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